INDIA: RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECT FOR LOW INCOME STATES Project Development Objective The PDO is to improve piped water supply and sanitation services for selected rural communities in the target states through decentralized delivery systems and to increase the capacity of the participating States to respond promptly and effectively to an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. Key PDO level results indicators are the following: • Number of people with increased access to piped water. • Number of people with access to improved sanitation facilities. • Number of people using improved latrines. • Improvements in O&M cost recovery. Project Beneficiaries • Direct benefit about 7.8 million rural people with improved water supply and sanitation services • About 48% of the overall project beneficiaries expected to be women • Participating States to benefit through improved institutional capacity, processes and procedures, for decentralized RWSS service delivery responsibilities and improving accountability to rural households • Targeted assistance to the tribal populations of 4 districts in Jharkhand, with about 0.4 million expected beneficiaries from tribal populations. RWSS Program and Policy – – – – – – – – – Ring-fenced Program for Participating Low Income States Decentralized Service Delivery Systems District-wide Approach Integrated Approach to Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme Cycle for Implementing Decentralized Services Community Contributions towards Capital and O&M Costs Governance and Accountability Aspects Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Twinning’ with Bank assisted RWSS Projects Integrated Approach to Water Supply and Sanitation • Water Supply – SVSs and MVSs will provide piped water supplies, along with catchment area management programs, as required, for improving source sustainability. – MVSs will be taken up only if local sustainable source is not available. – A dedicated feeder line for power supply will be provided for large MVSs. Solar powered pumps will be piloted in remote villages which have less than 3-4 hours of power supply. • Sanitation – Household sanitation (household toilets) – Institutional sanitation (schools, anganwadi, community/public toilets) – Environmental sanitation (SLWM, including soak-pits, drains and lane improvements for disposal of sullage and wastewater, and solid waste management for village-wide cleanliness); and – IEC / BCC activities for demand creation and linkages with nutrition, health and hygiene practices. – Interventions will support GoI’s NBA program, by strengthening its implementation processes at the district and village levels Scheme Cycle for Implementing Decentralized Services Key Activity SHS/ SGS and HH Sanitation/ Env Sanitation MVS and HH Sanitation/ Env Sanitation Pre-planning Phase Formation of GP Water and Sanitation Committee (GPWSC) Formation of Multi Village Water and Sanitation Committee (MVS-WSC) Tripartite agreement for MVS signed between DWSC, Technical Dept. and participating GPs Gram Sabha Resolution “Agree To Do”, to take up RWSS schemes as per guidelines and principles Planning Phase IEC/ BCC for water, hygiene, sanitation and environmental sanitation by SO and GPWSC - continues throughout planning and implementation phases periods Preparation of Water Security Plan for the GP Preparation of SHS/SGS preliminary designs by GPWSC, with support from SO 2-3 months 1 NA NA 2-3 months 1 2 2 2-3 2-3 3-4 months 3-4 4-6 months 3-4 2 3 3 NA Preparation of MVS preliminary designs by Technical Agency Preparation of a comprehensive environmental sanitation plan for GP/ habitation. NA 3 4 3 Gram Sabha Resolution for scheme technology and estimates (for SHS/SGS) 1 1 Gram Sabha Resolution for Environmental Sanitation Preparation of detailed Technical and Cost proposals of SHS/SGS by GPWSC with assistance from SO and Technical Dept., and submission for Technical Sanction Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) by Technical Dept. for MVS 1 2 1 NA NA 4 1 1 1 2-3 1 2-3 Preparation of Community Action Plans (CAP) for water and sanitation by GPWSC, with assistance from SO Gram Sabha resolution on accepting CAP (Community Action Plan) Collection of initial community contribution by GPWSC Implementation Phase Selection of construction contractor(s) by GP/GPWSC for SHS/SGS and SLWM Schemes, 6-10 months 2 18-24 months 2 3 (Env San only) 3 6-10 18-24 1 1 1 NA N1A 2 2 4 ODF confirmed by SO/GPWSC, with spot checks by external groups O&M Phase Continuous IEC/BCC activities with monitoring at household and community level 1 1 6 18-14 Sanitation cross-checks by GPWSC 1 1 GPWSC takes over O&M of schemes for SHS/SGS/intra-GP/SLWM Technical Dept. takes over O&M from Contractor for inter-village works of MVS 2 2 2 (SLWM only) 4 Collection of user charges by GPWSC Exit of SOs from the GP Continuous back-stopping by State Technical Dept. 2 1 - 4 1 - Construction of HH toilets (IHHL) with checks on quality of construction by Household and GPWSC/ SO IEC/BCC activities continue, coordinated by SO on construction quality/monitoring, use/maintenance of toilets, hygiene promotion, solid waste management and sanitation training Quality of construction independent checks for MVS and SLWM Preparation of Implementation Phase Completion Reports for SHS/SGS/SLWM by GPWSC with assistance from SO (and Technical Dept if required) Preparation of Implementation Phase Completion Reports for MVS by Technical Dept. Technical and Social Audits to check water and sanitation schemes; toilets are used and maintained; villages are clean with no visible solid waste Community Contributions towards Capital and O&M Costs • Capital Cost (CAPEX) Contributions – Rs 450 per household as one-time contribution from the beneficiary household (Rs 225 for SC/ST household) • O&M Cost Recovery – Phased approach for achieving full O&M cost recovery through user charges – In high cost schemes where 100% O&M cost recovery is not possible, the project will start with at least 50% O&M cost recovery, gradually moving to 100% O&M cost recovery by end of project period, through both real increases and indexation of tariffs to a suitable inflation index. – 24x7 water supply services in peri-urban areas will include household metering and suitably structured volumetric tariffs. – ‘Bulk Water Tariffs’ will be introduced for bulk water supply at the village entry point for MVSs. – In cases affordable charges are inadequate for covering O&M costs, State Government will provide transparent subsidies through O&M grants under various programs. Project Component A Capacity Building Component A: Capacity Building and Sector Development A1: Capacity Building of MoDWS. Strengthening MoDWS to manage RWSS Programs, provide policy and technical advice. A2: Capacity Building of RWSS Sector Institutions and PRIs. • State level. • District level. • PRIs. • Twinning arrangements. A3. Program Information, Education, and Communications (IEC). • IEC for PRIs to adopt their new role in planning and implementation of RWSS schemes. • IEC to promote behavioural change among stakeholders for improving sanitation and hygiene practices. • Development of manuals, hand books, field books etc., on Project activities and implementation guidelines. A4: Sector Development Studies and Pilot Innovations and Technologies. – RWSS Sector Program and Policies – Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability Analysis – Appropriate Technologies for RWSS Schemes – Institutional Models for Service Provision – Groundwater Management by Rural Communities – Independent Assessments and Project Reviews • The Project will also support pilot testing of new approaches and technologies. A5: Monitoring and Evaluation. • (a) M&E. Establishment of Information, Communication, Technology (ICT) enabled M&E System for monitoring project achievements, including type and cost of schemes, service levels, water quality, O&M cost recovery and collection efficiency, etc. • (b) Governance and Accountability Activities. Independent verifications, technical audits, social audits and beneficiary assessments. A6: Excellence Awards for Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation. Awards to the best performing States, districts and GPs. Project Component B RWSS Infrastructure Development Component B: Infrastructure Development • B1: New Investments. Project will finance new water supply schemes, supported by catchment area management programs (B3 below, if required), and test new technologies. Public-Private Partnerships will be supported as part of the new investment programs. • New investments in SVS, including SHS and SGS; New investments in MVS, including small and large MVS • B2: Rehabilitation and Augmentation of Existing Schemes. • B3: Catchment Area Program. Source strengthening and catchment area management programs will be integrated as part of SVS and MVS (B1 and B2), if required. • B4: Water Quality Management. GPs will carry out disinfection of water supply and will regularly check for residual chlorine levels for the intra-village schemes. • B5: Household, Institutional and Environmental Sanitation. This sub-component will complement the existing GoI led Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA). • B6: Infrastructure Support. This sub-component will support the design and implementation of the infrastructure program: • Engineering Support. Engineering support would be provided for designing and implementing the RWSS facilities. • District Support. Professional Agencies for implementing the district and village infrastructure programs in Jharkhand and Bihar, including technical support activities. • Community Support. The services of SOs, NGOs and community based organizations for preplanning, planning and implementation phase activities of the scheme-cycle. Component C: Project Management Support C1: Staffing and Consultancy Costs. The Project will support staff and consultancy costs: • Implementing and managing the Project. • Facilitating the RWSS Program. • Coordinating with various stakeholders, especially SWSM and DWSMs. • Procuring services/consultants to support the implementation of the Project. • Internal and external financial audits. • Reviewing and reporting progress of Project activities. C2: Equipment and Miscellaneous costs. These will include operational costs of the PMUs and the DPMUs, covering office expenses (rent) and other costs (computers, stationary, fuel, etc.) Component D: Contingency Emergency Response • Following an adverse natural event that causes a major natural disaster, the State government may request the Bank to re-allocate project funds to support response and reconstruction. RWSSP-LIS (2013-14 to 2018-19) – Financing of Components (US $ million) Components Total RWSS Sector Program Government Financing GoI Financing State Contribution World Bank(IDA) Financing Community Contributio n WB (IDA) Financing as % of Total Project Cost Capacity Building and Sector Development 93 41 6 46 0 50% Infrastructure Development 860 276 146 430 8 50% Project Management Support 47 13 10 24 0 50% Contingency Emergency Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 330 162 500 8 50% Total Batch-wise Coverage Habitations/Schemes Batch State Batch-1 Years From To Feb-14 March 17 Assam Bihar Jharkhand UP Batch-2 Feb-16 Assam Bihar Jharkhand UP Total Feb-17 0 152 326 219 0 555 766 1300 0 3 6 13 0 56 94 176 3 1 3 0 1956 90 122 0 3 156 335 232 1956 701 982 1476 0 108 270 300 0 515 742 1800 0 6 21 19 0 470 494 450 4 3 3 2 3081 400 65 180 4 117 294 321 3081 1385 1301 2430 0 56 83 361 1875 0 450 314 2313 8755 0 1 36 10 115 0 60 626 250 2676 0 0 3 0 22 0 0 81 0 5975 0 57 122 371 2012 0 510 1021 2563 17406 March 19 Assam Bihar Jharkhand UP Batch-3 SVS Schemes Small MVS Schemes Large MVS Schemes Total No of No of No of No of Habitation Habitation Habitation Habitation Sche Scheme Scheme Scheme s Coverage s Coverage s Coverage s Coverage mes s s s March 20 Institutional and Implementation Arrangements • Project to support progressive decentralization, with a much higher role and responsibility to PRIs at district and village level for designing and implementing the schemes, and to the SWSM and DWSM for policy and oversight aspects. • Responsibility of planning, implementing, and maintaining small SVS will be fully devolved to the GP, assisted by the District Project Management Units (DPMUs) and Support Organizations (SOs). • Rural communities to participate in the scheme cycle through the GP committees (GPWSC for SVS and MVS committees for MVSs). • Contractual arrangements to be made between the bulk-water provider, the PHED/JN, and the scheme level committees for small and large MVSs. • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), including Design-Build-Operate (DBO) models will be piloted for large MVSs. State, District and Village Level Institutional and Implementation Arrangements Sustainability • Focus on technical, institutional and financial sustainability of schemes, with independent checks at various stages of the scheme design and implementation • Other critical factors are: – timely implementation of the envisaged institutional framework with new and strengthened roles and responsibilities of the sector players – capacity building of the PRIs and GP-WSSCs to take over the responsibilities of WSS service delivery – appropriate change management efforts to shift the mindset of the sector institutions from service provider to facilitator – proper monitoring to ensure implementation of a consistent policy for all new investments – coordination with various departments to ensure integrated approach to WSS service delivery. Indicator 1. 2. Government Orders issued: (a) RWSS Decentralization Program and District-wide approach in all Project Districts; (b) Policy on O&M Cost Recovery GP-WSC and MVS-WSC formed and functional 3. Water Security Plans completed for Project GPs 4. Sanitation Plans completed for Project GPs RWSS Infrastructure Program 5. Number of schemes commissioned as per scheme cycle 6. Number of GPs saturated with water and sanitation facilities (including SLWM)as per agreed targets 7. Agreed Capex contribution collected from communities in all Project GPs which have completed planning phase Performance Scorecard Review at end Unit of first year of Review at end of Y2 of each Batch the Project RWSS Decentralization Program Yes/No Yes if (a) and Follow-up activities: (b) are achieved, MIS established for decentralized program otherwise No (habitation upwards data collection), with data entry completed for previous Batch 10% or more schemes have carried out: (a) Yes/No independent supervision quality checks; and (b) community social audits. Number of 30% or more 70% or more WSCs for the Batch WSCs WSCs for the Batch Number of Plans completed for all GPs in Batch GPs Number of Plans completed for all GPs in Batch GPs Open defecation free GPs 10 2 2 2 2 2 10 4 Number of Schemes At least 30% of Batch SVS At least 50% of Batch MVS and at least 60% of Batch SVS Number of GPs At least 30% of Batch target At least 60% of Batch target 4 At least 90% GP-WSCs of the Batch have completed the planning phase and collected capex contribution. 2 At least 40% GP-WSCs of the Batch have completed the planning phase and collected capex contribution. RWSS O&M Cost Recovery and Sustainable ODF 8. O&M cost recovery from user Number of charges schemes 9. Scores* Number of GP-WSCs Number of GPs 60% or more schemes in the Batch are collecting 50% or more O&M costs (O&M for SVS and intra-village MVS) through agreed user-charges. 30% or more of GPs of the Batch have achieved ODF Status 10 5 5 Thank You