Bullying & Harassment Amy Schneider (Safety & Violence Prevention Counselor) Officer Ed Hurtado (School Resource Officer) Peer Counselors No one has the right to use violence. Violence will not be tolerated at Corona High School. Any unkind word, sign or act that hurts a persons’ body feelings or possessions. Negative or malicious behavior Behavior repeated over a period of time A relationship in which there is an imbalance in strength or power between the parties involved Calling names, threatening comments, spreading rumors, sexual harassment, ridicule, and abusive language. Drawing degrading pictures, fake punches, glaring, smirking, and stalking. Excluding a student, betraying trust, and/or sabotaging a friendship. Hitting, shoving, grabbing, kicking, spitting, and blocking a path. Dumping books, breaking glasses, ruining homework, graffiti, and/or destruction of one’s personal property. Occurs when a person torments, threatens, harasses, and/or humiliates another person through the use of technology. When someone with more power unfairly hurts someone with less power repeatedly. Power May Be: Physical Strength Social Skills Verbal Ability Another Resource Inappropriate comments or action of a sexual nature (unwanted advances) = Sexual Harassment = Illegal Students shall not intimidate or harass other students through words or actions, including but not limited to direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving, verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; written statements; and social isolation or manipulation. This policy applies whenever a student is on school grounds, traveling to and from school or a school sponsored activity, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, during a school-sponsored activity, and or otherwise related to school attendance. Bullying may occur in the spirit of team building. Behaviors such as hazing and sexual harassment are illegal. Bullying on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, disability or sexual orientation is a form of bias or hate. According to the National Association of School Psychologists approximately 160,000 students miss school everyday for fear of being bullied. Bullying is the best predictor of adult criminality. (Silvernail, Thompson, Yang, & Kopp, 2) Realize that it is not your fault and you need to ask for help. Keep an accurate record of the dates, times and locations that you have been bullied. Talk to a trusted adult and report it to a teacher, counselor, or administrator. A-C D-HO HU-OL Puente I Mr. Pruett ROSATO-S & AVID Mrs. Halfhill Mrs. Martin T-Z & Special Ed ELL (A-Z) Mrs. Ferrara Ms. Osterkamp Mrs. Aguiar Mrs. Babin Safety Counselor ON-ROSAS Ms. Schneider Individual/Group Counseling Administration Referrals Community Resource Referrals Safety & Violence Prevention Counseling Administration Office Referrals from Faculty & Staff Deals with specific threats (i.e., cyber; physical; social-violence) Room B-13 Trained by Mrs. Bogner Conflict Mediation Prevention & Intervention •National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (www.safeyouth.org) •Teen line (www.teenlineonline.org) •California Youth Crisis Line (www.youthcrisisline.org) www.cde.ca.gov www.lacoe.edu www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles1/ojjdp/fs200127.txt