Environmental Due Diligence Training

Holcim Regional Distribution Centre
Rooty Hill
Environment and Community Project Induction
© Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd
Environment and Community Project Induction
Training is everyone’s responsibility
Holcim (Australia) PtyDue
The main objectives of this presentation are to:
• Communicate individual responsibilities and accountabilities for
environmental protection and community and stakeholder management.
• Make everyone on site aware of the scope of environmental issues and
management practices relevant to the Project.
• Provide an overview of environmental protection, legislation and Holcim’s
environmental requirements.
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Diligence Training
Why do we need to protect the environment
• To maintain the integrity of the environment
• Because protection of the environment is a key business objective of
• To ensure compliance with our legal requirements and prevent
“environmental harm” and potential fines and prosecution.
• All employees, contractors and sub-contractors are responsible for
ensuring compliance with our legal requirements and preventing
‘environmental harm’ resulting from their activities. Under the
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, the government
can impose fines on individuals and Companies, where they are not
notified of an environmental incident or ‘environmental harm’ has
been caused. Fines can range from $1,500 to $5,000,000 plus $120,000
per day if the impact continues and/or up to 7 years in jail.
• Because councils, government departments and the general public
demand a high level of environmental protection.
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Holcim’s Environmental Policy
• The policy describes an approach to environment and community
management that must be followed.
• Includes:
Complying with applicable environmental laws
Minimising environment impacts of operations
Operating as an environmentally and socially responsible neighbour
Adopt and enforce internal standards
Maintain effective communication channels with employees
Provide necessary resources for training employees
Rehabilitate land that is impacted by activities
Ensure energy efficiency
Respond to challenges presented by climate change
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Holcim’s Environmental Policy
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Diligence Training
What are the key environmental issues for Rooty Hill RDC?
• Protection of flora and fauna in the Angus Creek riparian corridor (i.e.
Endangered Ecological Communities and the Grevillea Juniperina)
• Protection of water quality (including erosion and sediment control)
• Traffic management
Grevillea Juniperina
• Noise and vibration
• Air quality
• Material storage areas
• Community and stakeholder management
• Environmental incident and emergency response
• Waste management
• European and Aboriginal heritage
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How are these environmental issues managed?
• The project has a construction Environmental Management System to
ensure all environmental aspects and impacts (i.e. environmental hazards)
associated with construction activities are identified and appropriately
addressed and managed on a day-to-day basis. This presentation
summarise the key points from the EMS.
Risk not identified!
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Minister’s Conditions
of Approval (MCoA)
Assessment Report and
related documents
Relevant Legislation
and other Approvals
Holcim Environmental Management System (EMS)
Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP)
(including Environmental Control Plans for non-key issues)
Issue Specific Environmental Management Plans (for Key Issues)
• Construction Noise Management Plan
• Construction Soil and Water Quality Management Plan
• Construction Traffic Management Plan
• Construction Dust Management Plan
Rooty Hill RDC
Management System (EMS)
• Construction Waste Management Plan
• Emergency Response Plan
Project Specific Environmental Management Documents
• Community Communications Strategy
• Vegetation Management Plan
• Compensatory Habitat Package
• Landscape Plan
• Final Hazard Analysis
• Construction Access Management Program (if required)
Sensitive Area Diagrams (SADs) and progressive Erosion and
Sedimentation Control Plans (ESCPs)
Monitoring Inspection
and procedures
Construction Method Statements (CMS)
(e.g. Clearing and Grubbing , Sedimentation Basin Management)
Audits and Reports
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How are these environmental issues managed? (Cont)
• The Project’s Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) and
issue specific management plans for noise, air quality, traffic, soil and
water, waste and emergency response identify environmental safeguards
relevant to the Project. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are
aware of the requirements.
• A copy of the CEMP and issue specific management plans are
available in the Project Site Office.
• Construction Method Statements (CMS’s) must be developed for various
high risk construction activities that have the potential to impact on the
environment (i.e. clearing and grubbing). These CMS’s must incorporate
environmental control measures and safeguards and will be reviewed by
the Environmental Officer prior to works commencing.
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How are these environmental issues managed? (Cont)
• Monitoring, inspections, auditing and reporting must be completed as
detailed in the CEMP and issue specific environmental management plans.
This includes weekly environmental site inspections, inspections after
rainfall and ongoing monitoring for compliance with emission limits in the
Why are monitoring, inspections, auditing and reporting important?
• Record how environmental issues are being managed and dealt with on
• Highlight areas where additional training or guidance may be required.
• Ensure that the CEMP and issue specific environmental management plans
are being implemented effectively by all staff, contractors and subcontractors.
• Record compliance with legal requirements.
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Protection of Flora and Fauna
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Where practicable, don’t park/place vehicles, plant, equipment and
stockpiles within the drip-lines of trees or in a manner which results in
damage to vegetation.
• Stockpiling of material and the storage of hazardous substances and
dangerous goods is not permitted in the Angus Creek riparian corridor.
• Contact the Environmental Officer if any native animal is injured on site or
requires removal from the site.
• Consult the Environmental Officer before any trees or shrubs are removed.
• Any weeds removed to be disposed of at an appropriately licensed waste
disposal facility.
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Protection of Flora and Fauna
What are your environmental
• No access (pedestrian or
vehicle) is permitted into the
Angus Creek riparian
corridor, which has been
fenced with exclusion
• Minimise vegetation
clearance and disturbance.
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Protection of Water Quality (Including Sediment and Erosion Control)
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• All sediment and erosion control measures to be consistent with the
Department of Housing “Blue Book” on erosion and sediment control. This
includes but is not limited to the following measures:
The development of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for works.
Establish erosion and sediment control measures before work
commences and appropriately maintain these throughout the duration of
the works (i.e. controls to be inspected and maintained after rainfall).
Divert upslope surface run-off away from trenches, stockpiles and
disturbed areas to prevent erosion.
Minimise the extent of ground disturbance and progressively stabilise
disturbed areas.
Ensure the mud and soil is removed from vehicles before they leave a
work site.
Stabilise site entry/exit points.
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Protection of Water Quality (Including Sediment and Erosion Control)
Stabilise site entry/egress point with aggregate or rumble grid
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Protection of Water Quality (Including Sediment and Erosion Control)
Maintain sediment fencing throughout the works
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Protection of Water Quality (Including Sediment and Erosion Control)
Maintain sediment fencing throughout the works
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Protection of Water Quality (Including Sediment and Erosion Control)
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Ensure that there is a designated concrete washout area with temporary or
permanent bunding on your site and that all washout occurs within this
designated area.
• Any refuelling and servicing of vehicles/machinery to be conducted away
from the Angus Creek riparian corridor.
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Protection of Water Quality (Including Sediment and Erosion Control)
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Sediment fences, sand bags and sediment basins are to be used to control
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Traffic Management
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Heavy vehicles accessing the site must not queue within the adjacent local
road network.
• Vehicles must not park on local roads in the vicinity of the project at any
• On site speed restrictions must be complied with at all times.
• Traffic incidents must be reported to the Holcim Project Manager.
• Vehicles accessing the site must use designated routes to and from the
site (i.e. M7, Power Street, Glendenning Road, Woodstock Avenue,
Kellogg Road).
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Traffic Management
Designated traffic
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Noise and Vibration
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Do not start equipment prior to working hours.
• Construction activities audible at any residential receptor are limited
to the following hours:
7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays
 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays
 At no time on Sundays or public holidays
• Avoid unnecessary noise e.g. switch off machines when not
in use.
• Be aware and respectful of residents and businesses in the
vicinity of the site and users of the adjacent Nurragingy
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Air Quality
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Ensure all loads transported to and from the work site must be
covered at all times.
• Minimise the extent of excavation as much as possible and
progressive rehabilitation.
• Not to leave work vehicles, plant or machinery running or idling
when not in use.
• Implement dust suppression measures during excess dust
generation (i.e. use of water carts, watering of exposed areas,
cover stockpiles, road sweeping).
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Air Quality
Effective dust covers are mandatory
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Air Quality
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Material Storage Areas
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Any dangerous goods and/or hazardous substances stored on site are to
be stored in bunded areas (temporary/permanent) away from the Angus
Creek corridor.
• This bunded area must be able to contain at least 110% spillage of the
largest container.
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Environmental and Incident Emergency Response
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Environmental and Incident Emergency Response
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Examples of incidents include:
- An oil, fuel or chemical spill
- Injuring or death of native wildlife
- Discharges of sediment laden water
- Excessive noise or dust generation
• Contact the Environmental Officer and Holcim
Project Manager immediately in the event of an
actual or potential environmental incident.
• Cease all work in affected area (if required) and check
the safety and account for all personnel.
• Employ pollution containment measures and re-establish
environmental controls.
• Ensure that there is a spill kit available on site at all
times and that this spill kit is regularly maintained.
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Waste Management
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• Reuse/recycle waste where possible.
• Store all waste in secure receptacles or contained areas.
• Licensed transport and disposal contractors to be used as required.
• Environmental Officer is to be notified immediately if any potentially
contaminated material is uncovered.
• Keep all work areas clean and tidy.
• Record all waste removed from site on the Recycle and Waste
Removal Register.
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Waste Management
If you cannot segregate waste onsite make sure your waste goes
to sorting facility
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Waste Management
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European and Aboriginal Heritage
What are your environmental responsibilities?
• In the unlikely event that a previously unrecorded item of heritage
significance (European and/or Aboriginal) and/or skeletal remains are
discovered during construction, STOP WORK in the vicinity and notify the
Holcim Project Manager and Environmental Officer are to be notified
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Community and Stakeholder Management
• Holcim is committed to working with local residents and stakeholders and
providing early and accurate advice to minimise the impacts of
• So we need to:
- Consider the community and affected residents
- Minimise the construction impacts
- Keep the community informed and notified
- Keep our promises to the community
- Manage and resolve inquiries and complaints
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Community and Stakeholder Management
Who are the community?
• Directly impacted residents
• Indirectly impacted residents
• Property owners
• Stakeholders (i.e. Councils, Schools, Public Area Users, environmental
groups, local MPs) and community groups
• Businesses near project site
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Community and Stakeholder Management
• No staff or sub-contractor is approved to release any information regarding
construction activities to any organisation or person without prior approval
of the Holcim Project Manager and Environmental Officer.
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Community and Stakeholder Management
Stakeholder Involvement
Recording inquiries and / or complaints:
• Free call: 1800 809 381
• Email address: rootyhillproject-aush@holcim.com
• Postal Address: Rooty Hill Project Manager, Holcim, PO Box 5697, West
Chatswood, NSW 1515
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Summary of the Inquiry and Complaints Resolution Process
Inquiry and/or Complaint Received
(via phone, email, post, direct contact with project team, etc)
24 hours
24 hours
Environmental Officer (EO) informed and EO contacts the
community or stakeholder representative to clarify reason for
inquiry and/or complaint and to notify of the investigation
EO records details of inquiry and/or complaint into Inquiry
and Complaints Register
Internal Investigation
Within 5
EO, Holcim Project Manager and Contractor verbally confirm
the action to be undertaken with the inquiry and/or
complaint and record details in the register
EO sends written response to community or stakeholder
Monthly Progress Report
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Diligence Training
Questions or Comments
Holcim (Australia) PtyDue
Diligence Training