RISK MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES School & Department Secretarial Presentation: June 12 and June 23, 2014 Risk Management – Mark Langdorf Student Accidents Board Policy 5340 – Student Accidents The Board believes that school personnel have certain responsibilities in case of accidents which occur in school. Said responsibilities extend to the administration of first aid by persons trained to do so, summoning of medical assistance, notification of administrative personnel, notification of parents, and the filing of accident reports. Employees should administer first aid within the limits of their knowledge of recommended practices. All employees should make an effort to increase their understanding of the proper steps to be taken in the event of an accident. The Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures to include the reporting of accidents, when appropriate. F.S. 381.0056, 1001.43 Student Accident Forms Student accident form filled out by student in their own writing or verbatim based on injury or age. Statements of witness attached to form on separate paperwork. A copy of the student accident report may be given to the student/parent ONLY if form is filled out by student or verbatim of student. This is to protect the District in the event of lawsuit. If the form has any attached statements they will not be provided to student or parent. If the parent has any questions, please direct them to Risk Management, (321) 633-1000, ext. 620. Field Trip & Transportation Board Policy 2340 & Board Policy 8660 Please see our website: http://finance.brevardschools.org/RiskManagement/default.aspx Select the Procedures and Criteria for Field Trips Tab (on the left side) to access these forms: Board Policy 8660 - Transportation by Private Vehicle 2010-11 Procedures and Criteria for Field Trip Manual Sponsors Application for Off-Campus Activity Student Medical Release Form for Out-of-County or Overnight Travel (Band and Choral students only) Parent Permission and Responsibility Statement for Off-Campus Activity Parent Permission and Responsibility Statement for Off-Campus Extra-Curricular Athletics Statement of Insurance on Privately Owned Vehicles Employment Posters Employment posters are required at each worksite location Posters should be placed in a common area such as a break room or mail room accessible to all employees or employee groups. If not accessible to all groups additional sets of posters can be obtained and displayed in a common area for those employees. (i.e. cafeteria workers, custodians) 2014 poster requirements on Risk Management website link: http://finance.brevardschools.org/RiskManagement/default.aspx Please contact Risk Management for additional posters or email whittle.kathy@brevardschools.org Workers’ Compensation When to report a claim When an employee suffers an injury in the workplace Reporting an injury when an employee is already treating for an injury or reporting the injury late All injuries that occur in the workplace must be reported to Sedgwick CMS once reported to the Employer (i.e. Supervisor notified) When employees, volunteers, substitute teachers are injured in the workplace, the injuries are reported to Sedgwick, CMS When reporting a work-related injury, all the above descriptions are considered employees for the School Board of Brevard County. All employees injured in workplace are REQUIRED to drug test whether seeking medical attention or not. Workers’ Compensation When injured employees are placed on restrictive duties by the authorized treating physician, it is imperative we find a way to accommodate the restrictions and return the employee back to work. Please do not refer employees injured at work to the emergency room unless it is a lifethreatening condition: Loss of consciousness or head injury/wound. Breathing terminated or an individual who reports or shows signs of breathing difficulty. Wounds with profuse bleeding (difficult to stop or control) to the head, abdomen, extremities. Severed extremity or eye gouge. Compound bone fracture (bone protruding from the skin). Other bone fractures may also be life threatening. If you are not sure if the fracture is life threatening it is best to treat it as life threatening. Cardiac arrest, tight chest, or signs of a heart attack. In most cases These will not be workers' compensation, but they are life threatening and the decision as to whether it is workers' compensation or not can be made after the condition is stabilized. Worker’s Compensation website available to all employees, administrators, and secretaries: http://finance.brevardschools.org/RiskManagement/Pages/administrators.aspx Use of District Facilities The main function of our school facilities, property & equipment is intended for public educational purposes Our facilities, property & equipment may be made available for community or other public use as long as that use does not disrupt our main function of education (Board Policy 7510 – Use of District Facilities) Facility Use Agreement forms were revised as of September 2013 and may be ordered through Printing Services. These are NCR forms that are not available on the website. Please do not copy the facility use agreement as it has language on the back of the form that the applicant agrees to when signing the facility use agreement All requested information must be completed on the Facility Use Agreement form such as Organization making application, name of President/individual completing application including telephone number and e-mail contact information (extremely important), etc. http://finance.brevardschools.org/RiskManagement/Pages/FacilityUseProcedures.aspx CATEGORY I USERS School Clubs, PTO/PTA/Booster Clubs Complete a Facilities Use Agreement Form Submit Certificate f Insurance or evidence they self-insure exposures (PTO/PTA/Booster Clubs) No facility use costs/utilities with the exception when a school employee is required to work overtime to accommodate another school’s use or any of the District’s performing arts theatres support a school function. CATEGORY II USERS AAU, USSSA, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, YMCA, Parent-Initiated Student Clubs, etc., not-for-profit school age organizations CATEGORY III USERS Charter Schools, Private Schools, churches, for-profit school age organizations, etc. where use of school property is not the main source of income (less than 25%) annually for the business. CATEGORY IV USERS Any organization that does not meet criteria listed in Category III or that utilize school property for a large percentage (twenty-five percent (25%) or more) of its annual revenue INSURANCE, FACILITY USE FEE COSTS Must complete a facility use agreement form Submit a Certificate Of Insurance evidencing General Commercial Liability policy of $1,000,000. All facility use fees, utilities, and school personnel and/or any additional clean-up costs outside normal personnel schedule, weekends, holidays. Facility Use Agreement Form-NCR Form Amusement Type Equipment Brought onto Campus Amusement Type Equipment Bounce Houses Moonwalkers Air Filled Slides or Equipment Dunk Tanks Rock Climbing Walls Facility Use Agreement/Insurance PTO/PTA Paying for Equipment – PTO/PTA completes Facility Use Agreement, submits Certificate of Insurance along with amusement company’s Certificate of Insurance and a signed Hold Harmless Agreement School Paying for Equipment – Amusement company completes Facility Use Agreement, submits Certificate of Insurance along with signed Hold Harmless Agreement. All Participating Students on Amusement Type Equipment, Parents Sign Parent’s Approval & Student Waiver Prior To Use. For additional information, please visit the Risk Management website link: http://finance.brevardschools.org/RiskManagement/Shared%20Documents/Outside%20Equipment%20U sage.pdf Amusement Type Equipment Brought onto Campus Forms HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT PARENT APPROVAL AND STUDENT WAIVER FORM Changes to Ethics Administrative Procedures Board Policy 3210 - Ethics The Board wanted more clarity for this policy Cyndi Van Meter, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, Dr. Beth Thedy, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Dr. Mark Mullins, South Area Superintendent, Jane Cline, Central Area Superintendent, Laura Rhinehart, North Area Superintendent, and Mark Langdorf, Director of Risk Management worked in collaboration to develop changes. Changes and examples have been identified for Conflict of Interest Dual Employment Gifts Personal Advertisements Mark Langdorf will be holding training sessions with school/department administration as well as athletic directors regarding changes. Changes will go into effect August 11, 2014. A copy has been provided underlining changes. Unemployment Claims The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity makes the determination whether an individual is qualified for benefits. The School Board of Brevard County does not make this determination. The Office of Risk Management responds to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity when a request for unemployment benefits has been filed by an employee based on the separation process by the Human Resources and the school principal. Documentation needed for voluntary resignation: resignation form completed by employee Documentation needed for termination/forced resignation: All oral warnings reduced to writing Written reprimands Summary conferences Letters of suspension Letters of being placed on administrative leave/suspension pending investigation Disciplinary actions within a 14 month period Documentation needed for employees on a leave of absence: Leave of absence completed by employee If medical leave of absence accompanying physician notes. Locating and Viewing Board Policies and Administrative Procedures School/Workplace Safety The Office of Risk Management began a school/workplace safety initiative to increase safety awareness and reduce work-related injuries at all sites. The District's insurance broker, Arthur J. Gallagher and Company is coordinating the safety initiatives with their Managing Director, Jim Smith, M.S., CSP. Mr. Smith has begun to work with selected schools by initially meeting with principals and further site safety plans will be developed in cooperation with school/department needs and Mr. Smith's vast knowledge in workplace safety initiatives and programs. Please visit the Risk Management link: http://finance.brevardschools.org/RiskManagement/Pages/SWPSafety.aspx for monthly news letters and school/workplace safety information from Mr. Smith. Please share this information with employees even if your site is not one of the initially selected sites Mr. Smith will visit.