UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Equality and Diversity Network

Equality and Diversity Network
Notes of the Network Meeting held on 28th January 2010
Mrs K Hughes (Chair)
Ms A Barker, Mrs S Beaufoy, Miss L Brealey, Ms S Byrne, Dr C
Constable, Miss E Durrant , Mrs B Jones, Mrs J Keene, Miss E King,
Mrs C Quinney, Dr N Rabbani, Dr N Rajpoot, Ms J Redfern, Miss A
Richley Mrs J Taylor, Mrs L Walls, Mrs D Weber, B Wilson,
Mrs M A Cullen, Dr J Davies, Mrs R Freeman, Ms A Klaus, Dr B
Kiernan, Mrs G Harris, Mrs M Heredia-Fernandez, Dr R Thiara,
Notes of last meeting
That the notes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network held on
20th October 2009 be approved.
Matters Arising
Disability Interest Group
The DIG held an awareness session regarding dyslexia when they
met on 11th November 2009, at the next meeting on 10th February
2010 there will be a session on Aspergers syndrome. If there are any
other areas of interest which the group would like a session on then
feedback is welcomed.
Appreciating Differences Course
A workshop is to be held on 4th March 2010, bookings can be made
via the LDC website. The workshop will show staff how to manage
judgments we may all make when meeting new people.
Athena Swan
Prof Mark Smith has been established as the Chair of the Athena
Swan Self Assessment Group, the group will commence a process of
data gathering and work is to commence inviting people to join a selfassessment group to look at what is going on across the University
currently, this will involve all departments, not just SET.
Concordat on Career Development of Researchers
That the Concordat was considered by the Equality and Diversity
Committee held on 2 November 2009. The Committee resolved that
many of the recommendations of the Concordat were already
common themes in other external research reports and Athena Swan
and as a result had already been noted within the Single Equality
Scheme and Single Equality Action Plan.
Bullying and Harassment
The Equality and Diversity Committee resolved to:
i. To identify departments with a low incidence of reported
bullying and harassment in the PULSE: Staff Survey and to
identify good practice in them which may be disseminated.
Leonie Walls reported that the PULSE survey had been
analysed and low incidents of bullying and harassment were in
Warwick Retail and one other small department. Warwick
Retail reported that Senior Managers were high profile so
when issues arose they were dealt with immediately. The small
department reported that their staff had worked together for a
very long time and there was a culture of no tolerance of
bullying and harassment. In the PULSE survey this year
bullying and harassment questions will feature strongly again.
ii. To examine how Heads of Department may be given support
in facilitating early intervention in situations, in order to resolve
matters as locally and expeditiously as possible.
Leonie Walls reported that the Learning and Development
Centre are running Heads of Department inductions which
cover all aspects of Human Resources including bullying and
harassment. LDC are also running sessions on performance
management and grievances; many complaints of bullying and
harassment are linked to managers dealing with performance
issues. Annual Review this year will again reinforce the
message that bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
iii. To identify how the University may make issues of
confidentiality clearer for students and staff.
Leonie Walls reported that all bullying and harassment cases
are being investigated more quickly and guidance for
witnesses is being provided, so they know who sees what
evidence. In the new Grievance Procedure there is a section
with reference to confidentiality. On the student side Kate
Hughes reported that the issue of confidentiality has been
clarified with a statement on the student support services
web pages and the family programme web pages in response
to a growing numbers of enquires and the need for consistency
of approach
Standing Item - terms of reference of the Equality and Diversity Network
The Equality and Diversity Network provides a forum for all members of staff
and Students Union representatives to discuss issues relating to equal
opportunities and diversity.
Inclusive Fitness Initiative
An oral report from Carolyn Quinney. The Sports Centre now has the IFI
accreditation The IFI programme supports the fitness industry to become
more inclusive, catering for the needs of disabled and non-disabled people,
raising physical activity participation levels. This includes access to facilities,
training and inclusive fitness equipment. Having the IFI accreditation will help
to promote the University facilities ahead of the Paralympic Games, as the
Sports Centre could be used as a training camp.
Car Parking
An oral report from Kate Hughes. The Transport Strategy Group has now
completed their report which has raised many options regarding car parking
and transportation, all of which will be Equality Impact Assessed should they
be adopted. The report will now be discussed at Senior Officers meeting and
then Steering. A new initiative is that Admissions have the use of car parking
at Stoneleigh Park on open days with a park and ride available.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 12th May 2010 at 10.00am in the Council
Chamber, University House.