PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL A process by which organization evaluate individual job performance “The appraisal of each employee’s performance should be based on actual performance of the critical elements identified through job analysis” Specific, Timely, Accurate, Identify impact to team or Dep’t Relevant, based upon observable behavior, compare actual behavior to expected behavior “STAIR” Each of these components must be considered when analyzing performance issues! Uses of Performance Appraisal Performance of responsibilities of the job. Behavior in the workplace. Professional Development. Organizational support and encouragement of good performance. Correct poor performance and/or behavior and reestablish expectations of employer and employee. Key elements of PA system Employee performance Performance appraisal Performance measures Performance-related standards HR decisions Employee records Feedback PA process SKILL ABILITIES PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (Standard vs Accomplishment) EFFORTS BEHAVIOR IMPROVEMENT (-) (+)/(-) (+) RECOQNITION Appraisal Methods Past Oriented Appraisal, Employees can get feedback that my lead to renewed efforts at improved performance Rating Scales Checklists Forced Choice Method Critical Incident method Accomplishment Records Future Oriented Appraisal, Focus on future performance by evaluating an employee’s potential or setting future performance goals Self Appraisals Management by Objectives Psychological Appraisals Assessment Centers Rating Scales, requires the rater to provide a subjective evaluation of an individual’s performance along a scale from low to high. No. Uraian Sangat Baik 1. Inisiatif √ 2. Kerjasama 3. Kehadiran Total 5 Baik Cukup Kurang Sangat Kurang √ 4 √ 2 Gand Total 11 Checklists, requires the rater to select words or statements that describe the employee’s performance and characteristics. No. Uraian Memiliki kemampuan dan kemauan untuk menyusun perencanaan, mengorganisir 1. dan berinisiatif menindak lanjuti secara kongkrit 2. Menunjukkan kesiapan untuk selalu membantu orang lain yang membutuhkan Jumlah hari kehadiran ditempat kerja 3. sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan oleh ketentuan perusahaan Bobot 35 45 20 100 Forced Choice Method, requires the rater to choose the most descriptive statement in each pair of statements about the employee being rated. No. 1. Inspirator 2. Team player 3. Hadir tepat waktu Uraian Pekerja Keras Individual performer Sering terlambat Critical Incident method, requires the rater to record statements that describe extremely good or bad behavior related to the job performance. Recorded incidents include a brief explanation of what happened. Accomplishment Records, these are employee-produced listings of accomplishments such as publications, speeches, leadership roles, and other professionally related activities Self Appraisals, give the employees an authority to appraise themselves. It can be a useful evaluation technique if the goal of evaluation is to further self-development. Management by Objectives, consists of goals that are objectively measurable and mutually agreed on by the employee and manager. Psychological Appraisals, psychologists are used for evaluations of the individual employee’s future potential. Assessment Centers, are a form of standardized employee appraisal that relies on multiple types of evaluation and multiple raters Rater biases Halo effect (to ) Error of central tendency Leniency and strictness bias Cross cultural biases Stereotyping (to ) The recency events effect Hallo effect ialah penilaian yang subjektif diberikan kepada pegawai, baik yang bersifat negative maupun positif yang berlebihan dilihatnya dari penampilan pegawai Liniency adalah penilaian kinerja yang cenderung memberikan nilai yang terlalu tinggi dari yang seharusnya Strickness adalah penilaian kinerja yang cenderung memberikan nilai yang terlalu rendah dari yang seharusnya Central tendency adalah penilaian kinerja yang memberikan nilai rata-rata (sedang) kepada pegawai Personal biases adalah penilaian kinerja memberikan nilai yang baik kepada pegawai senior, lebih tua usia yang bersifat dari suku bangsa yang sama Reducing rater bias Training Biases and their causes should be explained The role of PA in employee decisions should be explained to stress the need for impartiality and objectivity Raters should apply subjective measures as a part of their training Feedback Raters should get feedback about their previous rating Careful selection of PA techniques HR management Based on the job-related criteria PA Provide an accurate picture of past and/or future employee performance Feedback Through an evaluation interview to get realistic view HR department performance ‘Quality control check’ of HR function The Evaluation Interview The tell-and-sell method Communicates to employees their performance as accurately and directly as possible with little return feedback, but can lead to defensiveness The tell-and-listen interview Communicates to employees their strengths and weaknesses, but also allows for return feedback This creates an environment that is less defensive and stressful to the employee The Evaluation Interview (continued): The problem-solving interview Playing the role of helper more so than judge, the manager creates an environment through which the employee can discover his or her own developmental needs The mixed-model interview Allows for the problem solving interview in the beginning, where the subordinate leads off, and finishes with the telland-sell or tell-and-listen approaches if the subordinate has missed some important areas of his or her performance