Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Disseminating and Using MICS data MICS4 Survey Design Workshop An effective dissemination strategy can play a crucial role in maximizing data use MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Maximizing the use of MICS results • to report on progress towards national goals and global commitments: MDGs, WFFC,CRC • to update the situation analysis of children in the country • to identify vulnerable groups and highlight disparities • to stimulate “positive” competition (compare country to better- or worse-off neighbors or sub-national to national average) MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Maximizing the use of MICS results • to advocate for strengthening public policies and programmes in favor of children (evidence-based data) • to mobilize stakeholders and stimulate national and local debates • to facilitate additional in-depth analysis by academia and researchers MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS dissemination action plan (Key areas to be addressed: 1 of 2) HOW TO: • Create awareness about MICS and interest in MICS data prior to data release • Organize national seminar – official release of final data • Engage media and journalists • Make MICS data widely available at the national, regional and international level …/2 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS dissemination action plan (Key areas to be addressed: 2 of 2) • Design and produce a MICS4 dissemination package for effective communication of findings to non-technical audiences • Plan and conduct an effective distribution strategy for dissemination materials • Evaluate dissemination activities and tools Overall, consider the web as an increasingly important dissemination medium MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Target audiences at country level (1 of 2) •At national level: – – – – – – – Ministries (both political and technical level) Parliament In-country international community Civil society, including youth associations Technical experts–universities/research centers Mass media Donors MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Target audiences at country level (2 of 2) •At local level (using sub national level data): – Authorities – Civil society organizations – Mass-media MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Accessibility to MICS findings and micro data • • • • • • • • • • Printed and electronic copies of the final report “Light” version of the final report Micro level datasets CD ROM, flash drives Ready made presentations Website – national and regional and MICS Compiler Online communities DevInfo 6.0 (e.g., DI Book; DI Analyser) Pocket card, factsheet, brochure, poster, etc. MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Organizing live and/or remote presentations • Launching of report – – – – – – • • • • MICS video Political leaders Ministries Partners in development Media (TV, radio, print) Ad-hoc presentations on specific results Thematic press releases Creating online communities to spread the word Organize webcasts, podcasts, etc. Participate in national/international thematic and/or expert conferences MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Plan for a MICS dissemination strategy right from the start (1 of 2) • MICS exercise does not end when the report is published …. • Include dissemination in survey planning…and budget • Involve communication officers • Document/archive key steps of the survey with photos, videos, interviews, web pages, media articles, etc.; kindly share with NYHQ MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Plan for a MICS dissemination strategy right from the start (2 of 2) • Use new MICS logo • Consult dissemination examples on • Contact UNICEF dissemination staff at HQ MICS4 Survey Design Workshop A few tips for planning dissemination • Think of different communication tools/channels for different target groups • Include as part of the Country Survey Plan • Involve Steering Committee & communication experts • Allocate adequate resources • Document the whole MICS 4 process and kindly share with NYHQ MICS4 Survey Design Workshop A goal to reach…! MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Contact information This presentation was prepared by: Daniel Vadnais, Communication Specialist, Statistics and Monitoring ( and Laxmi Venkatraman, Communication Officer, Statistics and Monitoring ( MICS4 Survey Design Workshop