History of Slow Food…

Sustainable and Local Food
Slow Food
Center for Environmental Farming Systems NC
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
Presented by: Anne-Marie Scott, PhD, RD
Department of Nutrition, UNCG
History of Slow Food…
 Founded in 1989 by Carlo
Petrini and a group of his
gastronomic friends in Italy
 Formed in response to the
despair felt by these men who
were offended by the 1986
installation of a McDonald’s
near the Spanish Steps, one of
Rome’s most historical
Slow Food Is About…
– pleasure, taste,
knowledge, choice
– the enjoyment of food
– knowing food origins
– supporting biodiversity
– uniting as a local food
community and economy
– people coming together
on the farm, in the
market, and at the table
Food is meant to be
tasty, wholesome,
capable of satifying
all 5 senses and able
to evoke a complex
set of feelings,
memories and
the way it’s produced respects
the environment, animal
welfare and our health
those who produce it
should receive
payment for their work
Ark of Taste and
Presida Projects
• Catalogues foods at risk of
• Includes over 500 foods
from all over the world.
• Small projects designed to
offer food producers direct,
on-site support
Renewing America’s Food Traditions
• Collaboration between 7 of our
country’s most prominent
education, conservation, and food
• RAFT brings American farmers,
chefs, conservationists, and
consumers together to protect
foods and food traditions that
are at risk of extinction
Taste Education
Taste Workshops
Producer visits
Classes and conferences
School gardens
Slow Food in Schools
Center for Environmental Farming
Systems NC
Has been funded to ask: What will it take to
build a sustainable local food economy in
North Carolina?
Across the state, various organizations are
promoting and implementing exciting
initiatives to support sustainable local
agriculture. Ex: new farmer’s markets, local
food policy councils, comprehensive countyfood initiatives, farm incubator programs,
farm and/or garden youth education
programs, health and nutrition projects
focused on local sustainable foods,
procurement initiatives by large
retail and institutional buyers and schools,
and much more.
If each North Carolinian spent 55
cents/day on local food, it would mean
$1.7 billion for the state’s economy. That
money circulates here in the state so has a
multiplier effect, rather than going to a
corporate headquarters in another state.
Other benefits of a sustainable local food
economy in North Carolina include
economic development, job creation
within farming and food sectors,
preservation of open space, decreased
use of fossil fuel and associated carbon
emissions, preservation and protection of
the natural environment, increased
consumer access to fresh and nutritious
foods, and greater food security for all
North Carolinians.
Our Mission
Promote local and organic agriculture
in the Carolinas by inspiring,
educating and organizing farmers and
Our Vision
A regional food system that is good
for the farmer, the consumer and the
land. CFSA is a membership-based
501(c)(3) non-profit organization of
more than 1,000 farmers, gardeners,
consumers and businesses in North
and South Carolina. These members
are committed to sustainable
agriculture and the development of
locally-based, organic food systems.
CFSA was founded in 1979 by a group
of farmers, gardeners and consumers
to support each other and foster the
growth of organic food in the
Carolinas. Since then, we've helped
define and grow the sustainable
agriculture movement in our region.
CFSA is governed by a diverse 13member Board of Directors. CFSA
operates with staff and through the
work of volunteers in our regional
Chapters. Chapters develop
educational programs, work on local
solutions to food system problems,
and allow members to network with
neighbors committed to healthy food
and farms.
How to live the Slow Food way…
 Education
 Learn about Industrial Food Production by
reading books or seeing documentary films on
food production
 After learning about your food supply, decide
what is important to you: limiting pesticides,
promoting sustainable agricultural practices,
ethical treatment of animals, great taste, fair
trade, food miles, petrochemical savings,
nutritional quality…
 Don’t be overwhelmed by the system and the
choices – start with knowledge and small choices
 Try shifting your focus so that the ingredient label
is your first priority
How to live the Slow Food way…
• Taste
– Slowly wean yourself off
processed foods
– Think tradition – revive old
family recipes and foodways
– Think about how your food
tastes, make comparisons
b/w processed and whole
– Take a year to honor your
taste and satiety signals – you
may be happier and healthier
than you ever imagined
How to live the Slow Food way…
• Cooking
– Learn to cook or teach someone to
cook – use half your home
television or computer time for
shopping and cooking
– Learn to can and freeze foods
– Learn to make processed foods
from scratch; such as pasta,
cheeses, soups, ice cream and
– Be willing to fail – follow a new
recipe exactly and use good recipes
from classic cookbooks – then learn
to experiment.
How to live the Slow Food way…
• Purchasing
– Buy locally produced foods
(www.100milediet.org): eggs, butter,
vegetables – start with one food per
week – see handout
– Eat with the Seasons in Mind
– Buy Organic Foods when possible
– Buy Pasture Raised Meats (beef and
lamb) and local poultry, eggs and pork
that has been raised on real food
– Eat Wild Caught Fish and Shrimp – buy
as local as possible
How to live the Slow Food way…
• Purchasing
– Join a Community Supported
Agriculture (CSA) Program (see the
web site www.localharvest.org for
ones in your area)
– Ask dining establishments if local
foods are used to create the menu
– Go to your local Farmer’s Market and
talk with the farmer’s – ask questions:
When was this harvested? What type
of fertilizers do you use? Where is your
farm located? How long have you been
farming? – see handout
Ten Great Reasons to Shop at Your
Local Farmer's Market – see handout
 Food Tastes Better - Real Flavors
 Connect with the Seasons
 Support Family Farmers and
Local Food Economies
 Protects Biodiversity and the
 Better Nutrition For You and
Your Family
 Discover the Spice of Life ~
 Promote Humane Treatment of
 Know Where Your Food Comes
 Learn Cooking Tips, Recipes, and
Meal Ideas
 Connect with Your Community
How to live the Slow Food way…
• Gardening
– Support School Gardens
and teaching children to
grow their own food
– Start your own family or
community garden
– Learn how to compost
• Just start by doing one
thing at a time and slow
Find out more about Slow Food USA
and your local NC chapters