Sacred Writing Time Did you come to class with an idea to write

Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 1.
Today is “CD Player Day.” Do your parents own a portable one?
Trivial Fact of the Day: It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “In the End, we will remember not the
words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.” --Martin Luther
King, Jr., (American Civil Rights Activist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: beguile (verb) – This action word means to trick or
deceive. What are some ways you have beguiled your teachers into giving you less
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 2.
Today is National “Name Your Car Day.” What do you think you will
name your first car? What should you name your parents’ car?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Don’t go through life, grow through life.”
--Eric Butterworth (American minister and author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: trite (adjective) – This word describes something
that is overused and, therefore, not very important or original. What are two or
three writing skills you use to avoid being trite with in your final drafts?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 3.
Today begins National “No Salt Week.” What’s the saltiest thing you
probably eat?
Trivial Fact of the Day: How many hairs on your head? If you are blonde, you
typically have about 150,000; brunettes have 100,000; redheads have only 60,000.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “A life spent making mistakes is not only
more honorable, but more useful than doing nothing.” --George Bernard
Shaw (British playwright)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: inundate (verb) – This word means to flood or
overwhelm someone with too much of something. What are three things you
could inundate your parents with to make them lose their temper?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 4.
Today is “World Pet Day.” What do you think is the most popular or
common pet in the whole world?
Trivial Fact of the Day: If you’re of average weight, multiply your weight by .02—
that’s probably how much your brain weighs.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “A person who won’t read has no advantage
over someone who can’t read.” --Mark Twain (American author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: foil (verb) – This word—when it’s a verb, not a
noun—means to defeat or frustrate. What are three ways to foil an enemy’s
attempt to capture you? Have you ever heard: “Curses, foiled again!”
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 5.
Today is National “Do Something Nice Day.” Did you already
accidentally celebrate and not know it? Tell the story!
Trivial Fact of the Day: They have created square watermelons in Japan. They
stack much better. What are three other things you wish were square instead of
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Our first teacher is our own heart.”
--Cheyenne Indian saying
Vocabulary Word of the Day: emulate (verb) – This action word means to imitate
or act like someone else. Name two or three people you idolize so much that you
would like to emulate them.
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 6.
Today is National “Mad Hatter Day” because the Mad Hatter has 10/6
on his hat in the book’s illustrations. What crazy hat do you own?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Blueberry juice can boost your memory. Why do you
suppose that is?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “I can’t go back to yesterday because I
was a different person then.” --Lewis Carroll (British author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: copious (adjective) – This word describes something
that is large in quantity or number. Name three items that you have in copious
amounts in your bedroom.
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 7.
Today is “World Smile Day.” C’mon, celebrate right now…I dare you.
Who do you know who doesn’t smile enough?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from
Interesting Quote of the Day: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t
take.” --Wayne Gretzky (Canadian hockey player)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: winsome (adjective) – Use this word to describe
someone who is appealing in appearance. Look around. Other than your teacher,
who are the three most winsome people you can see from your seat?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 8.
Today is “Alvin C. York Day.” He was the most decorated American
soldier in World War I. Can war really make people great?
Trivial Fact of the Day: A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Education is the key to unlock the
golden door of freedom.” --George Washington Carver (American
scientist and inventor)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: accentuate (verb) – This action word means to
highlight or give emphasis to something. Which skills of writing do you tend to
accentuate when “showing,” not “telling” in writing?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 9.
Today is National “Chess Day.” Will you be a pawn, a knight,
or a king today? Or…?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Like cats, the 2200-pound Brahma bull actually purrs when
it’s happy.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The best way to cheer yourself, is to cheer
someone else up.” --Mark Twain (American author of Tom Sawyer)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: bard (noun) – Use this word when identifying
someone as a skilled poet. Name three of your favorite bards. Least favorite?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 10.
Today is “World Porridge Day.” Do you like yours
hot, cold, or “just right”?
Trivial Fact of the Day: A pound of lemons has more sugar than a pound of
strawberries. Why do you suppose that is?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.”
--Michael Jordan. (American athlete)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: cerebral (adjective) – Use this word to describe
things that require more brain power than muscle power. What are three cerebral
activities that you do for fun?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 11.
Today is National “It’s My Party Day.” Will you cry if you want to?
What’s the worst party you ever attended?
Trivial Fact of the Day: In space, astronauts cannot cry. There is no gravity, so tears
cannot flow.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Do or do not. There is no try.” --Yoda
(Jedi philosopher and warrior)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: daunting (adjectives) – Use this word to describe
nouns that are intimidating or that cause you to lose courage. What are three
daunting tasks that you were faced with last month?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 12.
Today is National “Free Thought Day.” I dare you to celebrate and
impress one of your teachers.
Trivial Fact of the Day: Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called
Franklin. Today it is known as Tennessee.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Love one another, and do not strive for
another’s undoing.” --Seneca Indian saying
Vocabulary Word of the Day: ennui (noun) – This word is a fancy way to say
boredom. What makes you feel the most ennui at school? At home? On the
weekend? It’s pronounced on-wee.
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 13.
Today is International “Skeptics Day.” Are you doubting this is really an
international holiday?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Twinkies are 68% air. Why can’t air be 32% Twinkies?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “I am so clever, that sometimes I don’t
even understand a single word that I am saying.” --Oscar Wilde
(Irish author and poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: meticulous (adjective) – This word describes
someone who is (or a task that needs) extreme care with its details. Which school
subject requires you to be the most meticulous?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 14.
Today is National “Dessert Day.” How many times can you celebrate in
one day before becoming sick?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Las Vegas—because it’s in a desert—only receives on
average of only 4 inches of annual rainfall. Rainforests average 50-260 inches.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.”
--Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: parody (noun or verb) – This word refers to a funny
or silly imitation of a movie, television show, book, song, or poem. Which of your
favorite movies or television shows might you parody in your writer’s notebook?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 15.
Today is National “Grouch Day.” What salutation** could you give to
show everyone you’re celebrating?
Trivial Fact of the Day: There is one species of moth that lives entirely on cow
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Do you think when they asked George
Washington for I.D. that he just whipped out a quarter?” --Steven Wright
(American comedian)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: salutation (noun) – This is a synonym for the word
greeting. What are the three most common salutations you tend to say when
greeting friends? What would be a weird new salutation you might start using?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 16.
Today is National “Dictionary Day.” How will you choose to define
yourself today? Will you be a verb, a noun, an adjective, or…?
Trivial Fact of the Day: More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “You grow up the first day you have a
laugh—at yourself.” --Ethel Barrymore (American actress)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: tranquil (adjective) – This word describes a setting
that is calm or peaceful. Name three tranquil places you would like to visit so you
could enjoy their tranquility?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 17.
Today is National “Black Poetry Day.” Do you prefer Langston Hughes,
Maya Angelou, Tupac Shakur, or…?
Trivial Fact of the Day: The average American drinks about 600 sodas per year. Are
you above or below average with this statistic?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “To accomplish great things, we must not
only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” --Anatole
France (French poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: vocation (noun) – This word is a synonym for job or
profession. What two vocations do you think earn the most money? What two
vocations do you think drive people to drink more caffeinated soda?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 18.
Today is “National Chocolate Cupcake Day.” Did you remember to
bring one for your teacher?
Trivial Fact of the Day: In Bangladesh, students as young as 15 can be jailed for
cheating on their school exams.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “All life is an experiment. The more
experiments the better.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson (American essayist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: appalling (adjective) – This word describes
something that would inspire shock or horror from an average person. What are
three behaviors your siblings do that you find absolutely appalling?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 19.
Today is “Evaluate Your Life Day.” Can you celebrate this day by writing
something personally evaluative in your writer’s notebook?
Trivial Fact of the Day: A snail can have about 25,000 teeth. Do you suppose there
are snails who dream of becoming dentists?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”
--Walt Disney (American innovator)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: congenial (adjective) – Use this word to describe
someone who is pleasantly agreeable. Which of your relatives is the most
congenial. Could you write about that person?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 20.
Today is “Information Overload Day.” Is it easy for you to take a day off
from the Internet? Could you take a whole week off?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Starfish have eight eyes—one at the end of each leg.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind.”
--Dr. Seuss (American author of The Cat in the Hat)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: diligent (adjective) – This word describes the careful
nature one shows towards work he/she is doing. Which three of your classmates
are the most diligent in their classwork? Are they more diligent than you?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 21.
Today is “World Reptile Awareness Day.” Which reptile should we pay
more attention to? Which reptile should we ignore?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Interrobang was the name given to the punctuation mark
that combined an exclamation point with a question mark. Can you believe that!?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “You must be the change you wish to see
in the world.” --Mahatma Gandhi (Indian activist and humanitarian)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: ecstatic (adjective) – This word describes someone
who is intensely happy. What are four different nouns that make you feel
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 22.
Today is National “Count Your Buttons Day.”
Who in this class has the most?
Trivial Fact of the Day: It is said that the average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in
it. Extra protein…or gross?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Even if you are on the right track, you
will get run over if you just sit there.” --Will Rogers (American humorist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: novice (noun) – This word is used to label someone
who is a beginner at some task. What three tasks or activities are you absolutely
not a novice in?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 23.
Today is “TV Talk Show Host Day.”
With which talk show are you enamored**?
Trivial Fact of the Day: If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Always forgive your enemies. Nothing
annoys them so much.” --Oscar Wilde (Irish writer and poet)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: enamor (verb) – Use this action word to show
someone who is filled with love or is fascinated by something. What is the title of
the last book you were enamored with?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 24.
Today is “National Bologna Day.”
Does your bologna have a first name?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Smokey the Bear has his own zip code--20252.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and
the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.”
--Harriet Tubman (American activist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: kudos (noun) – This word stands for the praise one
receives for an achievement. Which of your teachers is most likely to give you
kudos for extra effort put into your school work?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 25.
Today is “World Pasta Day.” Which type of pasta is your favorite?
Trivial Fact of the Day: The dot on the top of the letter “i” is called a tittle. The
plastic on the tip of your shoelace is called an aglet.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
--John Quincy Adams (Fifth President of the United States)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: lethargic (adjective) – This word describes someone
who is tired or drowsy. At what hour of the day, or after which meal, do you feel
the most lethargic?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 26.
Today is “National Mule Day.” Can you list ten words that rhyme with
mule and make a funny rhyme in your notebook?
Trivial Fact of the Day: American gangster Al Capone’s business card claimed he
was a used furniture salesman.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a
fire to be ignited.” --Plutarch (Greek historian and essayist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: modicum (noun) – Use this word to refer to a small
amount of something. On which day of the week do you wish you only had a
modicum of homework?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 27.
Today is “National Tell a Story Day.” What’s the funniest story
someone ever told you?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Americans purchase over 600 million pounds of candy each
year for Halloween. Imagine 158 trillion candy corns.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Do not go where the path may lead. Go
instead where there is no path and make a trail.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson
(American poet and essayist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: nocturnal (adjective) – This word describes a living
thing that is mostly active at night. Can you name three animals that are
nocturnal? What would nocturnal school be like?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 28.
Today is “National Chocolates Day.”
Are you more of a milk, semi-sweet, or dark chocolate person?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Cranberry Jell-o is the only style of the gelatin that includes
real fruit flavoring.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.” --Mahatma Gandhi (Indian activist
and humanitarian)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: excursion (noun) – use this synonym for a trip or an
outing. Last summer, where was your most memorable excursion? Your most
educational excursion? Your most boring excursion?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 29.
Today is “National Internet Day.” What will you search for?
Trivial Fact of the Day: North Dakota and Florida have the fewest earthquakes
every year. Whose fault do you suppose that is?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Intelligence without ambition is a bird
without wings.” --Salvador Dali (Spanish painter)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: rebuke (verb) – This action word means to scold or
criticize. What are three specific behaviors that get you rebuked in class?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 30.
Today is “National Candy Corn Day.” What’s the order of the colors on
a typical piece of candy corn? Do you remember?
Trivial Fact of the Day: The Eiffel Tower shrinks 6 inches in the winter.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “I’ve learned that people will forget what
you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget
how you made them feel.” --Maya Angelou (American author and poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: stupefy (verb) – This action word means to
overwhelm with amazement or to shock with surprise. Which trivial facts from
previous Sacred Writing Time slides stupefied you enough to make you remember
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s October 31.
It’s not just Halloween today, but it’s also “National Carve a Pumpkin
Day.” I wonder why these two holidays coincide**.
Trivial Fact of the Day: Pumpkins are actually a fruit, and their flowers are edible.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The problem with cats is that they get the
exact same look on their face whether they see a moth or an axemurderer.” --Paula Poundstone (American comedienne)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: coincide (verb) – This action word can be used to
describe an instance where two (or more) things occur at the same time. What
two (or more) things coincided this morning while you waited for school to start?