“Every Panther Matters so be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Positive!” Student and School-wide Data Response To Strategy Targeted Intervention The Monday Update is a form of communication sent to all staff Regarding weekly events and happenings around the school. Every week this update includes information from the PBIS team. Weekly Communication A poem shared … Respectful behavior will help friendships grow, Treat others kindly and your thoughtfulness will show. Responsible is doing what is expected of you, Take charge of your learning and your smarts will shine through. Safe places feel comfortable and also feel good, Make choices that you know your role models would. A positive attitude feeling or word, Makes someone’s day when it is heard. Reflections Encouragement Our Pinewood family is really the best, “Hot spots” data Our positive behaviors help us stand out from the rest.” Process management Important announcements Weekly tips for teachers about events Strategies – specific to individuals and groups Invitations to participate in and give feedback to PBIS team Acknowledgement and appreciation for staff (related to PBIS) Organizational assistance regarding forms, processes, and procedures Everyone plays a part in the success of our students. Second Step implementation tips provided to teachers. Classroom reinforcement tips using paw prints. Staff meetings to share data, strategies, and provide handouts for staff. Positive behavior strategy in-service. Consistent behavioral expectations. “Paw prints” used as reinforcers. Paw prints used by all staff, including office, cafeteria, custodial, and paraprofessionals. Paw prints provided to substitute teachers, volunteers, and staff who assist at off-campus events. Modeling of expected behavior by students, for students. “I noticed you help Jane pick up the books she dropped. Thank you for making our classroom a positive one.” (paw print presented) Classroom paw print recognition Classes are acknowledged by adults on campus for displaying expected behaviors outside the classroom Teacher____________ Respectful Responsible Safe and Positive Panthers make a Community Classroom paw prints are tallied monthly and 3 classes are announced on Panther News Network (PNN) PBIS recognized classes are featured on video and presented with the “PBIS Recognized Class” magnet to display on their classroom door that month. •Hold on to your belongings. •Walk to your seat. •Stay seated. •Follow the driver’s rules. •Take your belongings with you when you exit the bus. • Use a quiet voice. • Follow driver directions. • Use appropriate words. • Share your seat. • Sit, facing forward. •Enjoy the ride. •Agree to abide by the bus driver’s rules. Respectful Responsible Positive Safe •Sit, facing front. •Listen for driver directions. •Keep your items in your lap. •Remain in your assigned area. •Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Helping all students understand feelings. The Second Step curriculum was purchased for each grade level through PTA funding. Teachers incorporated these social skills lessons into their weekly lesson plans. Lessons focused on empathy, problem-solving, impulse control, and anger management skills. “Mini” paw prints are used with students who require more regular, immediate reinforcement. 5 mini paw prints equal 1 regular paw print. Mini paw prints are used in related arts classes when classes are “split” – more than one class together. Check-in Check-out Peace 4 Kids Supporting Students Social emotional educational 14-week pull-out program Peace4Kids activity sheet Sample Check-In Check-Out plan Check and Connect Using “All About Me” guide book as framework for mentor/mentee . Individualized Behavior Intervention Plans and written procedural guidelines monitored by RtI team. Check and Connect activity sheet Sample first grade BIP PBIS store available for students to shop at twice a month. No Collar Day PBIS Treats in Cafeteria Cookies for Character T-shirt Tuesday Art Contest Gift Basket Raffle Poster/Chore Chart Contest Safety Assembly Guest “Respect“ Reader Positive Dance Party Examples of one way monthly events are incorporated into the curriculum. Let’s celebrate and remember what we are all about! Data analysis revealed that the month prior to FCAT historically showed an increase in office referrals. PBIS events were incorporated during each of the 4 weeks in March to reeducate students on the expectations. PBIS section featured in every monthly newsletter to sent to families. Presence at evening events for families. Parent/PTA member on school PBIS committee. Presentation of information at PTA meetings. Parent volunteers for events and activities at school. Posters and language provided to incorporate into the home. Second Step Family Guide: four one-night workshops for parents to learn socialemotional strategies. Magnets provided as visual reminder for parents who attended Second Step Family Guide One example of infusion of PBIS into the home for the holidays. Welcome packet for new students/families that includes comprehensive information about PBIS. We love working with families! Barnes and Noble All-Pro Dads Guest reader shared books about respect with each grade level in assembly format. Sponsored beginning of year breakfast for monthly meeting which focus upon connecting children and fathers. Chick-Fil-A Monthly PBIS Spirit Nights. Spirit Night paw prints highlight our expectations and are handed out during these events. Business Partner Reaching out! Monthly Chick-Fil-A spirit nights. Face Painting at Fall Festival. November cheesecake sale. Bake sale at spring dance. Three Character Counts mini-grant award recipients. Donations of materials and supplies by staff and parents. “PBIS is well organized and beneficial for well-behaved students.” “We would like more development of intrinsic behaviors addressing supplemental and intensive student needs.” “Easy to remember expectations. The phrase we use is catchy.” “There needs to be better efficiency of support staff with following through on guidelines.” “PBIS creates a positive environment, promotes common language with all, is a good motivator with most children but doesn’t work for all.” “Kids love the store and events and appreciate the verbiage to identify what they have done that’s positive.” The team does a good job of sending the minutes promptly and that’s informative.” “I think there should be a way to ensure that everyone is on board and following the program with fidelity because children may fall through the cracks.” “Major and minor referrals should be used by everyone to document ALL behavior.” “PBIS sets clear, standard expectations across the school. Simplified and easy to use.” “We need to be more consistent with handing out paw prints. We need to continually educated our staff on how to use paw prints and what to say when handing them out.” Scheduled events are effective, enjoyed, and well organized.” “We receive a lot of communication regarding PBIS. The signs are all around the school and the vocabulary is universally used. Check-In Check-Out is a strength of PBIS.” Feedback in yellow denotes items that will be further addressed and responded to next school year. 3. Teachers treat students with respect in my class. 5% 8% Agree 87% Disagree No Opinion The annual student survey is anonymously filled out by 3-5th grade students in the spring Results are compiled and shared with the Student Advisory Council (SAC) to inform planning and policies from year to year. 31. The Paw Prints incentive program encourages me to behave in a more positive way. 24. I feel safe at school. 14% 13% Agree 73% Disagree 19% Agree No Opinion 67% 14% Disagree No Opinion Looking at the data from all angles. 5. Students treat each other with respect. 17% 16% 49% 34% 4. Students treat teachers with respect in my class. Agree Disagree No Opinion 22% Agree 62% Disagree No Opinion