Copyright Information - THRASS Resource File (T-01) This majority of this copyright information is specific to items in the THRASS Resource File (T-01). There is also general information that applies to other THRASS resources. This copyright information complements and supplements the copyright information sheet you will have received when you purchased your THRASS Resource File. In all instances of uncertainty about copyright regarding any THRASS resources, please contact THE THRASS INSTITUTE (Australasia & Canada) for clarification prior to using the resource. THRASS RESOURCE FILE (T-01) The following items may be found in the THRASS Resource File (T-01). Copyright information on the usage of each of these appears below. PHOTOCOPY PAGES The content of the Charts, Handwriting, Reading, Spelling and Assessment sections of this file may be copied in noncommercial quantities, by the owner, for the needs of their: individual class, school campus, clients in an individual business location, the home situation. However, the making and/or transmission of copies in any form, whether hard copy or electronic for use by others is prohibited. In the case of schools/institution/businesses with more than one campus/branch/location/physical site, only the individual campus/branch/location/site that has purchased the file may photocopy these pages. All worksheet pages in the Charts, Handwriting, Reading, Spelling and Assessment sections may be reordered (as whole pages only – no cutting and pasting of images/sections from pages is allowed) and photocopied at A4 size only, with the exception of the six THRASS PICTURE SHEETS in the CHARTS section. The THRASS PICTURE SHEETS may be copied at A4 or A3 size and can be rearranged to provide support activities/games as per the Teacher’s Notes provided but cannot be cut and pasted to reconstruct the THRASS PICTURECHART or any derivation/variation of it. Furthermore, no permission is granted to modify or reconstruct any THRASS resources by cutting and pasting together any images from any of the pages, with the exception that a THRASS OVERWRITE CHART (T-06 or its replacement T-106) equivalent, may be recreated by photocopying the LETTER FORMATION INSTRUCTION SHEET (Handwriting Section) and the COMBINED SAY, NAME AND OVERWRITE SHEET (Reading Section), in black or one colour. Apart from this exception relating to the THRASS OVERWRITE CHART (T-06 or its replacement T-106) equivalent, no permission is given for recreating any THRASS resources by either cutting and pasting together any of the images or by cutting and pasting images from any other THRASS resources. The above permission is only granted to purchasers of the THRASS Resource File and reproduction must be strictly in non-commercial quantities for use exclusively within the relevant guidelines as described above. The making of copies, whether hard copy or electronic for use by others or copying from loaned originals or copies is prohibited. THRASS TEACHER’S MANUAL (T-13) or its replacement, code T-113 This is not a reproducible/photocopiable resource. Except as permitted under the Act (for example for the services of the Crown or in reliance on one of the fair dealing exceptions i.e. a fair dealing for the purposes of research or study) no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. Additional copies may be purchased from THRASS. THRASS RAPS & SEQUENCES CD (T-51) or its replacement, code T-151. This is not a reproducible/photocopiable resource. Except as permitted under the Act (for example for the services of the Crown or in reliance on one of the fair dealing exceptions i.e. a fair dealing for the purposes of research or study) no part of this audio CD may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. Additional copies may be purchased from THRASS. OTHER THRASS RESOURCES It is an unlawful act to reconstruct, copy or reproduce in any way, the THRASS laminated colour charts, colour THRASSBOARD, colour cards, workbooks, books (unless the copyright notice allows for copying), audiotapes, CDs, videotapes, computer software or site licences. No permission is granted to modify, reconstruct or recreate electronically or otherwise any THRASS products, including those that are photocopiable, apart from an exception relating to the THRASS OVERWRITE CHART (T-106), mentioned above. No THRASS products (including the THRASS pictures and graphics) may be scanned into, stored on or transmitted from any electronic retrieval system without permission, except for the provisions relating to images mentioned above, in the section dealing with the THRASS Resource File. COPYRIGHT NOTICE – THRASS PICTURECHART and other THRASSCHARTS The THRASSCHART in all of its formats is copyright to THRASS. We are committed to the protection of our copyright in this product. Any attempt to infringe this copyright will be met with legal action. Please refer to Federal Court Court No. WAD 212 of 2007. Frequently Asked Questions Purchase Of Wallcharts T-02, T-04 or their replacements, codes T-102, T-104 and Floormats T17, T-18 or their replacements, codes T-117, T-118 or Resource Kit CD (T-185). To be eligible to purchase or repurchase any of the above, an individual/school/campus/branch/institution must have already purchased a copy of the THRASS Resource File (T-01). To clarify. If an individual wishes to purchase any of the above that individual must own a kit. If a school/institution/business, wishes to purchase any of the above, it must own a file. FAQ. I personally own a Resource File. Can my school then purchase any of the above using my file details? ANSWER - No. FAQ. My school owns a Resource File. Can I purchase any of the above for myself using their file details? ANSWER - No. FAQ. Can schools or individuals sell, gift or transfer their files/s to another school or individual? ANSWER - That is a matter for the individual school/individual/business to decide. However we would request a letter from the school/individual, stating that they have done so, along with the name and address of the new owner, so that we can adjust our records to make sure that the new owner is not inconvenienced when they come to order any of the above resources. We will then issue a new registration card to the new owner, validating their ownership. FAQ. We have more than one campus in our institution spread over different physical sites/locations. Does each campus need to have purchased a file to be eligible to purchase any of the above resources? ANSWER - Yes. If a school/institution/business has campuses/branches/physical sites/locations, that are not on the same site, each individual campus/physical site/location/branch must purchase a file in order that it can purchase its own resources. FAQ. Does attendance at any level of THRASS training rescind any of the above? ANSWER - No. Clarification: Attendees at a THRASS Accredited Advanced Certificate Course (Level 3 of our training), may have received a file as part of their course resource package. In this case the owner of that file, whether it be the individual/school/business, would be eligible to purchase the resources mentioned above. THE THRASS INSTITUTE (Australasia & Canada) PO Box 1447, OSBORNE PARK DC, Western Australia 6916 Tel. 08 9244 2119 • Int. +61 8 9244 2119 • Fax. 08 9244 4044 BN 11961259