Trivial Fact of the Day

Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 1.
Today is “National Author’s Day.” What would you say to your
favorite author if he/she was sitting next to you?
Trivial Fact of the Day: The cat is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in
the bible.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
--Milton Berle (American humorist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: bombastic (adjective) – this is a description you
would apply to something that is too elaborate or that is very exaggerated? What
nouns could you describe with this word?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 2.
Today is National “Cookie Monster Day.” How many Oreos do you
think the average person can fit in his/her mouth?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Albert Einstein—smart as he was—never learned how to
drive a car.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The worst enemy to creativity is self
doubt.” --Sylvia Plath (American poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: acquiesce (verb) – this verb means to agree with
someone or something without any protest. What rules have you acquiesced with
in the past that you later wish you hadn’t?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 3.
Today is National “Sandwich Day.” Will you celebrate this holiday
during lunch or dinner today? If so, with what flavor?
Trivial Fact of the Day: There are more plastic flamingoes in the U.S. than real
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Whoever is happy will make other people
happy too.” --Anne Frank (Diary-keeper and victim of the Holocaust)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: disparage (verb) – use this action word when you
want to say someone has criticized or spoken ill of someone else. Which
characters in your favorite novel have done this action?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 4.
Today is “National Use Your Common Sense Day.” How might you
help a good friend celebrate common sense today?
Trivial Fact of the Day: There are three colors of blood: red, blue (lobsters) and
yellow (insects).
Interesting Quote of the Day: “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong
gives it a superficial** appearance of being right.” --Thomas Paine
(English-American Author and Activist)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: superficial (adjective) – Use this word to describe
something shallow (but not water!) or close to the surface. Like a superficial
thought, or superficial damage, or superficial ________?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 5.
Today is “National Gunpowder Day.” Do not celebrate this one! I
expect to see all your fingers and eyes intact** tomorrow!
Trivial Fact of the Day: Ostriches yawn in groups before they go to sleep.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Life isn’t simple, but the beauty of it is you
can always start over. It’ll get easier.” --Alacia Bessette (American Author)
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: intact (adjective) – use this word to describe
something that has remained whole, complete or uninjured. A physical mass can
remain intact but so can a thought or a human spirit.
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 6.
Today is “National Saxophone Day.” Would you rather play the
smallest saxophone (15 cm) or the largest saxophone (2 meters)?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Teenage boys use more shampoo and less deodorant than
teenage girls. What’s up with that?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Life is something that happens when you
can’t get to sleep.” --Fran Leibowitz (American author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: frugal (adjective) – use this descriptor in front of a
noun that is thrifty or economical. Who is a frugal person you know? What is a
frugal activity you really enjoy doing?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 7.
Today is “Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds day.” Why do adults
like bittersweet chocolate but not kids?
Trivial Fact of the Day: “The” is the most used word in the English language. The
word “set” has the most definitions in most English dictionaries.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Life is what happens when you’re busy
making other plans.” --John Lennon (British musician and Beatle)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: maverick (noun) – this is a synonym you
can use for a person who is independent or a non-conformist. Who is a famous
maverick you know about? Who is an non-famous maverick you know?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 8.
Today is “National Parents as Teachers Day.” What is something very
important that your parents taught you? Or never taught you?
Trivial Fact of the Day: The average person laughs 7 to 8 times a day. Are you
above or below average?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “To touch the earth is to have harmony
with nature.” --Oglala Sioux Indian saying
Vocabulary Word of the Day: pillage (verb) – use this action verb when someone
has seized or plundered a place, as in a war. Did the Vikings pillage that village?
What else rhymes with pillage?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 9.
Today is “Chaos Never Dies Day.” Do you believe there can ever be
calm without chaos?
Trivial Fact of the Day: The longest human foot on record is currently 27 inches.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Dwell in possibility.” --Emily Dickinson
(American poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: serenity (noun) – a state of calmness and peace
where one feels untroubled. One can experience serenity on Chaos Never Dies
Day, right? Where do you experience serenity?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 10.
Today is “The National Day of Play.” What are the three best games to
play at recess?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Koko, the kitten-loving gorilla who learned to
communicate through sign language, once lied to her trainers, claiming her kitten
had torn a sink out of the wall instead of her.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “An essential aspect of creativity is not
being afraid to fail.” --Edwin Land (American inventor of the Polaroid)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: negligent (adjective) – use this word to describe
someone or someone’s actions that often careless or neglectful. Who in your
family is the most negligent? Is it you? What gets neglected?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 11.
Today is Veteran’s Day. How many American holidays where we hang
the flag outside our homes can you name?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Even though they are not very fragrant, fish are used to
make soap.
Interesting Quote of the Day: "This nation will remain the land of the
free only so long as it is the home of the brave." --Elmer Davis
(American News Reporter and Author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: dirge (noun) – use this noun as a synonym for a sad,
mournful song, like the ones you might hear at a funeral. What’s the saddest
song you’ve ever heard?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 12.
Today is “National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.” What’s the most
heartwarming personal narrative you could write?
Trivial Fact of the Day: A group of unicorns is called a blessing.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The world is a stage, but the play is
badly cast.” -- Oscar Wilde (Irish Playwright and Poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: chastise (verb) – use this action verb when you are
criticizing something or someone pretty severely. Would you chastise Oscar
Wilde for his quote above, or do you think he is right?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 13.
Today is “World Kindness Day.” How might you show kindness today?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Pound for pound, wood is stronger than steel.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “It takes courage to be creative. Just as
soon as you have a new idea, you are a minority of one.”
--E. Paul Torrance (American Psychologist and Author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: tedious (adjective) – use this word to describe a
person or event that is boring or dull. Outside of school, what is the most tedious
thing that you have to do? Could you write about it so that it sounds interesting?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 14.
Today is “National Teddy Bear Day.” What ever happened to your first
teddy bear or stuffed animal? What if it could write down its story?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Frogs drink through their skin. Do you think it would be
cool to be able to drink through your skin?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “The doors we open and close each day
decide the lives we live.” --Flora Whittemore (American Writer)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: raucous (adjective) – Use this descriptor in front of
a noun that could be described as loud or boisterous. What are the top three
raucous events you have attended?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 15.
Today is “America Recycles Day.” What are some cool things people
make from recycled materials?
Trivial Fact of the Day: 22% of U.S. teens can’t name the country these United
States declared their independence from. Can you remember?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Memory is a way of hanging on to the
things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to
lose.” --Kevin Arnold (a character from the TV show The Wonder Years)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: solicitous (adjective) – use this word to describe a
person who is concerned or attentive. Look around? Who is almost always
solicitous in this class?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 16.
Today is the “International Day for Tolerance.” Who are you tolerant
of, but just barely?
Trivial Fact of the Day: You can make 75 million toothpicks from one cord of
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Perhaps our eyes need to be washed
by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer
view again.” --Alex Tan (American Author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: tremulous (adjective) – use this word to describe
someone or an animal that is fearful or showing fright. What makes you feel the
most tremulous?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 17.
Today is “Homemade Bread Day.” What are the three best smells in
the world, according to you?
Trivial Fact of the Day: 20% of Americans think the sun revolves around the Earth.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Sometimes the smallest decisions can
change your life forever.” --Keri Russell (American Actress)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: placid (adjective ) – put this adjective in front of a
noun that is calm or peaceful. What are three things in the natural world that
could be described as placid? Hint: a lightning storm = not placid!
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 18.
Today is “Mickey Mouse Day.” Who is your favorite Disney Character?
Did you ever stand in line to take a picture with him/her/it?
Trivial Fact of the Day: French author Michele Thaler wrote a 233-page novel
which contained absolutely no verbs.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Only those who risk going too far can
possibly find out how far one can go.” --T.S. Eliot (American Poet)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: cloying (adjective) – if something (or someone’s
personality) is so sweet it makes you sick, you can describe it with the word
cloying. Is there anything you cannot eat because it is cloying?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 19.
Today is “Have a Bad Day” Day. Can you defy** the holiday and not
let this happen to you? How will you protect yourself today?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Humans and elephants are the only animals that can stand
on their heads.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Take only what you need and leave the
land as you found it.” --Arapaho Indian saying
**Vocabulary Word of the Day: defy (verb) – This action word means to openly
resist or refuse to obey. Can you name three specific people from history who
defied the government, nature, or the odds?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 20.
Today is “Name Your PC” Day. What should or could you name your
Trivial Fact of the Day: Eskimos use walrus whiskers for toothpicks. How long do
you think one whisker lasts?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Look at life through the windshield, not
the rear view mirror.” --Byrd Baggett (American Motivational Speaker)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: debacle (noun) – this noun can be used as a
synonym for something that is a disastrous failure or a terrible disruption. What
movie or video game was supposed to be great but turned out to be a debacle?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 21.
Today is “World Hello Day.” How could you say hello to the entire
world the fastest?
Trivial Fact of the Day: One bushel of corn can be used to sweeten more than 400
cans of soda pop.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “You see things; and you say ‘Why?’ But
I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?’”
--George Bernard Shaw (Irish Playwright)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: culpable (adjective) – describe a noun that is
deserving of blame with this word. A person can be culpable for a crime. A
natural disaster can be culpable for destruction. What else can be culpable?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 22.
Today is “Go For a Ride Day.” Can you convince your parents to help
you celebrate this holiday when you go home? Where will you go?
Trivial Fact of the Day: When dreaming, we become temporarily paralyzed.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.” --Winston Churchill (Former
Prime Minister of Great Britain)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: guile (noun) – use this noun as a synonym for
deceitful or sly behavior. When you are trying to get away with something you
shouldn’t, how do you show guile?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 23.
Today is “National Cranberry Day.” Do cranberries grow in water, or
do they flood the bogs to help pick them? Look it up!
Trivial Fact of the Day: Lions and tigers can’t purr, but cougars can. Do you want
to cuddle up with a cougar?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Life is the art of drawing without an
eraser.” --John W. Gardner (Former U. S. Secretary of Health)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: gourmand (noun) – use this noun as a synonym for
someone who is overly fond of eating and drinking. Why do you suppose we
chose this word as the “word of the day” today?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 24.
Today is “Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.” What is your special,
unique talent? How can you celebrate it?
Trivial Fact of the Day: G-Rated movies earn more money than any other rating.
Yet only 3% of Hollywood’s output is G-Rated. Why do you suppose this happens?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “If you don’t know where you are going,
any road will get you there.” --Lewis Carroll (British Author)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: parsimony (noun) – apply this noun to someone
who is excessively cheap, thrifty, or stingy when spending money. Can you think
of any book characters that show parsimony?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 25.
Today is “National Parfait Day.” Parfait means perfect in French, but
there are more perfect desserts than parfait, right?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Americans eat enough ice cream each year to fill the Grand
Canyon. They probably don’t eat nearly as much parfait.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else.” --Albert Einstein
(German-American Physicist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: pejorative (adjective) – use this word to describe
someone (or their actions) that is insulting or uncomplimentary. Know anyone
who is this adjective?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 26.
Today is “Shopping Reminder Day.” Who will you remind to go
shopping and what will you remind them to shop for?
Trivial Fact of the Day: It’s illegal in California to peel an orange in your hotel
Have you ever broken that law while on a trip to Disneyland?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “For every dark night, there is a brighter
day.” --Tupac Shakur (American Poet and Rapper)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: satiate (verb) – this action verb means to satisfy
excessively. Were you satiated after your Thanksgiving meal this year? What did
you eat a little too much of?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 27.
Today is “National Listening Day.” Who do you know that needs to
learn to listen more? Is it you?
Trivial Fact of the Day: For every person on earth, there are an estimated 200
million insects.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Courage is the discovery you may not
win, and trying when you know you can lose.” --Tom Krause
(American Motivational Speaker)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: umbrage (noun) – use this noun as a synonym for
the resentment or offense a person might feel. Complete this sentence: “I take
great umbrage when you ______.”
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 28.
Today is “Red Planet Day.” Do you believe in your lifetime we will ever
put a human being on the planet Mars? Why or why not?
Trivial Fact of the Day: Rabbits are incapable of walking. They always hop or leap.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Limitations live only in our minds. But
if you use your mind, the possibilities are limitless.” --Jamie Paolinetti
(American Athlete)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: wane (verb) – Apply this action word to something
that is decreasing in size or is dwindling. The moon wanes. A bad attitude can
wane. What else wanes?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 29.
Today is “Electronic Greetings Day.” Who will you greet with an
e-card or text? What will you say to them?
Trivial Fact of the Day: There are over two million millionaires in the United
States. How can you find out how many billionaires there are?
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find us
working.” --Pablo Picasso (Spanish Painter)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: heinous (adjective) – Use this word to describe a
person or an action that is shockingly wicked. Have you ever done anything to a
sibling or friend that might be considered a heinous act?
Sacred Writing Time
Did you come to class with an idea to write about?
As soon as class starts, quietly make that pencil dance!
It’s November 30.
Today is “Stay Home Because You are Well Day.” Glad to see you are
here and didn’t celebrate this one! If only you had known…right?
Trivial Fact of the Day: A typical American child receives 70 new toys a year,
most of them during the holiday season.
Interesting Quote of the Day: “Really great people make you feel like you,
too, can become great.” Mark Twain (American author and humorist)
Vocabulary Word of the Day: incisive (adjective) – Use this word to describe a
noun that is clear, sharp, and direct. Do you have teachers who don’t give incisive
instruction? Do you have teachers who do? What’s the difference?