Development Policy and Foreign Aid CEMUS ”The Global Economy” Nov 6 2013, Georg Andrén Sida Swedish Policy for Global Development Objective • An Equitable and Sustainable Global Development Operational tools • Policy Coherence • Development Cooperation (multilateral and bilateral) Points of departure • A rights perspective • The perspective of people living in poverty Policy Coherence for Development Six focus areas of special importance and where Sweden is expected to be able to make a difference • Oppression • • • • Economic exclusion Migration flows Climate change and Environmental impact Conflict and fragile situations • Communicable diseases and other health threats Oppression • Freedom of expression • Sexual and reproductive health and rights • Organised crime with special focus on human trafficking Economic exclusion • Trade in agricultural products • Financial markets • Swedish trade and investment in developing countries Migration flows • Labour immigration to Sweden and the EU • Remittances and the transfer of skills and knowledge to developing countries • Protection and durable solutions for refugees Climate change and environmental impacts • Climate: adaptation and emission reduction • Chemicals management • Sustainable urban development Conflicts and fragile situations •Security sector reform •Women, peace and security •From conflict to long term sustainable development Communicable diseases and other health threats •Sustainable health systems and greater access to medicines •Early warning and control measures •Health promotion and disease prevention Development Cooperation (Foreign Aid) •Transfer of resources •Transfer of knowledge and capabilities •Dialogue/Value promotion •Partnerships, relation building Development cooperation figures (1) Biståndsram** Kostnader inom andra utgiftsområden Varav - Flyktingkostnader (asylmottagande) - EU-bistånd - Förvaltningskostnader kopplade till biståndets genomförande (Hk+UM) - Övrigt** Biståndsandelen av Internationellt utvecklingssamarbete och Reformsamarbete i Östeuropa 2014 38 370 6 546 2013* 38 157 7 160 Utfall 2012 4 026 1 651 463 4 637 1 628 461 3 863 1 651 463 406 31 824 434 30 997 410 6 387 Development cooperation figures (2) Budget 2013* Humanitära insatser Informations- och kommunikationsverksamhet Stöd genom svenska organisationer i det civila samhället Regional och bilaterala strategier för Asien Bilaterala strategier för Latinamerika Regional och bilaterala strategier för Afrika Regional och bilaterala strategier för Mellanöstern och Nordafrika Reformsamarbete i Östeuropa, V:a Balkan o Turkiet Särskilda insatser för mänskliga rättigheter och demokratisering Globala insatser för miljö- och klimatmässigt hållbar utveckling Globala insatser för socialt hållbar utveckling Globala insatser för ekonomiskt hållbar utveckling Globala insatser för mänsklig säkerhet Kapacitetsutveckling och utbyten Forskningssamarbeten ∑ Indikativ fördelning 2014 2 791 253 94 300 1 526 932 1 526 725 550 000 5 201 810 820 000 2 880 000 94 300 1 700 000 1 480 000 510 000 5 350 000 845 000 785 000 1 158 000** 970 000 585 000 735 000 811 000 701 000 200 000 410 000 835 879 16 838 899 1 311 00 701 000 200 000 455 000 835 879 19 225 179 Development cooperation Africa Million SEK 2014 Burkina Faso 145 000 Ethiopia 100 000 Kenya 400 000 Mali 275 000 Mozambique 729 000 Rwanda 180 000 Tanzania 793 000 Uganda 300 000 Zambia 350 000 DR Kongo 275 000 Liberia 300 000 Somalia 300 000 Sudan Sydsudan 200 000 Zimbabwe 200 000 Regionalt Afrika (Reg.S) 500 000 Regional HIV/Aids, SRHR, LGBT 350 000 Bringing it all together in Africa (1) Context “Africa Rising” • Strong economic growth, investment and trade picking up • Poverty levels still unacceptable • Conflicts persist • A new Panafricanism emerging • Accountability at continental, subregional, national an local level Bringing it all together in Africa (2) Reconciling Development cooperation and policy coherence • Oppression • Economic exclusion • Migration flows • Climate change and Environmental impact • Conflict and fragile situations • Communicable diseases and other health threats