Sigmund Freud and Psychodynamic Approach

 Concept list 6 is due on Thursday, March 17th.
 Forum post 6 (Freudian Slip) is due on Friday, March
18th by 8am.
 Quest 4 will be on concept list 5 and ethics and
 Interpret the following psychological quote in your
 “Evil men do what good men only dream of.”
 Share your thoughts with a partner.
 Be prepared to share out with whole group.
 (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939)
 An Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of
 Best known for his theories of the unconscious mind
and the mechanism of repression
 Created the clinical method of psychoanalysis for
investigating the mind through dialogue between a
patient and a psychoanalyst
 Freud believed that our behavior and behavior
disorders are determined mainly by basic drives and
past psychological events.
 Proposed that people may not know why they feel,
think, or act the way they do because activities are
partly controlled by the unconscious part of the mind.
 Id – The unconscious portion of personality
containing basic impulses and urges
 Pleasure principle – The id’s operating principle, which
guides people toward whatever feels good.
 Ego – The part of personality that mediates conflicts
between and among the demands of the id, the
superego, and the real world.
 Reality principle- The ego functions in reality and
creates comprises between the id and the superego.
 Superego – The component of the personality that tells
people what they should and should not do.
 A verbal or memory mistake that is believed to be
linked to the unconscious mind.
 Calling his or her spouse by an ex's name
 Saying the wrong word(s)
News Station and Freudian Slips
 Log the following clip in your video source graphic
Id, Ego, and the Superego
Unit: Theoretical Foundations
Theme: Psychodynamic approach
Thread: Personality
 Answer the following writing prompt in your mini-
Create an example when your thoughts are guiding by
the id and explain how the superego represses those
 Log the following clip in your video source graphic
Id, Superego, and Ego Version 2
Unit: Theoretical Foundations
Theme: Psychodynamic approach
Thread: Personality
 Concept list 6 is due on Thursday, March 17th.
 Forum post 6 (Freudian Slip) is due on Friday, March
18th by 8am.
 Quest 4 will be on concept list 5 and ethics and
 WEAR RED on Friday for extra credit.
 Answer the following question in your mini-notebook:
What role do your parents play in your moral
Explain by using specific examples.
 Periods of personality development in which conflicts
focus on particular issues.
Oral Stage
Anal Stage
Phallic Stage
Latency period
Genital Stage
 The first psychosexual stage, in which the mouth is the
center of pleasure and conflict.
Birth to 18 months
 Sucking fingers
 Biting and chewing
 Breast feeding
 The second psychosexual stage that focuses on
pleasure and conflict that sifts from the mouth to the
 18 months to 3 years old
 Toilet Training
 Too harsh or too early can produce stinginess and
neatness in adults
 Too late or too lax can produce disorganized or
impulsiveness in adults
 The third psychosexual stage that focuses on pleasure
and conflict shifts the genital area.
 3 years old to the age of 6
 Oedipus Complex–Boy experiences sexual desire for his mother
and wants to eliminate father. (Male superego developed)
 Electra Complex –Girl develops penis envy and transfer love from
mother to father.
 The fourth psychosexual stage which sexual impulses
lie dormant.
 Age 6 through Age 12
 Children at this age hang out with groups of friends
that are of the same sex.
 The fifth psychosexual stage, which begins during
adolescence, when sexual impulses appear at the
conscious level.
 Puberty till Death
 Pleasure is focused on the genitals of an individual.
 Log the following clip by using your video source log
graphic organizer:
Freud's Psychosexual Stages
Unit: Theoretical Foundations
Theme: Psychodynamic approach
Thread: Personality