Breddat gruvindustriellt samarbete med Mexiko? Vid SMTG:s möte 9 oktober fick jag i anslutning till handelssekreteraren Jakob Sjölanders intressanta presentation möjligheten kort nämna tankar på samarbetsavtal – Memorandum of Understanding, MoU – på gruvområdet med Mexiko. Förra våren undertecknades på förslag från svensk exportindustri ett sådant MoU med Chile. I november genomfördes sedan svenska gruvdagar i Santiago de Chile ”Innovative, Sustainable and Profitable Mining Conference” plus utställning, med ett hundratal deltagare från gruvbolag, myndigheter osv. Liknande aktiviteter, med Exportrådet som arrangör i samarbete med våra ambassador, har genomförts i Australien och Kanada. Gruvdagarna i Santiago har följts av arbetsgruppsmöten och deltagande i gruvmässor. Förslag om MoU-samarbete också med Peru, (Colombia och) Mexiko har kommit upp. Gruvindustriansvariga myndigheter i Mexiko har officiellt föreslagit Sverige en samarbetsöverenskommelse. Man har begärt, och fått, omfattande information från Sverige om en rad arbetsrättsliga (CSR) och miljöfrågor, om hållbar gruvutveckling, om högskoleutbildning och forskning inom geologi, metallurgi mm. Ett MoU tjänar som en ram för samarbeten mellan aktörer som företag, organisationer, universitet osv i respektive lander och kan ‘öppna dörrar’. Regeringarna är inte direkt inbegripna i samarbetet, som inte heller förutsätter särskild finansiering. Här gäller att identifiera en kritisk massa av svenska respektive mexikanska intressenter. Förutsättningar finns – som handelssekreteraren Jakob Sjölande visade på SMTG-mötet – för svenska insatser på gruvområdet i Mexiko. Exportrådet är en viktig aktör i sammanhanget. Svenska gruvdagar i Mexiko bör kunna bli en verklighet redan under 2013 för att lyfta fram svenskt branschkunnade och teknologiska lösningar! Här lägger jag med texten till det svensk-chilenska gruvsamarbetsavtalet (Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable and Innovative Mining Cooperation) för kännedom. Jag hör mycket gärna ifrån er – e.mailadress eller per telefon – angående motsvarande MoU och gemensamma aktiviteter i Mexiko (och Peru)! Exportrådet/handelssekreterarkontoret i Mexico City står väl rustat för satsningar och projekt på gruvområdet. Om tillräckligt intresse finns kanske SMTG kan diskutera nästa steg vid decembermötet i gruppen? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John O Dahlstein Ämnesråd / Senior Adviser Amerikaenheten Utrikesdepartementet Tel.: 08 - 405 55 10 Mobil 0702 - 49 36 15 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF SWEDEN AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE ON SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE MINING COOPERATION Based on the long-standing friendly relations between Sweden and Chile (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”), and Acknowledging the importance of the mining sector in both countries; Recognising the mutual advantages of strengthening the ties between the two countries in a forward-looking perspective; Realising the opportunities for reciprocal economic and technological cooperation in a win-win spirit; Noting the potential for cooperation in the field of mining between the two countries; Recognising the important role of responsible business practices in achieving sustainable management of mining, the Parties have agreed as follows. The Parties shall, within the framework of their national legislation and in line with the requirements of Sweden’s EU membership, the EU-Chile Association Agreement and other international obligations, promote cooperation in the field of sustainable mining through the implementation of activities in Chile by entities directly concerned in the above-mentioned fields. PARAGRAPH I OBJECTIVE of COOPERATION Encouraged by ongoing contacts between the two countries and present economic, environmental and technological developments, the Parties agree to further consolidate their cooperation in the field of mining, and thus decide to encourage cooperation in sustainable, innovative and profitable mining. PARAGRAPH II CONTENT of COOPERATION The Parties announce the following fields as priorities of cooperation: (1) Environmental sustainability in mining, including closing of old mines, energy and water efficiency in mining (2) Improved efficiency and profitability in mining, including innovation in mining and efficiency in logistics (3) Mining skills development (4) Mining capital market development (5) Mining safety improvement (6) Capacity-building and promotion of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. PARAGRAPH III FORMS and MEANS of COOPERATION 1. In order to achieve the objectives of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Parties will encourage and support the establishment of contacts and relations between government and in particular private sector professional operators in the two countries; 2. Private sector participation within the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding will include companies, academia and public-private institutions; 3. Forms of cooperation may include policy and regulation information exchange between the two countries, including joint technological research and development, technology transfer, other information exchange, capacity-building, etc.; 4. The Parties, including public and private representatives, may have discussions, in order to evaluate ongoing projects and new cooperation by preparing action plans, when necessary; 5. The Parties will encourage and support the establishment of relations between commercial operators in the two countries through the promotion of events, such as conferences, seminars, trade missions, study tours, and participation in fairs and exhibitions. The Parties will also ensure that relevant authorities facilitate efforts to identify opportunities in the mining sector in both countries aimed at making mining projects bankable; 6. This Memorandum of Understanding does not entail any financial or legal commitments on the part of the countries’ Governments. PARAGRAPH IV INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM of COOPERATION Any dispute arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Memorandum will be settled through friendly negotiations and consultations between the Parties. The Memorandum will come into effect on the day of signature and will be valid for five (5) years. If one Party intends to terminate the Memorandum, it will inform the other Party in written form, and the Memorandum will be terminated six (6) months after receipt of the notification. This Memorandum of Understanding is hereby signed in two (2) originals in English and Spanish, on the 19th May 2011 in Santiago de Chile, the two texts being equally valid. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail. For the Government of Sweden For the Government of the Republic of Chile ______________________________ ___________________________