Public Health and Local Government

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1 February 2013
• Public Health England Structures
• Role of the Regions and Centres
• Local Government Leadership for public
• Why District councils’ functions and relations
make them vital partners for public health
• Case Studies
Public Health England
Public Health England has been established to protect and improve the nation’s
health and wellbeing, and to reduce inequalities.
There is an intentional emphasis on professional health leadership through the
appointment of three recognised leaders for health protection, health improvement
and population health and a Chief Knowledge Officer.
The health protection directorate will be responsible for health protection services,
establishing and maintaining internationally benchmarked best practice.
The health improvement and population health directorate will be responsible for
the development of a 21st century health and wellbeing service, supporting local
authorities and the NHS to deliver the greatest possible improvements in the public’s
The knowledge and intelligence directorate will be responsible for the delivery of an
internationally recognised, high-performing evidence and intelligence service
encompassing research, statistics and know-how
These three professionals will be complemented by a Chief Operating Officer, and
directors for strategy, programmes, finance and corporate services, and human
For more information please see Structure of Public Health England Fact Sheet
PHE Regions
The effective delivery of Public Health England’s work will rely on joint action at a
sub-national level. The agency will distribute a small number of its national office
functions across four regions that are coterminous with those of the NHS
Commissioning Board and the Department for Communities and Local
Government’s resilience hubs.
Public Health England’s regions will be focused on the effective functioning and
professional development of the public health system, and assuring delivery in its
local centres.
Regions’ functions will be:
• supporting transparency and accountability across the system, managing
strategic discussions with partners including leaders in the NHS Commissioning
Board, local government, Health Education England and others, in relation to the
achievement of public health outcomes
• providing professional support and leadership to the public health system
including the joint appointment of directors of public health, clinical and medical
supervision, and professional guidance and leadership
• ensuring consistently high-quality services are provided by the agency’s centres,
overseeing their contribution to improving health outcomes and in addressing
local needs and priorities
• ensuring the delivery of the national emergency planning, resilience and
response strategy across their region
PHE Centres
Public Health England’s 15 centres will provide the organisation’s local presence and leadership.
They will develop and maintain key relationships with local authorities, local resilience forums, the
NHS and other partners to support and influence the delivery of improved outcomes for the public’s
The centres will integrate the different public health disciplines, providing effective services and
support for health protection, health improvement and health service public health.
They will provide a single point of access to the full range of Public Health England’s specialist skills
and knowledge.
The centres will lead the delivery of the agency’s functions for their geographies, including:
building Public Health England’s relationship with local authorities and providing professional support to
enable local authorities and other partners to maximise health improvement for their populations
the provision of health protection services
providing the local NHS with high- quality public health advice, including supporting the local director of
public health in their relationship with the NHS
employment and professional development of immunisation and screening teams integrated with the NHS
Commissioning Board’s local area teams
development of the specialist and wider public health workforce to support local authorities on public health
workforce issues and managing Public Health England’s relationship with the local education and training
provide public health specialists to support specialised commissioning and dental commissioning
oversee delivery of drug and alcohol services, building on the role and structures of the National Treatment
Agency for Substance Misuse
PHE local
and regional support
Local government leadership
Local government should lead for public health
because of its:
• population focus, as the democratically accountable
stewards of local health and wellbeing
• role as the shapers of place
• ability to address many of the wider social
determinants of health, and
• experience of, and ability to tackle, inequalities in
Environmental health
Enforcement of Health Protection Regulations, to prevent the spread of infection or contamination and cleanse property.
Health and Safety at Work Act enforcement, to require safety measures and if necessary prohibit the use of dangerous equipment and
close down unsafe workplaces.
Official controls for food safety, to ensure good hygiene.
Environmental protection, to prevent pollution and require the clean-up of contaminated land.
General environmental services
Monitoring air quality, indoor and outdoor, and enforcing pollution laws.
Tackling noise nuisance.
Bin collection, recycling, street cleaning, graffiti removal and maintenance of common spaces.
Addressing homelessness, housing supply, affordable housing, supported housing and aids and adaptations, improving housing
conditions, dealing with overcrowding, empty housing etc.
Licensing, for example of the sale of alcohol and tobacco and of taxis to protect the public, including young people.
Physical activity and leisure
Leisure services designed to increase physical activity, including services designed with the involvement of disadvantaged
and minority groups to help target health inequalities.
Targeted programmes to increase physical activity and improve health (eg exercise on prescription, health trainers).
Maintenance of playing fields, parks, open spaces, allotments.
Planning for health, including issues of ‘liveability’, environments that facilitate physical activity, walking and cycling, access to
community facilities, transport routes and employment.
Addressing the wider determinants of health
Regeneration, supporting people into work, attracting new jobs and prosperity into areas.
Financial inclusion – revenue and benefits advice and access to affordable credit
Transformational opportunities from
local authority leadership
• Integrate services across health and more widely, eg
education, housing, community safety
• Develop new approaches to tackling major public health
challenges – smoking, obesity, public health threats.
• Greater influence on wider determinants of health –
making health and wellbeing everybody’s business
• Join up different local budgets to improve VFM & health e.g.
Community Budgets
• More local accountability and involvement of local people in
shaping services = Better services + improved outcomes
Transitional work with
Local Government
• DH has worked very closely with local government so far, as well as with
public health stakeholders. Good progress and engagement to date,
reflecting enthusiasm from LG for role
• Moving to a key stage in transition, with LG in lead, but central
government still needing to be assured that system as a whole is ‘ready’
• PHE is developing its relationships with key stakeholders
• We will continue to work closely with local government and public health
stakeholders, to ensure the new system of public health achieve its aims
of improving health outcomes for people and populations
Web based resource ‘From Transition to transformation’
Case Studies
Wychavon is one of six Worcestershire districts. It has a largely rural population. Wychavon
recognises the cross-cutting nature of health and has integrated it into day-to
day service delivery through Opportunity Vale of Evesham (OVE). This is a four-year project,
funded through the county’s local strategic partnership, with a contribution from public
health, and focusing on 11 of the most deprived areas in Wychavon district. Taking a broad
approach to wellbeing, the overall project includes a variety of initiatives aimed at addressing
community needs or remodelling services to be more responsive. The health improvement
coordinator for the district council sits in the community development department and
works with housing, regeneration, planning, environmental health, parks and strategy and
communications sections of the council. Wychavon and the CCG are currently in
the process of assessing and planning new approaches to health delivery in rural areas based
on the learning from the Opportunity vale of Evesham Project. An example of this joint
working to date has been a project with five GP practices referring COPD patients to the
district council for energy improvement measures.
Case Studies
In Oxfordshire, as well as having a place on the health and wellbeing board, district
councillors act as chair and vice-chair of the health improvement partnership board. This is a
sub-group of the health and wellbeing board and will take forward traditional public health
priorities as well as developing work around the broader determinants of health, including
housing issues. Local authorities are exploring how to delegate funding which has
traditionally supported housing initiatives to the health improvement partnership board.
In Lancashire a programme of councillor development in relation to the health reforms and
health and wellbeing has been delivered across the two tiers of local government.
A network of county and district cabinet members for health and wellbeing and another
network for county and district lead officers for health and wellbeing have been established
and are supported by Lancashire’s joint health unit. Co-production of public health support to
district councils is led by the executive director of public health for central Lancashire.
Case Studies
Warwickshire’s shadow Health and Wellbeing Board includes three district councillors
representing all five district councils together with any district council officers who wish to be
‘in attendance’ at meetings. The health and wellbeing board has deliberately sought to get
district representation from housing, planning and environmental health within the district
councils. A memorandum of understanding is being developed between public health and
the five district/borough councils. Match-funding initiatives that focus on jointly agreed
priorities are in place for 2012/13 and beyond. The public health budget will make up to
£10,000 available for local initiatives in each district.
Derbyshire has had senior public health staff jointly appointed between the NHS
and a number of the county’s eight district councils for several years, and many other staff
devote some of their time to working in specific localities. District and borough public
engagement mechanisms are an important source of health intelligence. Elected members of
district councils are engaged with all the local partnership arrangements for health and
wellbeing and there is also a well developed (although non statutory) health scrutiny function
at district/borough level looking into issues such as carers, alcohol and young people and
Case Studies
Most districts councils in Lincolnshire have a health and wellbeing group which links to the
health and wellbeing board. District councils and CCGs are now coming together for joint
work, such as a joint project in East Lindsey with the British Heart Foundation, looking at
reducing the incidence of coronary heart disease.
A system of virtual public health networks has been developed in Leicestershire. The lead
district council chief executive meets quarterly with the director of public health and the
director of adult social services to develop shared approaches and strong networks. A senior
public health specialist is co-located with district council staff for part of each week to
develop strategic and operational approaches to health improvement and a system of small
grants funding is devolved to individual districts. There are member health champions in
each district who meet periodically with the chair of the health and wellbeing board, CCG
senior managers and the director of public health to build understanding of the potential of
the new system, develop skills and knowledge and look at locality priorities and delivery.
The precise mechanisms for delivery are different in each district, (for example some have
local health forums and some do not) and this flexibility is inherent in the model.
District councils’ functions and relations with their communities make them vital partners for
public health in two-tier areas.
County councils can use the health reforms to review their public health governance and
operational relationships with district councils and build on existing partnerships.
In two-tier areas, there is a strong case for district councils to be represented on health and
wellbeing boards, and in developing Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs) (and
associated action plans) as well as Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs), to ensure that
the assessment and strategies are sensitive to variations across the county. (Under the Health
and Social Care Act 2012, district councils must be consulted on JSNAs, but not JHWSs
although good practice indicates they should be consulted on both).
Districts need to find a way of cooperating among themselves to develop and present a
‘district perspective’ and collective voice on health and wellbeing boards.
Integration and joint working between district councils and clinical commissioning groups
(CCGs) is as important as integration between county councils and CCGs – health and
wellbeing boards will need to consider this when carrying out their statutory role in
promoting integration.
In many areas there is a third tier of local government. Parish and town councils have a role
in community engagement and will need to be involved in developing JSNAs and JHWSs