Carbon Footprint

Environmental Management Systems
What they are, how to get one and how to get the
most from it
John Buckley
Managing Director
Carbon Footprint Ltd
01256 345645
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© Carbon Footprint Ltd 2014
Carbon Footprint Ltd
What is an EMS?
Why have one?
Types of Standards & Certifications
The Main Components of ISO14001
Tips for Audits
Costs to get it?
ISO14001:2015 coming soon…
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© Carbon Footprint Ltd 2014
Why was I asked to present today?
Carbon Footprint Ltd
Specialist sustainability consultancy
Carbon management experts
Help organisations with their EMS systems
We’ve had ISO14001 certification for 6 years
We’re a multi award winning company
And we’re a growing SME based in North Hampshire!
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What is an Environmental Management
System (EMS)?
• A documented framework for
managing an organisation's
significant environmental impacts
• It is driven by continuous
• Can be set up by an organisation of
any size, in any sector
• Voluntary but increasingly
demanded by customers
• Can be formal (certified) or
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Why bother with an EMS?
• Customers demanding it
– Pre Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs)
– Tender documents
• Help ensure Legal Compliance
• Improved resource efficiency – reduce costs
• Engage staff, shareholders and other
• Manage climate change risks / adaptation
• Improve brand and reputation
• May increase the value of your business decreases environmental risks
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Key EMS Standards
• BS 8555
– Guide to the phased implementation of an environmental management
system including the use of environmental performance evaluation
– IEMA Acorn Scheme
• ISO 14001
– the international standard for Environmental Management
– the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
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ISO14001 vs EMAS
ISO 14001
Can be integrated into other management
systems (e.g. ISO 9001)
Requires an initial site review
Only Environmental Policy needs to be
publically available
Environmental Policy, programme and EMS to
be publically available
Frequency of audits isn’t specified
Frequency specified
Procedures communicated to suppliers and
Tight control over suppliers and contractors
In summary
EMAS more stringent and rigorous
ISO 14001 is in general more widely recognised
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Which Standard is Right for You?
Key considerations:
• What do your customers ask for?
• Recognition within your industry/competitor uptake?
• Geographical markets - ISO for international
• Public scrutiny (EMAS)
• Efficiency and cost reduction - ISO 14001 can be integrated with
existing ISO 9000 and ISO 18000 systems (can be audited together)
• Size of company - some SMEs may prefer BS 8555 - a phased
approach with more guidance
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Preparing for ISO 14001
• Buy the requirements document
– Costs about £170
• Define the Scope
• Identify your environmental impacts
• Key Documents:
Environmental Policy
Environmental Objectives
Legislation register
Action Plan
Management Meeting Minutes
Internal Audit Plans and Minutes
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Top Tips…
• Layout your top level EMS documentation with the same headings
and structure given in ISO 14001 Requirements
– ensure you have addressed each requirement
– makes the audits easier – as your top level document has everything in it and
in the same order that the auditor is likely to follow
• Keep it short and simple
– Stay top level
– Make sure it is aligned to your business objectives and needs
– Don’t be tempted to over commit
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Role out to your teams
• Everyone needs to know about it (in general)
• Everyone needs to know what required of them
• Communicate the system
Reasons why it is important
Its goals
• Make sure senior management is bought into it
– It needs to be covered in an annual management review
– They are key targets for an external auditor
• Make sure key teams use it to their benefit
Marketing and Sales
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ISO 14001 Certification
• Make sure you use an UKAS accredited auditor !
– Examples of companies that are: BSI, LRQA, SGS etc. ✔
– Examples of companies that aren’t: QMS International plc ✖
• Stage 1 Audit
– Checks you have systems and processes in place
– Focus is on the scope and documentation
• Stage 2 Audit
– Final audit to ensure systems and processes are being used
• Annual Audits
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Top Tips for audits…
• Make sure everyone in the company is aware of external audits
– Anyone could be asked a question!
• Only answer the question the auditor asks.
– Aim to keep answers short
– Don’t over embellish your answers (unless specifically asked to)
– Don’t try and waste time (if the auditor needs more time it will cost you and set a
precedence for future audits)
• Remember you are the Auditor’s customer (you’re paying them, so make
sure you get value for money!)
– They have lots of experience
– They will give you ideas on how to improve the system going forward
• Listen and take notes!
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How long does it take to get an ISO 14001
certified EMS and what are the typical
Duration and costs depend on:
– Scope – e.g. how many sites to be certified?
– Size of the company?
– What systems do you already have in place?
– In-house vs External consultant?
– An EMS can be designed, developed and implemented in a month - it is the
maintenance and the communication of the system that take time to embed
– The external audit depends on the company as well as scope of your system (ca
£750 - £5,000+ per year)
– Savings can be made through integrating systems, e.g. ISO 14001 with ISO 9001
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ISO 14001:2015 is on its way…
• The new draft standard is now available
• An update should be available mid-2015- main revisions are:
– The revisions will also be in line with a new high-level structure for all management
system standards adopted by ISO (allows easy integration to other management
– Incorporation with other business processes such as finance and Human Resources
– Full Senior level buy-in and involvement
– Increase focus on climate change and business resilience - particularly adaptation (i.e.
key risks and how the business will respond)
• 2 – 3 year transition phase for companies who already have ISO14001:2004
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In Summary, Running an Effective EMS
will help you with…
Ensure regulatory compliance
More effective use of resources
Marketing & PR
increased sales opportunities
Time to go and get one for your business!
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Thank you
Need some help?
Feel free to give me a call…
John Buckley
Carbon Footprint Ltd
01256 345645
Carbon Footprint Ltd
© Carbon Footprint Ltd 2014