PDE Transportation Formula and Subsidies Presented by Jennifer Hobart 1 Authorization Sections 2509.1, 2509.3, 2541 and 2543 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code Chapter 23, Sections 23.32 through 23.40 of the State Board of Education Regulations Other Citations Sections 1361, 1362, 1365, 1366, 1374, 1726-A of the Pennsylvania Public School Code 2 Overview of Data Required for the Subsidy 3 Pupil Count Data The following data is reported in eTran: Number of public school pupils transported Number of pupils transported to nonpublic schools located within the school district or outside of the school district at a distance no greater than ten miles Number of pupils transported to charter schools outside of the school district at a distance no greater than ten miles or to a regional charter school Number of public school pupils residing within 1 ½ miles of an elementary school or 2 miles of a secondary school but are transported because of certified hazardous walking routes Number of pupils transported within walking distance when route is not certified as hazardous (nonreimbursable pupils). 4 Nonreportable Transportation Pre-kindergarten programs Summer School Extended School Year Programs Nonpublic or Charter School students transported beyond 10 miles from the district border (except for regional charter schools) 5 Types of Service LEA-Owned School district, IU or AVTS owns the vehicles and employs drivers Contract with Contractor LEA negotiates a contractual agreement with a bus company, taxi service or an independent contractor LEA negotiates a contractual agreement with another LEA that does not own the vehicles Contract with Parent or Other Individual LEA has agreement with a parent or relative to transport students Contract with Another LEA LEA negotiates a contractual agreement with another LEA that owns the vehicles Fare-based LEA purchases tokens or passes for service provided by a common transportation carrier over established routes and schedules, as certified by PUC or transit Authority. (Students ride with the general public.) 6 Individual Vehicle Data The following data is reported in eTran: Vehicle Identification Number Manufacturer Serial Number Year of manufacture of chassis Seating capacity Days of use Daily miles with pupils Daily miles without pupils Greatest number of pupils assigned to any one run Layover or congested hours 7 Other Data Used in Subsidy Calculations Market value aid ratio STEB market value Amount paid contractor Total transportation expenditures from AFR Total annual miles for LEA-owned vehicles Cost index IU transportation state revenue and proration by school district AVTS transportation service proration by school district 8 Overview of Individual Vehicle Calculations 9 Summary of Individual Vehicle Data The following data is reported by the LEA in eTran: Approved Daily Miles Sum of daily miles with and daily miles without pupils. If daily miles without exceeds daily miles with the calculation is 2 times daily miles with. Utilized Passenger Capacity Miles Vehicle ID Code, Manufacturer’s Serial Number, Year Manufactured, Seating Capacity, Number of Days, Daily Miles With, Daily Miles Without, Number of pupils, and Total Annual Miles. Approved Annual Miles x Number of Pupils Approved Annual Excess Hours Congested Hours or Layover Hours approved by PDE 10 Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles Fractional Adjustments Shared Service Fraction Calculated when a vehicle is used in more than one notification number – normally by two LEAs Prorata share based on Approved Daily Miles x Number of Days x Number of Pupils Miles <20 Fraction When the bus travels less than 20 miles per day Approved Daily Miles/20 11 Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles (Continued) Fractional Adjustments (Continued) Number Days Fraction 1-Way Trip Fraction When a bus operates less than Days in Session Number Days/(lesser of 180 or Days in Session) When a bus is used for one-way transportation Value is .50 Final Fraction Shared Service Fraction x Miles <20 Fraction x Number Days Fraction x 1-Way Trip Fraction 12 Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles (Continued) Vehicle Allowance = (Basic Allowance + Additional Allowance) x Final Fraction Basic Allowance Based on the seating capacity of the vehicle 11 or greater = $540.00 10 or less = $360.00 Additional Allowance = Rate x Seating Capacity Rate is based on the age of the vehicle 13 Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles (Continued) Vehicle Allowance (Continued) Additional Allowance (Continued) Additional Rate for Contracted Service 1-3 years = $20.00 4-6 years = $18.00 7-10 years = $16.00 11 or more = $12.00 Additional Rate for LEA-Owned Vehicles 1-10 years = $15.00 11 or more = $12.00 14 Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles (Continued) Mileage Allowance Approved Annual Miles x $0.23 UPCM Allowance Contracted Service (Utilized Passenger Capacity Miles x $3.50)/1,000 LEA-Owned Service (Utilized Passenger Capacity Miles x $3.00)/1,000 Excess Hours Allowance Approved Annual Excess Hours x $3.00 15 Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles (Continued) Total of Allowances Vehicle Allowance + Mileage Allowance + UPCM Allowance + Excess Hours Allowance Vehicle Cost Deduction Only calculated for LEA-Owned vehicles $700 x Final Fraction Depreciation Amount Paid Only calculated for LEA-Owned vehicles Not calculated for activity runs or spare buses Maximum Depreciation Amount = $10,500 Amount Paid is the [lesser of $700 or ($10,500 – Sum of depreciation paid to date)] x (lesser of Day Fraction or Shared Service Fraction) 16 Summary of Allowances and Expenditure Comparisons Total of Allowances from “Calculated Allowances for Individual Vehicles” Cost Index Posted on the PDE Pupil Transportation website under Subsidy-Related Documents www.pde.state.pa.us/transportation 17 Summary of Allowances and Expenditure Comparisons Final Formula Allowance = (Total of Allowances x Cost Index) – Vehicle Cost Deduction Amount Paid Contractor is reported in eTran by the school district Maximum Allowable Cost is the lesser of the Amount Paid Contractor or the Final Formula Allowance 18 Overview of the Pupil Transportation Subsidy Calculation (PDE-2576) 19 PDE-2576, Summary of Pupil Transportation Subsidy Half Mill of Market Value: Market Value x 0.0005 (rounded to 2 decimal places) Days in Session: Based on data reported in the Child Accounting Database system; capped at 180 Total Pupils Transported, Nonreimbursable Pupils, and Charter School Pupils Transported are reported by the LEA in eTran 20 PDE-2576 – Calculations For Approved Costs Maximum Allowable Cost from PDE-2518 or PDE-2519 Nonreimbursable Factor = (8 x Nonreimbursable Pupils x Days in Session) / UPCM Nonreimbursable Deduction = Maximum Allowable Cost x Nonreimbursable Factor Approved Cost = Maximum Allowable Cost – Nonreimbursable Deduction 21 PDE-2576 – Final Calculations To Determine Total Transportation Subsidy Due State Share when Aid Ratio is .5000 or greater =Market Value Aid Ratio x Total Approved Cost 22 PDE-2576 – Final Calculations To Determine Total Transportation Subsidy Due State Share when Aid Ratio is less than .5000 District Transportation – Aid Ratio Calculations to Determine State Share 1. Nonpublic = 1,702 / 8,333 = .2042481 2. (.2042481 X 2,451,593.62) = 500,733.34 X .5000 = $250,366.67 3. Hazardous = 1,797 / 8,333 = .2156486 4. (.2156486 X 2,451,593.62) = 528,682.73 X .5000 = $264,341.36 Public Non Hazardous 5. (2,451,593.62 – 500,733.34 – 528,682.73) X .4271 = $607412.03 6. State Share District Transportation $1,122,120.06 The calculation is separated into three parts: Nonpublic Hazardous Public Non Hazardous 23 PDE-2576 – Final Calculations To Determine Total Transportation Subsidy Due State Share when Aid Ratio is less than .5000 (Continued) District Transportation – Aid Ratio Calculations to Determine State Share 1. Nonpublic = 1,702 / 8,333 = .2042481 2. (.2042481 X 2,451,593.62) = 500,733.34 X .5000 = $250,366.67 3. Hazardous = 1,797 / 8,333 = .2156486 4. (.2156486 X 2,451,593.62) = 528,682.73 X .5000 = $264,341.36 Public Non Hazardous 5. (2,451,593.62 – 500,733.34 – 528,682.73) X .4271 = $607412.03 6. State Share District Transportation $1,122,120.06 1. Nonpublic Ratio Number of Nonpublic Students / Total Pupils Transported 2. Nonpublic State Share Nonpublic Ratio x Total Approved Cost x .5000 3. Hazardous Ratio Number of Hazardous Students / Total Pupils Transported 4. Hazardous State Share Hazardous Ratio x Total Approved Cost x .5000 24 PDE-2576 – Final Calculations To Determine Total Transportation Subsidy Due State Share when Aid Ratio is less than .5000 District Transportation – Aid Ratio Calculations to Determine State Share 1. Nonpublic = 1,702 / 8,333 = .2042481 2. (.2042481 X 2,451,593.62) = 500,733.34 X .5000 = 250,366.67 3. Hazardous = 1,797 / 8,333 = .2156486 4. (.2156486 X 2,451,593.62) = 528,682.73 X .5000 = 264,341.36 Public Non Hazardous 5. (2,451,593.62 – 500,733.34 – 528,682.73) X .4271 = 607412.03 6. State Share District Transportation 1,122,120.06 5. Public Non Hazardous Share of Approved Costs Total Approved Cost – Hazardous Portion of Approved Costs – Nonpublic Portion of Approved Costs Public Non Hazardous State Share Public Non Hazardous Approved Cost x Aid Ratio 6. State Share District Transportation Nonpublic State Share + Hazardous State Share + Public Non Hazardous State Share 25 PDE-2576 – IU and AVTS Transportation SD Deduction for IU Transportation = Total Cost - State Share Total Costs and Approved Costs are based on proration percentages provided by IU or AVTS Total Cost for IU is based on advanced revenue provided by PDE School district deduction amount for IU transportation on the final PDE-2576 may not match the deduction found on the PDE-2548 due to revisions between June 1 and June Unipay 26 PDE-2576 – Excess Cost School District’s share of approved cost is limited to a half mill of market value Excess Cost = Total Approved Costs - Total State Share Half Mill Market Value Excess Cost amount is generally larger in “odd” years (SY 2005-2006, 2007-2008) because of STEB methodology for determining market value 27 Maximizing Transportation Reimbursement Mileage Allowance Maximize approved daily miles UPCM Allowance Daily miles with pupils should be greater than daily miles without pupils Maximize the greatest number of pupils on the bus at any one time during the day Assure that data was correctly reported to PDE by reviewing the preliminary subsidy report in April 28 PDE-2576 - Nonpublic and Charter School Transportation Subsidy Additional subsidy for Nonpublic and Charter School pupils: $385 per pupil Nonpublic pupils transported within 10 miles of the district’s border Charter School pupils transported outside the district but within 10 miles of the border 29 IU Transportation 30 IU Budgets and Fiscal Reports IUs report expenditures for Special Education Transportation only All other services provided to school district should be reported by the school district as contracted service Transportation for extended school year cannot be reported to PDE for reimbursement. This should be a separate contract between the school district and the IU 31 PDE-2521 - IU Prorations The Intermediate Unit determines the methodology to prorate the costs for transportation provided to school districts. The most common method used is to base the prorations on the number of pupil miles transported for each district Actual Costs = PDE Advance x Proration Approved Costs = IU Approved Costs x Proration Aid Ratio State Share = Approved Costs x Aid Ratio SD Deduction = Actual Costs - Aid Ratio State Share 32