Symposium & boklansering

& boklansering
8 november 2012 Kulturhuset Studio 3, Stockholm
SYMPOSIUM 13.00-17.00
Behind the consumption
smokescreen – How can
Sweden become a true role
model in climate action?
Cogito, What Next Forum, WWF
Development Dialogue no. 61/What Next Volume III
Climate, Development and Equity
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and What Next Forum
Behind the consumption smokescreen – How can Sweden
become a true role model in climate action?
Cogito, WWF, What Next forum
Sverige brukar lyftas fram som ett av de fåtal länder som klarat att bryta sambandet mellan
ekonomisk tillväxt och utsläpp av växthusgaser, och att vår klimatpolitik är den mest ambitiösa
i världen. Vid detta symposium diskuterar internationella experter och ledande svenska politiker
om Sverige verkligen är det föredöme vi så gärna ser oss som. Och – om det inte är fallet – vad
som krävs för att vi ska bli det. 
Kevin Anderson vid Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (UK) belyser vad som krävs av
Sverige och andra länder för att undvika en framtida klimatkatastrof. Glen Peters, vid Centre for
International Climate Research (Oslo), är en ledande expert på att mäta länders klimatpåverkan
utifrån ett konsumtionsperspektiv, och kommer att belysa frågan om Sveriges utsläpp verkligen
minskar. Dale Wen, forskare Third World Network (Beijing-Wuerzburg) tittar på om de svenska
utsläppen flyttat till Kina och diskuterar Kinas roll och agerande i klimatfrågan.
I en avslutande paneldebatt möter experter företrädare för Sveriges regering och Miljöpartiet.
Moderator: Barbara Evaeus, WWF
Starts 13.00
Welcome by organisers
Sweden – A role model for climate policy, or just another developed country?
Climate change, equity and consumption: implications on national policy making.
Cogito, WWF, What Next Forum
Climate change going beyond dangerous
Carbon budget, emissions scenarios and their implications for Sweden.
Kevin Anderson, Deputy Director, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (UK)
Galloping Carbon Footprints
Swedish consumption’s indisputable contribution to steadily increasing emissions.
Glen Peters, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for International Climate Research (Oslo)
China, climate change and consumption
Has Sweden moved its emissions to China? What is the reality behind the Chinese growth in
emissions and its action for climate change?
Dale Wen, Researcher at Third World Network (Beijing - Wuerzburg)
Coffee break
Ends 17.00
Panel discussion - How can Sweden become a true role model in climate action?
Helena Leander, Green Party
Stefan Henningsson, WWF
Dale Wen, Action 2030 institute
Glen Peters, CICERO
Representatives from the Swedish Government
ANMÄLAN: Antalet platser är begränsat, anmäl dig till Symposiet hålls på
engelska. Fri entré, välkomna!
I seminarieserien Vägval för klimaträttvisa bjuder den gröna tankesmedjan Cogito in klimatforskare, företrädare
för intresseorganisationer och politiker för att samtala om hur vi kraftigt kan minska utsläppen av växthusgaser
och samtidigt ge de fattigaste länderna en rimlig chans till utveckling. För mer information se
Book launch
Development Dialogue no. 61/What Next Volume III
Climate, Development and Equity
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and What Next Forum
Kulturhuset, Studio 3, Stockholm, 8 November 2012 17.00-18.00
Climate change is the single most complicated
and urgent challenge confronting today’s
world. At its center stand questions of
equity and climate justice. This new volume,
co-published by The Dag Hammarskjöld
Foundation and What Next Forum, promotes
critical and constructive discussions to feed
into the upcoming COP18 in Qatar, as well as
into the longer-term climate negotiations, the
post-2015 sustainable development goals, and
related processes within and outside the UN.
no. 61 | september 2012
Against the backdrop of the current lack of
success of the UN climate deliberations and
the increasing gravity of the effects of global
warming, this richly illustrated, 350-page
collection of articles addresses the complex
interlinkages between social and economic
development, climate change, and equity.
These contributions from
some of the world’s most farsighted commentators should
be required reading for heads of
state, policymakers, journalists,
activists and the concerned public.
Together, they make the loudest
call for political and individual
action and give governments the
legitimacy to act.
John Vidal, Environment Editor,
The Guardian
What Next Volume III
Climate, Development and Equity
Co-published by Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and the What Next Forum
» Introduction, Annika Söder, Executive Director,
The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.
» Presentation of the publication,
Niclas Hällström, What Next Forum.
» Reflections on climate change and equity,
Dale Wen, Third World Network and
contributor to the publication
The book launch begins immediately after the seminar
‘Behind the Consumption Smokescreen’. Please register for the
event by sending an e-mail to: event
is free of charge. Free copies, as well as snacks and appetizers,
will be available. For further information, please contact
* The book is also freely accesible at