Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Objectives of the Workshop MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Workshops • “Survey Design”: First in a series of regional workshops • Three workshops planned in each region • Second workshop on “Data Processing” • Third workshop on “Reporting and Dissemination” MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Workshop Objectives • To introduce MICS4 methodology: Content, survey tools and recommended survey procedures • Questionnaires and other data collection tools • Approaches to survey design and implementation • Sampling • To sensitize government counterparts, survey coordinators and UNICEF officers to MICS methodology MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Workshop Objectives • To discuss the MICS4 process • To explain and discuss the technical assistance framework and coordination of MICS surveys at global and regional level MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Workshop Objectives To establish necessary links between governments/implementing agencies, UNICEF country offices, the UNICEF regional office, and UNICEF NYHQ To serve as a platform where country teams and experts discuss MICS contents and methodology MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Workshop Objectives • To share past experiences and lessons learned in MICS MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Workshop Objectives • To assist countries in fine-tuning the details or producing the first drafts of the country survey plans MICS4 Survey Design Workshop