Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa Abebe

African Union Commission
Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa
Abebe Haile Gabriel
Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: background
• Peculiar features/challenges of pastoralism in Africa
– extreme and worsening levels of poverty and food
– Political and economical marginalization;
– environmental degradation and dwindling access to
resources (land, water, pastures) and basic services (e.g.
health, education);
– uneven market relationships and increased pressure on
fragile eco-systems
– exposure to climatic risks, diseases, conflicts and insecurity
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: background
• Inadequacy/irrelevance of Responses
– Inadequate governance frameworks,
– ineffective institutional settings,
– Policy biases against pastoralists (e.g.,
development and trade),
– Ineffective interventions because of their
irrelevance (don’t reflect pastoralist realities and
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: background
• A Joint AUC and the UNOCHA initiative for
the development of a pan African Policy
Framework for Pastoralism;
• Formally launched in July 2007, in Isiolo,
• Objective:
– to develop a policy framework that will help in
promoting development processes that address
the peculiar challenges and needs of pastoral
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: background
• Goal: develop a Policy Framework which will:
– serve as an advocacy tool for promoting the development and
improvement of pastoral communities across Africa;
– serve as a mechanism through which matters that affect pastoralist life and
livelihood find official recognition;
– aim primarily at securing and protecting the rights of pastoral people;
– lay the foundation for a continent-wide commitment to political, social and
economic development of pastoral communities;
– provide pastoral people with open space for the definition and
management of their own development activities;
– make it possible for appropriate interventions to address the natural,
physical and anthropogenic problems of pastoral communities; and
– Create/expand economic opportunities for pastoral people.
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: background
Specialist Task Force was set up (composed
of high level experts from each of the regions) to:
serve as quality assurance mechanism, providing periodic
guidance at each stage of the process of elaborating the
pastoral policy framework.
serve as the interface between the technical and the
political setting of the initiative;
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: the roadmap
Policy Framework Development
1. Assessment of
2. Elements of
the draft policy
Political Leaders
3. Draft Policy
Framework is
4. Draft Policy
Framework is
5. MS Experts
examine draft PF
6. Ministers
approve PF
7. AU Summit
adopts Decision
8. Member
States, RECs,
use PF to
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: milestones
• Regional assessments and stakeholders
consultations conducted between 2008-2010
• Draft policy framework approved by Ministerial
Conference in October 2010;
• Ministerial Resolutions on Pastoralism in Africa
approved by Executive Council in January 2011
• “Decision on Africa’s Pastoralism” adopted by AU
Assembly of HS&G in January 2011
The Pastoral Policy Initiative: the framework
The AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
1. Pastoralism in Context
– Conceptualizes Pastoralism
Three pillars: people, livestock, resources
Mobility as defining characteristics
– Describes the geographical/ecological,
economic, socio-cultural, contexts,
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
Pastoralism in Context
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
2. Pastoralism and Policy in Africa
Outlines the colonial legacy and post-colonial policy environment, as
well as the contemporary pastoral policy and development
Global trends (globalisation, markets, decentralisation, ICT, food and
financial crises, urbanisation, migration/remittances, organised crime,
climate change, new diseases, etc.)
probes the implications of these for pastoral development process
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
3. Framework Principles, Objectives and Strategies
3.1. Principles
Recognizing the rights of pastoralists
Engaging pastoralists in political and policy processes
Pastoralism as a way of life and a production system
The importance of strategic mobility
The importance of regional approaches
Managing risks
Acknowledging & building on existing policy processes
The need for updating the policy framework
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
3.2. Framework Objectives revolve around 2 main areas:
Objective 1:
Secure and protect the lives, livelihoods and rights of
pastoral peoples and ensure continent-wide
commitment to political, social and economic
development of pastoral communities and pastoral
Objective 2
Reinforce the contribution of pastoral livestock
wealth to national, regional and continent-wide
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
3.3. Strategies to achieve objectives
(a) Strategies to achieve Objective One:
Recognize the role of pastoralism in development
Demonstrating commitment to pastoral policy development
Integrating pastoral issues into decision-making processes
Acknowledge the legitimacy of indigenous pastoral institutions
Strengthening the role and rights of women in pastoral
Mainstreaming pastoral issues in poverty reduction programs
Service delivery (health, education…)
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
(b) Strategies to achieve Objective Two
Pastoral rangeland governance
Policy support to mobility within and between countries
Protecting pastoral livestock assets
Marketing of pastoral livestock and livestock products
Financial and insurance services tailored to pastoral areas
Protect African genetic resources –animals and plants
Research and extension
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
4. Applying the Policy Framework
Initiation of Pastoral Policy Development
Key Steps in pastoral policy development
Strategies for pastoral policy development (roles,
indigenous institutions, consultations, legal
framework, resources, communication)
Tracking progress in policy development and
5. Conclusion
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
Decision on Africa’s Pastoralism
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
The Executive Council:
• TAKES NOTE of the pastoral policy initiative of the Commission
that aims to secure, protect and improve the lives, livelihoods and
rights of pastoral communities
• APPROVES the Resolutions on “Policy Framework for Pastoralism
in Africa” adopted by the Conference of African Ministers of
Agriculture, held from 25-29 October 2010 in Lilongwe, Malawi
• URGES Member States to review their policies impacting
pastoralism, in accordance with the Policy Framework, with a view
to developing comprehensive policy which take into account the
peculiar needs of pastoralism; and to build adequate human,
financial, and technical capacities to support pastoral policy
development, implementation and tracking progress;
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
The Executive Council:
• ENCOURAGES pastoral networks and groups to initiate
regional and continental forums which would facilitate
engagement with Regional Economic Communities, the
Commission of the African Union, other relevant AU
organs, and partners consistent with the objectives of
the Policy Framework;
AU Policy Framework for Pastoralism
The Executive Council:
REQUESTS the Commission of the African Union and Regional Economic
Communities, together with development partners:
– to strengthen and/or establish an appropriate institutional framework to
provide coordination of follow up activities and facilitate mutual learning by
member states as they develop/review their pastoral policies in accordance with
the Policy Framework.
– to put in place appropriate measures/mechanisms for mobilisation of financial
resources and partnerships in support of promoting pastoral policy
development and implementation at regional and country levels.
– to take appropriate measures for the establishment of mechanisms for progress
tracking and periodic member states reporting on progress achieved;
– to support pastoral groups and networks in their efforts to initiate regional
and/or continental pastoralist forums.
ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to report regularly on the
implementation of this Decision.
Thank You for Your Attention!