FS new parents evening June 2014

Welcome to Aldryngton
Primary School
New Parents’ Evening
Thursday 19th June 2014
at 7.00pm
Key staff
• Mrs Stewart – Headteacher
• Mrs Gregory – Deputy Headteacher
• Mrs Tomsett– Acting Lower School Team leader
• Miss Friday – Foundation Stage teacher
• Miss Nowell – Foundation Stage teacher
• Mrs Froud, Mrs Bains, Mrs Calway, Mrs Bunney and Mrs
Kiff – Teaching assistants
• Miss Benham – Secretary
• Mrs Durrant – Administrator
• Mrs Seemungal – SEN Leader
Entry to school
• All pupils offered a full time place from Wednesday 3rd
September 2014 i.e. 8.50am – 3.15pm.
• Able to take offer on part time basis – mornings only.
• This can be changed to full time at half term or end of
Staggered start offered:
• Wednesday 3rd to Friday 12th September - mornings only
• Monday 15th to Friday 19th September – mornings plus a
• From Monday 22nd September full time.
Please refer to handouts and booklets you have received
for the following information:
• ‘Useful information for Foundation Stage’ – details the
welcome visits, items your child will need, a typical
school day at Aldryngton and communication between
school and home.
• ‘Welcome to Aldryngton Primary School’ booklet
contains general information about all aspects of school.
• ‘Parent Pack Paperwork’ – this is information that we
require from you by Friday 4th July. Please hand in to
Miss Benham at the School Office.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Curriculum (EYFS)
Your child will continue to work towards the aims and
objectives of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being
active, and through creative and critical thinking which
takes place both indoors and outside.
Areas of Learning
Prime areas
• Communication and
Language (C&L)
Specific areas
• Literacy (L)
• Mathematics (M)
• Physical Development
• Personal, Social and
Development (PSED)
• Understanding the
World (UW)
• Expressive Arts and
Design (EAD)
Preparing for school
• Develop their independence, for example being able to
dress and undress, tidying up, going to the toilet and
managing personal hygiene.
• Expressing needs appropriately, for example,
communicating their views to others saying “Can I play?”
or asking for help.
• Be willing to work and play on their own and with others
and try new activities and ideas.
• Develop appropriate school behaviours, for example
listening to others, sharing and being respectful.
‘ What really matters is making sure a child
is able to start school ready to learn, able
to make friends and play, ready to ask for
what they need and say what they think.
These are critical foundations for really
getting the best out of school.’
Sarah Teather, Minister of State, Department for
Education since May 2010
The Learning Environment
The Learning Environment
The Learning Environment
The Learning Environment
• Children will be assessed against the
‘Development Matters’ guidance.
• During the year, progress is tracked against
age bands (months) across all areas of
• At the end of the year, we make a judgment
against 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG), where
the child is assessed as ‘Emerging’, ‘Expected’
or ‘Exceeding’.
Learning Journey Book
A record of your child’s learning which
Observations/photos of child-initiated learning.
Some adult-directed work (esp Literacy/Maths).
Childs comments on their learning.
Contributions from home.
WOW sheets.
Homework challenges.
How you can help us
At Aldryngton we place great value on the
knowledge you have of your child and welcome
your contributions to their learning journey.
How you can contribute:
•Weekly challenge sent home.
•Half termly observations form.
•WOW sheets.
•We welcome emails as well as paper
•Topic questionnaires.
Example WOW moments
‘T’ was able to share her biscuits today
with her brother. She had 4 and gave her
brother 2 so they had the same amount.
‘S’ was teaching her little sister how to
count to ten and what different colours are
in different languages.
Whilst on a family day out, ‘J’ spotted and
named all shapes he could see, including
Supporting your child’s learning at home
Some ideas:
• Sharing and discussing books.
• Allowing them to help with everyday tasks e.g. laying the
table, baking, tidying, using scales, filling jugs.
• Gardening – watering plants, exploring seeds.
• Talking to your child about numbers, colours, words and
shapes you see when out and about.
• Cutting and sticking from magazines.
• Using a computer, mouse and keyboard.
• Link activities to your child’s interests.
• Use the outdoors!
• Throughout the school, we teach a dual-approach to
phonics using ‘Letters and Sounds’ and the ‘THRASS’
• We gradually introduce letter sounds as groups using the
THRASS cards.
• The THRASS cards are essential in supporting your
child’s learning.
• Further information about our phonics teaching will be
given in September.
Two visits for children:
Tuesday 24th June 9.30-11.30am for Group A and 1.30-3.00pm for
Group B.
Wednesday 2nd July 9.30-11.30am for Group B and 1.30-3.00pm for
Group B.
Children will be met by the school office for the first visit and taken to
their classroom.
For the second visit they will need to be dropped off at the ‘morning
door’. Please refer to signs around the school.
They don’t need to wear uniform, but many like to!
For each visit they’ll need a ‘healthy snack’ and a water bottle.
Following your child’s visits, they will be allocated to a class (Red team
or Green team) and a teacher. We will inform you by letter.
Being a parent at Aldryngton
• Key to our success is partnership with our parents.
• Supporting your child’s learning and development – key
aspects outlined in Aldryngton’s home-school
• Sharing your skills and time in school/school trips – extra
pairs of hands are very much appreciated!
• Member of the PTA (social and fund raising) – Simon
Feist – Chair
• Work parties for specific activities.
• School governor - Ian Head – Chair
• Developing the outdoor area – resourcing / links to
Partnership with other agencies
School works with a range of agencies to enrich the
provision for pupils and parents and to carry its
safeguarding responsibilities :
Links with other pre-school settings and schools
SEN linked staff such as educational psychologist and
behaviour support team
Linda Warriner - Educational welfare officer
Sarah Wroot- Earley Cluster Parent and Family Support
Worker based at the Riverdale Children’s Centre
Rosemary Hancock – School and Community Nursing
Requests for leave of absence will only be approved
in exceptional circumstances. Such requests will only
be sanctioned when circumstances require the
child/ren to be absent from school and there is no
element of choice such as a cheaper holidays.
Attendance rates below
85% or persistent lateness
trigger an alert.
Education welfare officer
involvement possible
School lunches
Entitled to the ‘Universal Free School Lunch’ in Foundation, Year
1 and Year 2.
Please register !
May be eligible for the standard free school meal which also
attracts additional funding which is allocated to the school.
Currently £1300 per child.
Please bear this in mind……. Eligibility is cross checked using
your NI number which you can include on your registration form
for the Universal Free school lunch. Regular checks would be
carried out on your behalf by the Local Authority. If you become
entitled the school would be informed – this is treated as
Any questions?
Staff will be available here in the hall and in
the Foundation Stage classrooms should you
have any further queries or information to pass
on to us.
Thank you for coming.
You are most welcome to visit the
Foundation Stage area now.