Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Dissemination and Further Analysis Workshop DEVINFO FOR MICS DISSEMINATION Dakar 19-25 July 2011 Purpose of DevInfo • DevInfo is a UN-supported initiative that aims to translate large investments in data collection into improved development outcomes through the use of data • Consists of core database structure, various options for exchange and visualization, and training programme for how to use and apply this Objectives of Session • To demonstrate potential of DevInfo technology and services for dissemination of MICS data • To gain brief understanding of simple steps to upload MICS data to DevInfo database WCARO: MICS data in DevInfo databases MICS Compiler (MICS3) Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo National Adaptations Online Offline Burkina Faso, Cameroon DRC Chad, Gambia Cote d’Ivoire Ghana, Mali Liberia Niger, Nigeria Mauritania Senegal, Togo Sao Tome & Principe Sierra Leone Mali MICS4 on DevInfo – Example • • • • Malikunnafoni developed in 2008 for monitoring GPRSP and MDGs ( Managed by Technical Unit of PRSP and INSTAT, with focal points in line ministries MICS4 2010 data has been included DevInfo promotes the use of MICS data to inform planning and policy development Table: Vitamin A Coverage Graph: Vitamin A Coverage Map: Vitamin A Coverage • Demonstration of basic DevInfo user interface data dashboards • Interactive data THANK YOU di Profiles • Data Snapshot Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival Profiles Countdown to 2015 Profiles di books • extending release extending MICS reporting CME Info Demo: Table CM.2 (MICS4) Contacts • For further support with DevInfo services: – Jon Kapp (technical support) • – Michka Seroussi (Regional focal point WCA) • – Peter Leth (global UN focal point) •