Watsan Activities and Experiences of WaterAid in Ghana Stephen Ntow Country Representative - WaterAid Ghana Outline • Introduction to WaterAid • Sector issues • Areas of intervention – Location – Thematic areas • Challenges and potential areas for research Issues - Sector Blockages • • • • • Poor Sector Funding Slow pace of Decentralization Widening Gap of access to Sanitation. Non pro poor Urban reform Weak Sector Capacity Water MDG Coverage targets • MDG Target: 85% - Ambitious Target Population to gain access 12million (water) by 2015 15 (sanitation) Unserved population (2015) 4.1m (water) 4.8 million (sanitation) Financing Key 2006: NWA Key 2004: Africa on track Annual watsan Fin. Need $ 178m Total cost $1.5 billion Annual water finance Need $68 million Annual Spend $45m Annual Funding gap $133m -rural/small twn Annual Need -urban Annual spend $81 million Financing WSS in Africa – the scoreboard Comparision of proportion of PRSP budget allocated to water and sanitation by 8 different countries in Africa %proportion of PRSP budget allocated to water and sanitation 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 8.7% 10.4% 9.2% 10.4% 7.9% 7.8% 3.5% Za mb ia Ug an da Ta nz an ia Se ne ga l Mo za mb iqu e Gh an a Et ho pia Bu rki na Fa so 3.6% Sources of funding to Water and Sanitation sector 100% Percentage 80% 60% 86% Donor: 14% GOG (including DAs and communities): 40% 20% 0% 1 Fund Implications of Low Access We ‘ve been here for a while ! Sanitation Plastic nuisance could be the greatest menace ahead … but now who cares? low prioritization and poor attitude. Poor drainage and floods are symptoms of deep seated issues… poor fiscal planning, nonadherence to building codes , poor legislation The real danger is that people are becoming used to filth. Key Areas of Interventions When you say ”sanitaion is important", look into the eyes of that person... hah? Yes! … provide the “coins” as well ! 1. Prioritizing the sector especially Sanitation 2. Quick wins! towards MDGs Strengthening informal the formal sector for quality and reliability Quick wins! towards MDGs Quick wins! towards MDGs Promoting “Quickwins” solutions such as pro-poor technologies. CLTS & Social marketing approaches will help 3. Intensify Gender and Equity; meet special needs of women, children the disabled and the socially excluded Hygiene Education Advocacy and Policy Influence Citizens’ Action to increase Accountability Water Existing Gap 18% Coverage required to meet MDGs 50% Population served annually 32% Thank You