Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test

Beginning-of-Grade 3
Assessment Guide Training
Fall 2014
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Purpose of the Assessment (page 1)
• Article 8 of Chapter 115 C of the General Statutes includes Part
1A, the North Carolina Read to Achieve Program.
• The goal of this program “is to ensure that every student read at or
above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to
progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read,
comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for
secondary education and career success.”
• The North Carolina Beginning-of-Grade 3 English Language
Arts/Reading Test is linked to the Read to Achieve Program.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Purpose of the Assessment
• This test serves two purposes:
o to establish a baseline measure of beginning third
grade students’ English Language Arts/Reading skills
o to serve as a teacher growth tool for determining
teachers’ eligibility to teach the transitional third and
fourth grade classes or accelerated reading classes
and/or summer reading camps that began in school
year 2014–2015 and as described in G.S.§115C83.1C.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Eligible Students
• All students in membership at grade 3 (according to
PowerSchool) are expected to participate with or
without accommodations in the standard administration
of the beginning-of-grade 3 test.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Eligible Students (page 1)
• Exceptions include:
o Students with disabilities who, according to Individualized
Education Program (IEP) documentation, are instructed on
the Extended Content Standards (EXTEND 1).
o LEP students scoring below Level 4.0 Expanding on the
reading subtest of the W-APT and are in their first year in
U.S. schools.
o Students deemed medically fragile because of a significant
medical emergency and/or condition.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Testing Window (page 2)
• Test administrators must administer the beginning-ofgrade 3 test during the first 11-15 instructional days of
the school year.
• Students enrolling UP TO Day 16 must be administered
the assessment, even if the test date goes beyond Day
• Any student absent from the test administration must
make up the test.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Testing Schedule (page 2)
• The beginning-of-grade 3 test is administered in one
day – August 11 (YRE) September 10 (Traditional).
• The test should be administered as early in the school
day as the school schedule permits.
• All students at grade 3 within a school must be
administered the test at the same time on the same
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Estimated Administration Time (page 3)
• The estimated administration time of the beginningof-grade 3 test is 90 minutes.
• Students are given 2 three-minute breaks during the
administration of the test.
• The maximum testing time for the test is 180 minutes
(3 hours).
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Test Information (page 3)
• The beginning-of-grade 3 is a paper-and-pencil test.
• It includes all English Language Arts/Reading test
• There are 42 total multiple-choice items.
Before Test Day (pp. 5-9)
• Complete the practice activity.
• Train staff and proctors.
• Read and study the Testing Code of Ethics (handout).
• Follow security procedures
– Store secure test materials properly.
– Remove instructional material from testing environment.
– Test administrators must sign for Assessment Guides AND
Before Test Day (pp. 5-9)
Prepare students for testing.
✓ Complete practice activity. Script is available.
✓ Teach test-taking strategies.
✓ Use released materials
For test administrations requiring accommodations, the test administrator must
complete the Review of Accommodations Used During Testing form for each
student who will receive accommodations.
Prohibited Items in Testing Room (page 11)
✓ Electronic devices/cell phones
• This rule applies to adults and students
✓ Personal belongings
• Materials may not be accessed, even during breaks.
✓ Monitor students during testing
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Misadministrations (page 13)
• There is only one form of the test
• When a misadministration is declared, students must
be re-administered the secure form of the beginning of
grade 3 test no earlier than five consecutive calendar
days following the conclusion of the prior
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test (pp 13-15)
• Misalignment during testing
• Student Emergencies and restroom breaks
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Accommodations (pp 15-17)
On a case-by-case basis where appropriate
documentation exists, students administered the
beginning of grade 3 assessment who are identified as
LEP, have disabilities, have a Section 504 Plan, and/or
have transitory impairment documentation are eligible
for testing accommodations.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Accommodations (pp 15-17)
• The beginning-of-grade 3 test has been added to
GoalView and PowerSchool in order to document
student’s testing accommodations for this test.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Accommodations (pp 15-17)
• Students may use the accommodations specified for
the EOG English Language Arts/Reading assessment
when they take the beginning-of-grade 3 test in the fall.
• If the team has already conducted a student’s annual
review and did not include accommodations for the
EOG, the team must either reconvene or the LEA and
parent can agree to amend the student’s IEP and/or
Section 504/LEP documentation without a meeting in
order to record any necessary accommodations for the
beginning-of-grade 3 test.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Accommodations Documented testing accommodations
should be routinely used during instruction and similar
classroom assessments.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
• Special testing accommodations request other than
those specified in the Testing Students with Disabilities
and Guidelines for Testing Students Identified as
Limited English Proficient publications must be
submitted via an Accommodation Notification form.
• Accommodation Notification forms for this test should
be submitted as soon as possible and must be
submitted at least two weeks before the student’s
scheduled test date.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Directions for Test Administration (pp 26-35)
• The test administrator distributes No. 2 pencils and
answer sheets to students.
• Students are told that the computer filled in some of the
responses on the front of the answer sheet. They are
also told to check that their first and last name is coded
• Students are instructed not to write or draw on the back
(SIDE 2) of the answer sheet.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
Directions for Test Administration
• The test administrator distributes blank paper, then a
test book to each student.
• Students are instructed to print their name on the test
• The test administrator directs students to look at the
front of their answer sheet and find the box that says
• Students are asked to complete two sample questions.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
After Testing
• For test administrations requiring accommodations, the
test administrator must complete the Review of
Accommodations Used During Testing form for each
student who received accommodations.
• The test administration must count and return all test
• The test administrator or principal’s designee must
code the student answer sheet after testing under
secure conditions in a group setting.
Beginning-of-Grade 3 Test
After Testing
Special Codes Section for Answer Sheets (pp 39-40)
o Reason(s) the Student is Not Participating in the General
Administration (Column A)
o Transfer Students (Column B)
o Makeup Tests (Column G)
o Accommodations Not Permitted (Column H)
o Misadministration (Column I)
o For Local Use (Column J-L)
AIG Presentation
AIG Universal Screener: DAP-IQ
• Measures aptitude (different from
• Developmental benchmark
• Final “net” to identify potential students
for AIG Talent Pool/AIG nomination
AIG Universal Screener: DAP-IQ
• AIG State Program Standards promote both
traditional and non-traditional standardized
• NHCS uses Dibels as our traditional universal
• The Draw-A-Person Intelligence Quotient is our
district’s non-traditional, standardized universal
AIG Universal Screener: DAP-IQ
• Follow all testing procedures
• Meet with Exceptional Children teachers to discuss
accommodation needs
• Maximum student number in classroom = 15
• Average testing session = 25 minutes
• Please do NOT write in the test/scoring manual. Unlike EOG test
manuals, these are reused each year. Post it notes are
encouraged, if you want to add notes.
• Labels for student forms, parent letters, and cumulative files should
be printed before testing. The data managers can access age
information needed for the labels.
DAP-IQ Testing Timeline
Testing Procedures, Labels, and Letters linked here.
• September 18th: AIG specialists trained
• September 19th: Test coordinators pick up materials
• September 22nd: District-wide DAP-IQ test
• September 23rd: Make-up DAP-IQ test administration
• September 23rd: Test coordinators return materials
• September 24th: Specialist Scoring (Spencer)
After the Test
• Specialists send home test results
• Specialists hold informational meeting for
3rd grade parents
• Talking points for parents
• AIG nominations: REMEMBER that
anyone can nominate a student
Grade AIG Nomination
• October 20th: Begin collecting nominations
• November 3rd – 7th: Match Team Meeting to determine
need for additional data (testing)
• November 10th: Submit requests to Testing for CogAT
(in Google Docs)
• November 14th: Pick up CogAT materials
• CogAT Testing window: November 17-24th
• November 24th: Return CogAT materials
Grade AIG Nomination
• November 24th: Submit request for ITBS (upon delivery
of CogAT) and collect materials
• ITBS testing window: December 1st – 8th
• December 8th: Return ITBS materials to Testing
• December 8th – 12th: Math Team meets to determine
• By December 19th: Communicate nomination results to
Additional AIG Testing
Windows(Grades 4/5, transfer students)
• September 8th – 19th
• November 3rd – 14th
• February 16th – 27th