GAWAD KALINGA Building Communities. Building Better Health. POVERTY is the GREATEST threat against the ENVIRONMENT and HUMAN HEALTH. Lowering our standards -- a slum ENVIRONMENT reinforces a slum MENTALITY. DEGRADING our shared environment and ENDANGERING public health. Leading to a loss of Human Dignity. POVERTY is a failure of SOCIAL JUSTICE. Gawad Kalinga Building a platform on Social Justice to create an enabling environment to restore DIGNITY and QUALITY of life. TRANSFORMING slums into HEALTHY and VIBRANT communities. Building decent homes for shelter and schools for education Building water systems and proper sanitation and drainage to promote better public health A new community for victims of calamity in Luzon. Typhoon Pablo Typhoon Sendong Transforming CALAMITY-HIT areas into SAFE zones. A New Community for the victims of calamity in Mindanao Building a Farm Village University Platform Linking Social Entrepreneurship, Agriculture and the Environment Hyundai Center for Green Innovation: Empowering people and sharing knowledge amidst Climate Change and Environmental DAR-Agricool Center: Raising the NEXT generation of farmers. Bamboo Palace: Showcasing Indigenous Design. Health and Wholeness Center: Access to Holistic Health for All. Shell Social Business Incubation Center: Building Social Businesses for Bottom of the Pyramid Wealth Life Bank Center for Bayanihan Economics: Scaling Social Businesses to Increase Social Impact. Social Entrepreneurship Raising the next generation of Wealth Creators Health Beverages using local ingredients Single-origin artisan chocolates Natural and Organic Personal Care and Cosmetic Products High-end fashion using waste materials