Making a Modern Buddhist Mandala!

Making a Modern Buddhist Mandala!
How does Buddhism work in today’s modern world?
What uses do the Four Noble Truths serve, and what is the importance of the
Eightfold Path?
How can historical beliefs reflect today’s reality?
In our study of Buddhism, we have learned that its main goal is the achievement of
enlightenment, and release from samsara. The life of Gautama has long provided inspiration for
the development of Buddhist beliefs. Over time, Buddhism has moved and changed to adapt to
the needs of various populations, yet its central goals always endure.
Directions: Your task is to create a Buddhist mandala that shows the path to enlightenment
through the use of symbols. You may create your own design, or use one of the prepared
designs. Your mandala must have (12) unique symbols for:
Four Noble Truths
Eightfold Path
On the back side of this paper, you will find an organizational chart to help explain the
symbolism of your mandala. Use this chart to write a paragraph explaining how your mandala
reflects the path towards enlightenment in today’s modern world. You must fill in the chart AND
write the paragraph to get credit for this project.
Remember, a mandala is absolutely FULL of symbols and meaning, so put some thought into
how you want to express your understanding of the path to enlightenment. The more detailed &
creative your symbols, the better. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box!! You will have an
opportunity to explain your creation in your own words.
For a reminder about mandalas, go to the following webpage:
This Tibetan sand mandala is an example of how intricate the detail can become, especially in
the symbols. Use this for your inspiration!
The Four Noble Truths
Four Noble Truths
How Your Symbol Shows The Belief
1. Life is suffering
2. Suffering is caused by desire
3.The way to get rid of suffering is
to get rid of desire
4.The way to get rid of desire is to
follow the eightfold path
The Eightfold Path
Eightfold Path
1. Right understanding (seeing
things as they really are, not how
you think they are)
2. Right thought (kind thoughts,
not cruel ones, giving things up and
not being greedy)
3. Right speech (not lying, being
rude or abusive and not gossiping or
4. Right action (saving life, not
destroying it, not stealing, being
respectful in relationships)
5. Right livelihood (earning a living
without hurting others - people or
6. Right effort (working hard to
understand truth and stay with what
is right)
7. Right mindfulness (being aware
of actions, words and thoughts at all
8. Right contemplation (learning to
meditate without losing
How Your Symbol Shows The Path