What is Agricultural Economics? Chapter 1 Impact of reduced wheat supply on world wheat prices in the U.S. How can a value be placed on wildlife not part of a commercial harvest? What are the benefits vs. costs of using the vaccine that could prevent the spread of salmonella? What are the income and employment impacts on other industries and on government revenues? Discussion Topics Scope of economics Definition of economics Definition of agricultural economics What do agricultural economists do? General Overview Agricultural economics studies agriculture and the food industry in its many dimensions The agricultural economist is concerned with the entire food and fiber system Purchased and non-purchased inputs used Production of primary product Processing primary product into final product Distribute final product to final consumption point Consumption of the final product General Overview Study of agricultural economics covers much more than activities of farmers or ranchers. Some economists deal with issues of resource conservation, pollution control, and water management. Others study the agribusiness sector as purchasers, processors, and distributors of food and fiber products. General Overview Agricultural Economics a subfield of Applied Economics Applied Economics: Application of economic theory to actual events Examples of economic specialization: labor, education, health, monetary, public, history, environmental, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, industrial organization, etc Typically involves a reduction in the level of abstraction of core theory Depict actual characteristics of economic problem of concern General Overview The objective of any scientific inquiry is to: Observe and describe a particular set of phenomena Organize those observations into recognizable patterns Formulate theories or models where sufficient regularity is sought Theory give scientist a basis on which to make predictions i.e., theory of supply and demand General Overview Economics is a social science and social scientists must deal with the laws of human nature Humans are not consistent in their behavior → social science theory are less reliable than hard science based (i.e., 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen required for H20, water) → more open to exception than those of physical/biological scientists. Nevertheless, economic behavior of most persons is generally consistent, and thus, predictable to some degree Certainty varies across phenomena Definition of Economics “…a social science concerned with how consumers, producers, and societies choose among alternative competing uses of scarce resources in the process of producing, exchanging, and consuming goods and services” Page 5 Definition of Economics The study of economics rests on three foundations: Self-interest Scarcity and Choice Without scarcity, there would be no need for an allocation system Page 5 Definition of Economics Choice is important because without choices there is no decision to be made. Since economics is about decision making, allocation without choices → there would be no need for economics or economists Self-interest Drives the consumer to purchase more at a lower price It also drives the producer to produce as efficiently as possible to maximize profits A majority of economic activity is driven by self-interest Page 5 Scarce Resources Resources describes anything tangible Wheat, barbed wire, hamburgers, water, labor, clean air Every resource is relatively scarce → availability of every resource is insufficient to satisfy all of its potential users Scarcity creates need for a system to allocate resources among potential users Need a theory by which allocation takes place Pages 2-3 Scarce Resources Natural and biological resources 3.5 million square miles of land surface in U.S. 954 million acres of land in farms in U.S. Limited supply of crude oil/natural gas reserves Human resources >155 million people in U.S. civilian labor force Manufactured resources 3.9 million miles of highways 121.4 million tons of steel making capacity Pages 2-3 Making Choices Resource scarcity forces consumers and producers to make choices Opportunity cost – an implicit cost associated with economic decisions often not reflected in the market Specialization – comparative advantage and the basis for trade between countries Individual decisions – maximization of consumer utility and/or producer profits Societal decisions – how can we impact production possibilities given existing resources (solar technology subsidies vs. carbon tax) Pages 3-4 An Example of Specialization Specialization Example Kansas Surplus of Wheat Shortage of Oranges Shortage of Potatoes Relative strengths of Kansas: Strong in wheat production Page 4 Specialization Example Shortage of Wheat Shortage of Oranges Surplus of Potatoes Idaho Relative strengths of Idaho: Strong in potato production Page 4 Specialization Example Florida Shortage of Wheat Surplus of Oranges Shortage of Potatoes Relative strengths of Florida: Strong in orange production Page 4 Specialization Example Surplus of Wheat Shortage of Oranges Shortage of Potatoes Kansas Florida Potatoes Idaho Shortage of Wheat Shortage of Oranges Surplus of Potatoes Oranges Each state specializes in what it does best and trades with other states… Shortage of Wheat Surplus of Oranges Shortage of Potatoes Page 4 Basis of Economics Every economic system must resolve 5 basic issues What to produce How to produce it How much to produce When to produce For whom to produce Every society must answer the above questions Society’s institutional and political systems determine the manner in which these decisions are made Basis of Economics One allocation mechanism lies in the free market or price system Individual producer and consumers, restricted only by financial resources, are free to choose what, how, how much, and when to produce or consume. Financial resources of each consumer resolves the “for whom” question Another mechanism is the command system All decisions are made by a central planning agency or individual Pages 5-6 Basis of Economics Advantage of the price system is consumer sovereignty and freedom The price system is an efficient mechanism for what, how, how much, and when decisions There are some shortcomings: The old adage, that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, has some validity as there is no consideration of income distribution There are a number of resources that a price system cannot efficiently allocate. Public or nonmarket goods (i.e., education, national defense, fire protection, wilderness areas, clean air, clean water, viable fish population, etc.) Pages 5-6 Basis of Economics Advantages of a command system are that it is very effective in allocating public goods Can be quite egalitarian in for whom decisions Consider distributional effects Disadvantage of command system is the loss of individual freedom in economic decisions Inherent inefficiencies of central planning agencies Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Economics can be divided into three parts: Microeconomics Market economics Macroeconomics Aggregation levels differ As the level of aggregation changes economic tools may also change What makes sense for decision-making by the individual may not necessarily be valid for a group or an entire economy Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Microeconomics concerned with the economics of individual producers and/or consumers The microeconomics of production examines the economics of individual producers or firms How does a firm acquire resources and combine them in the production process? What is the difference between cost minimization vs. profit maximization in terms of resource use? Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Production management decisions impacting firm profit include: Which inputs to purchase Multiple inputs to choose from (i.e., should I rent cropland versus purchasing) Should this choice depend on input prices (i.e., what is the annual rental rate vs. ownership costs)? What production technique to use Multiple production technologies (i.e., conventional tillage, minimum tillage, no-till) Technology determines input utilization (i.e., no-till requires less energy inputs and water use) Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Production management decisions impacting firm profit include: Which product to produce Multiple products to choose from (i.e., how much of my land to devote to corn vs. soybeans) How much of each product to produce Should this depend on product prices (i.e., corn costs more/acre to grow than soybeans) When to produce them Marginal benefit versus costs of waiting a week to plant so that the soil is more dry Economics of storage Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Another branch of microeconomics concerned with individual consumer behavior Microeconomics of consumption The consumer is faced with the economic problem of deciding what to purchase with limited resources Money and time are two such limited resources Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics The individual consumer must make a number of consumption decisions over time May not be the product of conscious deliberation May be habitual or impulsive The consumer must decide what to buy and what not to buy (i.e., full-fat vs. reduced fat milk) Consumer must also decide when to consume Purchase off-season at discounted prices Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Each consumer faces the inevitability of scarcity in the form of a limited budget Given this scarcity, each consumer uses his/her sovereignty to resolve the for whom allocative decision Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics A market is established when potential buyers and sellers interact to negotiate prices and exchange goods Market versus a marketplace Market refers to interaction of buyers and sellers Marketplace refers to the physical location where market participants interact Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Market economics encompasses the study of the dealings in a particular commodity Interaction of all potential buyers and sellers P* Q* Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics In the neoclassical model of the market Each participant in a market (buyer or seller) is a price taker Collective decisions of all participants in a market determine the price An individual consumer has no impact on market price Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics As a price taker the only decision each producer/consumer can make is a choice of whether or not to sell/buy at the market price As the number of yes votes changes, in aggregate, the price will also change Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Four characteristics of a commodity that are impacted by its marketing That is, moving the commodity from point of production to final consumer Time Place Form Possession Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics It is a complex system that transforms a Kansas farmer’s August wheat harvest to a New York stock broker’s toast in January Form of the wheat must be changed: wheat kernels → wheat flour → bread The place moves from KS to NY Time changes from August to January Possession changes from farmer to banker Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Macroeconomics concerned with the entire economic system City, state, national or international level Questions considered What are the linkages within the economic system as a whole? What are the economy-wide impacts of changes in policies or institutions? What impacts the unemployment and inflation rates, the balance of payments, and the Federal deficit? Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Macroeconomics Example Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Economic system performance at the macro level is important to agricultural producers and consumers Micro management decisions are predicated on existing macro-economic conditions i.e., the Federal Reserve guaranteed low interest rates for the next two years. Cheese plant manager: Do I expand my cheese plant given these low interest rates? With 15 year mortgages @ 3.5% should I refinance? Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Macroeconomics deals with the economic impacts of public policies Food stamps, pesticide use restrictions, dairy product price support system, etc. These policies can impact a particular sector of the economy as well as the the entire economy The macroeconomist also concerned with international issues Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics U.S. agricultural sector: International markets are increasingly important Foreign buyers are one of the most important market for U.S. crop production 40% of cropland used to produce food & fiber that is exported Other sectors becoming increasingly dependent on foreign export markets Productivity growth rate higher than domestic demand expansion. Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics % of Dairy Solids 14.5 U.S. Exports and Imports as a Percent of Total U.S. Milk Solids Production Dramatic Drop In Milk Prices 13.0 11.5 10.0 Dairy Exports 8.5 7.0 5.5 Dairy Imports 4.0 2.5 Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics U.S. agricultural sector: International markets are increasingly important Imports—particularly petroleum—are important in the cost structure of U.S. farmers, food processors, and distributors We share a humanitarian concern for world’s population that lives in hunger Pages 5-6 Scope of Economics Pages 5-6 What is Agricultural Economics? “…an applied social science that deals with how producers, consumers, and societies use scarce resources in the production, processing, marketing, and consumption of food and fiber products” Page 6 Economic Models Economists like to abstract from the complexity of the real world via the use economic models Simplification of and abstraction from observed data Model of Market Supply and Demand • Market clearing price • Market clearing quantity P′ P* Q1 Q2 Q* Economic Models An economic model Is a theoretical construct developed via logical reasoning Represents economic processes and include Variables that describe the system Logical and/or quantitative relationships between these variables • i.e., Unemployment rate and mortgage lending rates Simplified framework used to illustrate complex processes Sometimes, but not always, based on mathematical techniques Economic Models Simplification is important for economic models given enormous complexity of economic processes Complexity arises from diversity of factors determining economic activity Individual/cooperative decision making Resource limitations Environmental & geographical constraints Institutional and legal requirements Purely random fluctuations (i.e. weather) Economic Models When developing an economic model the economist must make a reasoned choice: Which variables are relevant Which relationships between these variables are relevant Which ways of analyzing and presenting this information are useful i.e., model type/structure Economic Models Economic models when properly constructed Remove extraneous information Isolate useful approximations of key relationships More can be understood about relationships in question than by trying to understand entire economic process Economic Models A common economic model: Perfect Competition → a number of assumptions about the firm and its environment The firm is small relative to the market and its actions will not impact the market Firm manager tries to maximize profits given resource endowment Are the assumptions valid? If not, model results may not be valid Economic Models Ideally, economic models approximate reality in a manner that enhances ones ability to conceptualize and understand real world events Models provide the economist with an internally consistent mechanism for conceptualizing problems They force the economist to reason in a systematic, logical and deductive manner Ceteris Paribus Ceteris paribus: is a Latin phrase that roughly translates: everything else being equal An economic principle is valid only when all other external factors remain the same i.e., Impact of a price change on sales given income does not change Use of ceteris paribus gives economics much of the logical rigor required in a scientific inquiry Opportunity Cost Opportunity cost: Important term All economic resources have value Value usually determined in a marketplace where resource user pays prevailing price Sometimes resources have economic value but those resources not purchased in a market In this last case economists use opportunity costs to determine the resource’s economic value Though there is no market price Opportunity Cost Opportunity cost is the economic value of a resource in its highest valued alternative use Opportunity Cost Opportunity cost of a choice is what you gave up to get it Choose between purchasing either an apple or an orange If you choose the apple, then your opportunity cost is the orange you could have chosen but didn't. You gave up the opportunity to take the orange in order to choose the apple Opportunity Cost Common mistake: Price vs. Cost Price is a per-unit concept i.e., What is the price of a gallon of gasoline? Cost refers to the concept of prices times quantity purchased i.e., What did it cost to fill up your car? Opportunity Cost The study of economics is all about economic values—costs vs. returns When available, we use market prices to determine economic value. When market prices are not available, we use the concept of opportunity cost to estimate those values Returns can be measured in terms of $ or in terms of satisfaction (or utility) Diminishing Returns In models of the economics of production and consumption the concept of diminishing returns is key As you increase the amount of something, ceteris paribus, you will eventually reach a point where you increase at a decreasing rate i.e., A diminishing increase in corn yield with respect to increasing amount of applied fertilizer Diminishing Returns Consumer side: Law of diminishing marginal utility Marginal utility: The additional utility (satisfaction) associated with one additional unit of a good being consumed—ceteris paribus → Amount of utility gained from consuming a good eventually increases but at a decreasing rate Assuming consumption of everything else stays constant Diminishing Returns Production side: Law of diminishing marginal product If you add a certain level of an input to fixed amounts of other inputs, the additional production from this extra input will eventually decrease i.e., If you add additional units of fertilizer to a fixed amount of land, eventually response per unit of fertilizer continues to increase but at a decreasing rate Can eventually turn negative Too much fertilizer can burn a crop, ↓yield Diminishing Returns Source: Yates, F. & Boyd, D. A. (1949). Agric. Progr. 24, 14. S.E. = starch equivalent Marginality One of the greatest contributions of economics is the concept of marginality Marginal refers to an additional or incremental unit of something Most economic analyses deal not with marginal value of production or consumption However, it is on the margin where the economic decisions are made Marginality The consumer’s relevant economic question: Is the marginal utility associated with purchasing an additional unit of a good greater than the marginal cost of acquiring that additional unit? Marginality Regardless of current total satisfaction (utility) level If the marginal utility is greater than the marginal cost → the consumer can increase total utility by consuming this marginal unit as benefit > cost The same basic principle applies to production If marginal value of output is greater than the marginal cost of production then produce that marginal unit Marginality ↓ Marginal returns (MR) per lb of fertilizer as application rate ↑, ceteris paribus Marginal Costs and Returns $/lb fert. A Marginal cost (MC) of obtaining additional fertilizer is constant and equals fertilizer price 0.20 0.15 B Economical input use occurs at the margin 0.10 C Q1 Q2 Q3 Quantity of Fertilizer/Acre Between A & B: Cost/lb of fert. < MR → ↑ fert. use Between B & C: Cost/lb of fert. > MR → ↓ fert. use Marginality Using marginal analyses one can determine the behavior that will maximze profit, minimize cost, maximize utility or maximize social welfare One can ignore total costs or returns Concentrating only on marginal costs and returns From the economist’s perspective, everything happens on the margin Logical Fallacies Many economists go astray because they fall into one of four logical traps Known to snare large numbers of agricultural economics students I have fallen into some of these The Four Traps Correlation-Causation Composition Post Hoc Zero-Sum Game Logical Fallacies Correlation-Causation Fallacy Correlation refers to two events that share some sort of mutual relationship in a regular and predictable manner Causation refers to two events in which there is a cause-and-effect relationship between two events Logical Fallacies When two events have a causal relationship, they also have a correlation Fallacy is assuming that if two events are correlated they must be related in some sort of causative manner Frequently, events that are correlated behave in a mutual relationship because they are both related in a causative fashion to some 3rd event Logical Fallacies Zero-Sum Game Fallacy Common in economics: If someone gains, someone else must lose This is the heart of the nearly universal suspicion that both producers and consumers are repeatedly exploited by “middlemen” Often expressed by the question: Who got the better part of the deal? Logical Fallacies The basis of economics is exchange Usually a good/service exchanged for $ A skeptic: In a transaction the buyer and seller are equally worse off To the contrary, both are better off, for each has acquired something he wanted more than what he had If they weren’t better off they would never have traded in the first place Logical Fallacies A completed economic transaction with no coercion is a win–win situation Rather than a win–lose situation as suggested by this fallacy As a result of the exchange, perceived value controlled by each is increased Fact, Beliefs and Values Economics is concerned with the value system of individuals and society Important to distinguish between facts, beliefs and values Facts are what we know to be the case Beliefs are what we think to be the case Values are what we think should be the case In Summary Resource scarcity - natural, human and manufactured – forces individuals and societies to make choices Comparative advantage leads to trade Micro vs. Macroeconomics Reviewed scope of economics Definition of agricultural economics Chapter 2 presents an overview of the U.S. food and fiber industry…