Chronology from the Gilded Age to the 1920s Timeline Self-Test To use this show, go to view and click “notes page.” Then start slide show. When you want to read more about an answer, end the show and the notes page for that slide will appear. After reading the notes page, return to the notes page. Click slowly, think before you click next Try to guess the answer Remember, if it is italicized, know it well; if it is in bold, know it really well 1877-1896 Corruption during Gilded Age—give examples BossTweed=Tammany; Credit Mobilier; Whiskey Ring; Sec. War Belnap=bribes 1880s Name is “ism”: Chinese Exclusion Act (’82); American Protective Assoc. (’87) vs. Catholics/foreigners Nativism 1881 Helen Hunt Jackson writes about mistreatment of Indians; starts reform movement—name the book A Century of Dishonor 1883 Ends spoils system; begins civil service (what, not who, you know to get a job)—name the act Pendleton Act 1886 States can’t regulate railroads; leads to Interstate Commerce Act of 1887—name the Supreme Court case Wabash v. Illinois (1886) Case 1887 Civilize Indians; give them 160 acres; end reservation system; reform plan fails -name the act Dawes Severalty Act 1869 on Wyoming Terr. grants women vote in ’69; other West states follow; SE U.S. lags Answer: Women’s Suffrage in West 1840s-1940s Plains Indian way of life destroyed; Buffalo grass removed for crops makes land ripe for “dust bowl” in times of drought; contaminated H2O sources—what are we talking about here Environmental impacts of western settlement 1893 “Significance of Frontier” = the frontier promoted certain personality traits— practical, inventive, restless, individualistic, all of which helped to create the American character. Name the author of this thesis and name the thesis. Frederick Jackson Turner and the Frontier Thesis 1880s on Companies join to create monopolistic combines to control trade/commerce Trusts 1873, 84, 93 Business failures every decade; unemployment; strikes; labor strife Panics or recessions 1880s, 90s More crops=lower prices; farmers want inflation and railroad regulation Farmers’ problems 1890 To prevent combinations in restraint of trade; 1st used against striking workers—name the act Sherman Antitrust Act 1890s, 1892 “free silver”, initiative, referendum, direct elec. of sen., rr ownership, income tax—name the “ism” Populism 1896 Democrats ’96; Bryan, Cross of Gold; inflation to help farmers; lost this one to Republicans— name the issue Free Silver 1896 “Separate but equal” is OK says USSC; sanctions Jim Crow; Brown(1954) reverses—name the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 McKinley for gold standard and high tariff beats Bryan; farmers lose Election of 1896 1850s on Process to make steel; U.S. becomes industrial giant; Masabi Iron Ore range—name the process Bessemer process 1880s on Rockefeller buys out competition, controls oil industry; robber baron; trust—name the “integration” Horizontal integration 1880s on Carnegie controls all phases of production, from mine to finished steel—name the kind of “integration” Vertical Integration 1886 on Strong craft unions; more conservative; Samuel Gompers = leader 1886-1924— name the union American Federation of Labor 1869-1890s Early labor union; blamed for Haymarket Riot of 1886—declines thereafter Knights of Labor 1886 Chicago; anarchist bomb; Knights of Labor blamed; labor loses—name the riot Haymarket Riot 1892 Carnegie Steel Works; governor crushes strike with many troops; labor loses-name the strike Homestead Strike 1894 American Railway Workers/Eugene V. Debs; U.S. troops used; labor loses—name the strike Pullman Strike 1830s on Name some technological improvements in industry from the 1830s on sew mach, lights, typewriter, telephone, elevator, assembly line = rise in business 1899 Andrew Carnegie; wealthy must share money to help society—name the idea or philosophy Gospel of Wealth 1900s Walter Rauschenbusch; Hell’s Kitchen (NY); must help the poor; Sheldon=WWJD—name the idea or philosophy Social Gospel 1880s Survival of fittest applied to society; poor deserve it; savage defense of wealth— name the “ism” Social Darwinism 1900s African Americans, unions, socialists, Progressives, feminists, writers want change—name them in general Social critics and dissenters 1890-1920 Jews, Italians, Croats, Greeks, Poles, Slovaks; cheap labor; nativist reaction Immigration largely from Eastern and Southeastern Europe 1890 Jacob Riis; book on dirt, disease, vice, and misery of the ratinfested slums in NYC—name the book How the Other Half Lives Early 1900s Name some City problems Slums; machine politics/corruption; water/sewer problems; gangs/crime 1890s on Settlement house; kids day care; English classes; cultural activities; reformist— name the woman and the name of the house she founded Hull House = Jane Addams 1900 or so Culture and entertainment—name some isms and forms of entertainment Socialism, progressivism, pragmatism; baseball, football, circus, vaudeville 1890-1914 Fanatical patriotism; big-navy advocates; support Sp-Amer War and expansion—name the “ism” Jingoism 1890s Yellow journalism=lurid headlines/little regard for truth/circulation war/NYC—name the two newspaper publishers Jos. Pulitzer/Will. Rand Hearst 1890 Capt. Alfred Thayer Mahan’s book prompts desire for big navy; jingoism—name the book Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1898 Maine; Hearst/Pulitzer; free Cuba; keep Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico; empire— name the war Spanish-American War 1898-1902 Filipino leader vs. U.S. occupation; savage war for few years; leader captured—name the leader Aguinaldo 1898 Formed to oppose keeping Philippines; M. Twain, Sam. Gompers, And. Carnegie—name the organization Anti-Imperialist League 1899-1900 Sect. of State John Hay: nations in China to respect Chinese terr. integrity and allow fair trade—name the policy Open Door Policy 1904-1914 TR takes strip from Columbia and builds canal to facilitate U.S. ship movement—name the canal Panama Canal 1904-05 TR brokers peace, wins Nobel Peace Prize— name the war Russo- Japanese War 1904-05 TR will collect customs in Carib; keep Brit/Ger out; corollary to Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary 1909-13 Pres. Taft promotes business investment in Latin America/Asia in lieu of force—name this kind of diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy 1913-1921 Pres. Wilson wants to promote human rights/democracy; reflects his idealism— name this kind of diplomacy Moral diplomacy 1900-1920 Urban middle-class for reforms: TR’s 3Cs; clean govt; welfare; democratic reforms— name the “ism” Progressivism 1880s on Kids learn by doing; philosophy=truth of idea=does it work in practice—name the philosopher/educator and the “ism” attached to his name John Dewey Pragmatism 1880s on Locals get rid of corruption in cities and install honest, capable officials—name the “League” Good Government League 1900 on Progressives: ini=people pass law; ref=legis. asks people; rec=get rid of officials—what are the names of these three Progressive political reforms Initiative, Referendum, Recall Early 1900s McClure’s: Steffens/corruption in cities;Tarbell/Standard Oil;Sinclair/meatpacking—what do we call these journalists/writers Muckrakers 1906 Sinclair exposes Chicago meat-packing industry; leads to reform (Meat Insp. Act)— name the book The Jungle 1904 Steffens exposes corruption in cities; leads to “Good Govt. Leagues” and reform— name the book The Shame of the Cities 1904 Tarbell exposes Standard Oil abuses; Taft files antitrust; company broken up(1911)—name Tarbell’s book History of Standard Oil Co. 1906 Prevent the contamination and mislabeling or packaging of foodstuffs—name the act Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 Inspect and condemn bad meat; response to Sinclair’s The Jungle— name the act Meat Inspection Act 1903 Prohibits railroad rebates—name the act Elkins Act 1906 Free passes on railroads prohibited; ICC can set rr rates on complaint of shipper—name the act Hepburn Act 1895 Booker T. Washington accommodationist speech= blacks should work with hands— name the speech Atlanta Compromise Speech 1890-1920 W.E.B. DuBois detests Washington; demands equality now; founds N.A.A.C.P. –name the movement Niagara Movement 1909 on Fights Jim Crow through legal action; Brown v. Board (1954) great victory—name the organization N.A.A.C.P. 1920s Black leader (NYC); back-to-Africa; economic selfsufficiency for African Amer.—name the leader Marcus Garvey 1901-1909 To help labor but expands to 3Cs: control corps, consumer prot, conservation—what do you call T.R.’s program T.R.’s “Square Deal 1910-1912 Growth of big business OK if checked by growth of big regulatory power in Wash.— what is the name of TR’s program here T.R.’s New Nationalism 1910 Taft fires TR’s friend Pinchot; angers TR; splits TR from Taft; Reps lose in 1912—name the controversy Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy 1909 Taft angers Dems and Prog Reps with this 41% tariff (helps split Republicans)—name the tariff Payne-Aldrich Tariff 1791-1913 Name the chief source of revenue for the federal government to 1913 (after which the income tax takes over) Customs duties (tariffs) 1912-1914 1) Tariff (lower to 27%); 2) Federal Reserve Act; 3) Clayton Act protects unions—what do you call Wilson’s program here Wilson’s New Freedom 1914 This organization prohibits unfair trade practices; consistent with New Freedom of Wilson—name the organization Federal Trade Commission 1913 Creates 12 banks to issue paper money and regulate economy via interest rates—name the act Federal Reserve Act 1913-1920 Identify the Prog Era Const Amendments 16th=income tax; 17th=direct elec. senators; 18th=prohibition; 19th=women vote 1900-1920 Identify Women’s roles in this period In College; settlement houses; reform movements; temperance/prohibition 1917 What caused the U.S. to get into World War I Germans sank U.S. ships; British trade soars; German trade drops; U.S. pro-Brit. 1914-1917 Wilson urged this; impossible due to proBritish, anti-German attitudes and practices Neutral in thought and action 1915 Germans pledge to not attack passenger ships without giving proper warning—name the pledge Arabic Pledge 1916 Germans pledge to not attack passenger ships without giving proper warning-again— name the pledge Sussex Pledge 1915 D.W. Griffith glorifies KKK in racist movie that is popular—name the movie Birth of A Nation 1917-1918 Name the federal agency charged with organizing the economy for war; largely voluntary efforts here (compare with more coercive governmental intervention in WWII) War Industries Board 1917-1918 WWI on the Home Front—name some domestic activities Factories reorganized to make bombs; draft started; women go to work; farm products rise; victory gardens; blacks move to cities; food and fuel administrations promote conservation; war (savings) bonds raise money for war effort; anti-German/antiSocialist sentiment prompts Espionage and Sedition Acts 1-8-18 Address to Congress: No secret alliances; arms reduction; league of nations—provide the name to this address Wilson’s Fourteen Points 1918-1920 Opposed League; opposed Treaty; beat Wilson badly (cf. with U.N. after WWII)— name the senator Senator Henry Cabot Lodge 1919 What does League Article X provide Article X says U.S. to defend member of League if attacked; Lodge opposed 1919-1920 A.G. Palmer leads raids; anti-communist hysteria; many jailed or deported—what do we call this Red scare 1917 on Comment on African American Migration during and after WWI Blacks go to jobs in North and West, creating their own communities in new areas 1921-1922 Washington Conference—name some issues Isolationist pacts; disarm navy; respect Open Door; respect possessions in Asia 1921-1923 Name Harding scandals Teapot Dome (oil leases for bribes: Sect. of Interior Albert Fall leases oil lands to Doheny and Sinclair); Veterans Administration head Forbes stole millions from U.S. 1921-1929 Pro-business; antitrust laws ignored; tax cuts for wealthy; high tariffs—name the two Republican presidents involved here Harding and Coolidge 1920s Also known as the “Roaring ‘20s”: black music migrates North; Louis Armstrong— name the “age” Jazz Age 1920s Langston Hughes; literary blossoming of racial pride/culture in Harlem—what do we call this phenomenon Harlem Renaissance 1919-1933 18th Amendment says no alcohol; crime flourishes (Capone); 21st Amendment in ’33 repeals—what do we call it Prohibition 1920s Conservatives/Fundam entalists struggled with these trends in 1920s— name the “ism” Modernism 1840s on 1840s/50s=anti-Irish/Ger; 1880s Chinese; 1908, 1924=Japanese; 1924=Europeans— name the “ism” Nativism 1925 Scopes Trial—give some details Dayton, Tennessee: John Scopes convicted of teaching evolution but Fundamentalists (Bryan) look bad 1920s Anti-Catholic, Anti-Jew, Anti-foreign: for white Protestants; many members—name the organization KKK 1920s Comment on women in the 20s Flapper=independence; vacuum cleaner, refrig=liberation; jobs=freedom 1920s Promotes birth control as alternative to poverty and crime; she was persecuted—name her Margaret Sanger 1920s Fitzgerald=This Side of Paradise; Hemingway=The Sun Also Rises(booze and sex)—what name do we give to this generation “Lost Generation” 1920s-1940s Wash. Conf. ’21-’22; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact ’28; Nye Report; Neutrality laws ‘35,’36,’37—name the “ism” Isolationism 1920s-1930s U.S. loan $ to Ger; Ger pays Brit/Fr: Brit/Fr pay loans to U.S.: mess—name the problem and the 1924 plan to solve the problem The problem involves WWI reparations payments The name of the 1924 plan to solve the problem is the Dawes Plan 1920s Farm problems in 1920s—name some Overproduction=lower prices; Coolidge vetoes farm price support laws (McNaryHaugen Farm Relief Act) 1920s Model T revolutionizes travel; cheap; reliable; freedom—name the man and his company Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Co 1921, 1924 Immigration Restriction—what is essential about the 1924 act 1924 Immigration Act = 2% of 1890 #s in U.S. from any nation; no Japanese See next slide for map 1920s Buy refrigerators, cars, vacuum cleaners, radios on credit; lower hours, higher pay— name the “ism” Consumerism 1928 Nations renounce war as instrument of foreign policy; hollow but nice—name the pact/treaty Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact 1920s For blacks and women, name something that characterizes a new sense of freedom or liberation for both during the ’20s Blacks=Harlem Renaissance; women=flapper