The Motivational Basis of Effective Performance and Well

The Motivational Basis of
Effective Performance and
Edward L. Deci
Motivation Concerns
the Energy for Action
It’s what Moves
People to Behave
Motivation is unitary
There are types of motivation
that function differently
Central Theoretical Aspect of SDT
•SDT is a motivational theory, that differentiates
autonomous and controlled types of motivation
Autonomous Motivation
•When a person fully endorse a behavior and
experiences volition and choice.
Controlled Motivation
•When a person feels coerced or seduced into
behaving, with the experience of pressure and
Outcomes Associated With High
Autonomous Motivation
Greater persistence
More flexibility and creativity
Better heuristic performance
More interest/enjoyment
Better mental health and well-being
Better physical health
Higher quality of close personal relationships
 Clearly, support for autonomy has important functional effects
Across the Life Span
Across Genders
Across SES
Across Cultures
Outcomes Associated With
High Controlled Motivation
Compliance if the reward is desired
Defiance when the control is too great
Short-term rote learning
Alienation and disaffiliation
Diminished well-being
Poorer quality personal relationships
Additional Key Aspect of SDT:
The Basic Psychological Needs
Sense of effectance and confidence
in one’s context
Behave in accord with abiding
values and interests; actions would be
reflectively self-endorsed
Feeling cared for, connected to,
sense of belonging with others
Basic Psychological Needs
•Evolved necessities for healthy development
•Satisfaction of these needs promotes autonomous
motivation and psychological well-being
•Thwarting of the needs leads to controlled motivation or
amotivation, and to ill-being
•Needs are not necessarily consciously valued or pursued,
but failing to satisfy them still has negative consequences
•They are universal, not culturally specific
Autonomous Motivation
•Includes intrinsically motivated behaviors
•Includes extrinsically motivated behaviors
that have been fully internalized
Intrinsic Motivation
•Doing an activity
because it is interesting
and enjoyable
•Satisfies people’s basic
psychological needs for
competence, autonomy,
and relatedness
•It’s the prototype of
Extrinsic Rewards
Doing an activity
specifically because it
leads to a separate
consequence such as a
reward, avoidance of a
punishment, or social
The First Reward Studies
•Monetary rewards to college students
decreased intrinsic motivation for a puzzlesolving activity (Deci, 1971)
Results of 92 Experiments on the
Effects of Incentives on Intrinsic
Extrinsic Rewards Undermined Intrinsic
Motivation, especially if they were:
•Contingent upon doing the task,
•Expected when doing the task, and
Other Negative Effects of Rewards
Tangible Rewards:
•Create more rigid thinking and poorer
problem solving.
•Lead people to take the shortest route
to the rewards.
Why Do Tangible Rewards
Undermine Intrinsic Motivation?
Because people have
a fundamental human
need to be
autonomous rather
than controlled.
Chasing the carrot is
being controlled, and
thwarts autonomy.
Other Extrinsic Motivators That Have
Negative Effects
Threats of Punishment
(Deci & Cascio)
(Amabile et al.)
(Deci et al.)
Why? Because they tend to control people
externally and thus undermine autonomy.
Some External Events with Positive
Providing Choice
(Zuckerman et al.)
Acknowledging feelings (Koestner et al.)
Because they enhance people’s
experience of autonomy
Positive Feedback
Negative Feedback
Increases intrinsic motivation
Decreases intrinsic motivation
Because we also have a fundamental
psychological need to be competent
When Using Incentives
•Don’t use them to motivate.
•Keep them relatively non-salient.
•Use them to acknowledge a job well done.
•Don’t use them to promote maintenance.
•Be sure the interpersonal environment is supportive.
•Don’t use controlling language.
Some activities in our lives are not
intrinsically interesting, and that’s where
extrinsic motivation comes in.
People tend to internalize aspects
of the environment (e.g., extrinsic
motivation) that are endorsed by
important others.
Because they have
a need for
Types of Extrinsic Motivation
External Regulation:
No Internalization
* Pressured by external contingencies
Introjected Regulation: Partial Internalization
* Pressured by internal contingencies
* Not true self-regulation
Identified/Integrated Regulation: Full Internalization
* Feel a sense of full sense of autonomy and choice
Autonomous Motivation
Intrinsic motivation + Identified/Integrated regulation
Controlled Motivation
External regulation + Introjected regulation
Basic Need Satisfaction
and Internalization
•The social contextual factors that maintain intrinsic
motivation are essentially the same as those that
promote internalization of extrinsic motivation
•They are the conditions that facilitate satisfaction
of the basics psychological needs for competence,
autonomy, and relatedness
Social Contexts
•Comprised in part of specific events such as the offer of
a reward, the opportunity for choice, or provision of
feedback, as already discussed
•But social contexts can also be characterized as a kind
of composite that conveys the general ambience or
climate of a situation (e.g., home, classroom, work
•Contexts can be need supportive or controlling.
Need Supportive Contexts
•Relate from the others’ perspective
•Encourage self-initiation & exploration
•Offer relevant choices
•Provide meaningful rationale
•Provide positive and constructive feedback
Need support satisfies basic psychological needs
and promotes autonomous motivation
Controlling Contexts
Pressure people (through
coercion or seduction) to
perform as you demand, with
•Demanding language
•Evaluations and criticism
They undermine autonomous
motivation and promote
controlled motivation
Path Analysis of Basic Need Satisfaction,
Work Performance, and Adjustment in Banks
Need Support
Baard, Deci, and Ryan (2004)
Well-Being and
Mental Health
The Intervention in a Fortune 500 Company
Intervention at the Branch Level (200 employees) Included 13 Days of
an External Change Agent Working with the Managerial Team
(Branch Manager and 8 Field Managers) Over a Ten-Week Period
1 Day with the Branch Manager
5 Days working with the Management Team, off-site
7 Days Working with Individual Field Managers and Their Teams of
about 18 Technicians
Training Meetings for Management Team
(Five Days Total)
•Learn to acknowledge subordinates’ perspective
(their needs, feelings, and beliefs)
•Facilitate subordinates taking more initiative by
providing choice and encouraging experimentation
•Learn to provide informational feedback (honest
feedback not intended to criticize or control)
Managers Need Support Before and After the
Radiation of Treatment: Overall
Positive Effects on Employees
Including Improvements in:
Trust in Corporation
Satisfaction with Job Characteristics
 Autonomous and controlled motivations
are very different.
 Support for the three needs promotes
autonomous motivation.
 Need support and autonomous motivation
yield enhanced learning, performance,
persistence, and well-being.