drucker on management

CstM 301 - Management & Organization
drucker on management
assumptions & paradigms…
assumptions vs. paradigms…
guiding assumptions…
relative to the discipline of management…
• management is business management
• there is - or must be - one right organization
• there is - or must be - one right way to manage
business management…
“management is a specific and distinguished part
of any and all organizations”
- Peter Drucker
one right organization…
one right organization…
principles of organization
• has to be transparent…
• someone has to have authority…
• only one boss…
one right organization…
“Instead of searching for the right organization,
management needs to look for…the organization
that fits the task.”
- Peter Drucker
the one way to manage people…
the one way to manage people…
based on other assumptions
• people are employees…
• people are subordinates
the one way to manage people…
“One does not manage people…the task is to lead
people. The goal is to make productive the specific
strengths and knowledge of each individual.”
- Peter Drucker