1 A name or persona—the mask or appearance one presents to the world—by which one is known. This criminal has taken on several identities 2 Knowledge of who one is. I've been through so many changes, I have no sense of identity. This nation has a strong identity. 3-The difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest of the same kind, selfhood. 4- The sameness some individuals share to make up the same kind or universal. What you really are... becomes only clear , when you look in the heart of your heart... Who looks outside, Dreams.. Who looks inside, Becomes aware... (Gustav Jung) Psychologists most commonly use the term "identity" to describe PERSONAL IDENTITY, or the idiosyncratic things that make a person unique. Meanwhile, sociologists often use the term to describe SOCIAL IDENTITY, or the collection of group memberships that define the individual. However, these uses are not proprietary, and each discipline may use either concept. CULTURAL IDENTITY refers to the content of values as guiding principles, to meaningful symbols, and to life-styles that individuals share with others, though not necessarily within recognizable groups. Identity is a dynamic concept Each individual is seen to have a repertoire of identities open to them (social and personal), each identity informing the individual of who he is and what this identity entails. Which of these many identities is most salient for an individual at any time will vary according to the social context. SYMBOLS : words(languages) , gestures, images, objects (cloths, hairstyle, flags,...),... HEROES : persons ( dead or alive, ficiton or real) who can be considered as models for behavior... RITUALS : How to greet, social and religious ceremonies , politics, business... Things which stimulate the cohesion of a group. STAGE Psycho social crisis Significant relations Psycho-social modalities 1 : (0-1y) Infant Trust vs. Mistrust Mother To get, to Hope, give in return faith Sensory, distortion withdrawal 2 : (2-3y) Toddler Autonomy Parents vs. Shame and doubt To hold on , to let go Will, determination Impulsivity compulsion 3: (3-6y) preschooler Initiative vs- guilt Family To go after, to play Purpose, courage Ruthlessness inhibition Neighbourhood and school To complete, to make things together Competence Narrow virtuosity inertia 4:(7-12or so) Industry school – vs. age child Inferiority Psychosocial virtues Mal adaptations & malignancies STAGE Psycho social crisis Significant relations Psycho-social modalities 5: (1218or so) adolescence Ego-identity vs. Roleconfusion Peer groups, role models To be oneself, to Fidelity, share oneself loyalty Fanaticism reduptiation 6: (the 20’s) Intimicy vs. isolation Partners , friends To lose or to find oneself in another Love Promiscuity repudiation 7: (late 20’s to 50?s) Middle adult Generativity vs. selfabsorption Household, workmates To make be, to take care of Care Overextension rejectivity Mankind or”my kind” To be, through having been, to face not being Wisdom Presumption despair 8: (50’s Integrity vs. and despair beyond old adult Psycho-social Mal virtues adaptations & malignancies Mandala = Sanskrit for “Circle” A Mandala can be described as any form of geometric design that contains symbols of a person’s inner self, guiding principles and overall ideas about the world. Reference : Carl Gustav Jung Mandala exercise = to encourage self reflection 21 years till now Important moment : “trauma” or “joy” or... 0–7 years Persons ? HEROES? VALUES Symbols ? Rituals? 14 – 21 years 7- 14 years - - Gender / sex : ( man- woman ) Religion/faith/belief Your participation in society/community/NGO? Your education? Migration? (active/passive) Trauma’s/ Moments of joy an happiness Changes in role/position ...