NORSK FORENING FOR INTERNASJONAL RETT (NORSK AVDELING AV INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION) Secretary: Advokatfullmektig Siv Myrvold Postboks 1400 Vika, 0115 Oslo Phone: (47) 21 02 10 00 Fax: (47) 21 02 10 01 E-mail: Web: Oslo, 23. mai 2013 Innkalling Det innkalles til medlemsmøte Tid til årsmøte/medlemsmøte og årsmøte i Norsk Forening for Internasjonal Rett. Onsdag 19. juni 2013. Årsmøtet starter presist kl. 18.15 med etterfølgende Kgl. Utenriksdepartement 7. juni resepsjonen i hovedinngangen. Sted: plass, medlemsmøte kl. 19.00-20.15. (presserommet i 1. etasje), og International Law Association oppmøte Årsmøte Dagsorden: Gjennomgang av status for foreningens aktiviteter Valg av styre Valg av revisor Medlemsmøte Foredrag av professor Alain Pellet om temaet «Continental and Anglo-Saxon traditions in pleading before international courts». Alain Pellet er professor ved universitetet Paris Ouest, Nanterre/La D«ense, og har tidligere blant annet vært leder for FNs folkerettskommisjon. Han har prosedert over 40 saker for Den internasjonale domstol i Haag, og må derfor anses som en av verdens aller mest erfarne folkerettslige prosessfullmektiger, se vedlagte CV. Sammen med Daillier og Forteau er han også kjent som forfatter av Droit International Public, 8. utgave 2009 (1709 sider), den mest brukte franskspråklige lærebok og håndbok i folkerett, og som i tidligere utgaver helt eller delvis er bl.a. oversatt til gresk, portugisisk, russisk, spansk og ungarsk. Foredraget og diskusjonen vil gi en unik mulighet til åf konkretisert ved hjelp av eksempler betydningen av de viktigste ulike rettstradisjoner og -kulturer i folkerettslig rettsanvendelse og prosedyre. Med vennlig hilsen Siv Myrvold i Biography Alain Pellet Alain Pellet, born January 2, 1947 in Paris, teaches Public International Law (in particular International Economic Law) at the University Paris Ouest, Nanterre/La Dåfense. Director of the Centre de Droit International (CEDIN) of the university between 1991 and 2001, he is the co-head of the Master 2 (research) Laws of International Relations and of the European Union. He is the author of numerous books and articles. Between 1990 and 2011, he and acted as Chair in 1997. French Government) and for more than 40 cases in front and transnational arbitrations, of Arbitrators of the ICSID by was a Member of the United Nations International Law He has been Counsel for numerous governments (in international organisations. He has been and is counsel of the International Court of Justice, as well as several in particular investment cases; he has been designated the Chairman of the Administrative Council. Commission, particular the and lawyer in international to the Panel Alain Pellet has also been experts to the Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference on the former Yugoslavia ("Badinter Arbitration Committee"), as well as Rapporteur of the French Committee of Jurists on the Creation of an International Criminal for Former Yugoslavia ("TRUCHE Commission"), that is at the origin of the French project of creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Furthermore, he is the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) Independent Objector for generic top level domain names (new gTLD) and the Legal Adviser of the World Tourism Organisation. Academic q1!aHt9cafions Alain Pellet has a bachelor's degree in law (public law) (1968 - Faculty of Law and Economics, Paris), he has the diploma of the Institute of Political Studies, Paris (Sciences Po) (1968 - public service section). He has obtained a diploma of advanced studies in political science and a diploma of advanced studies in public law (1969 - Faculty of Law and Economics, Paris) as well as a State doctorate in public law (1974 - University of Paris II, Panthåon - Assas, Paris) and the "Agrågation" in public law and political science (1974). He has been auditor at the Academy of International Law, The Hague (public international law courses, 1967, 1969 and 1971). Decorations Associå Lgion and de l'Institut d'honneur awards de Droit (Knight, international France (2007). - 1998); Palmes acadåmiques (France) (Knight, 1986; Officer, 2007). Gold Star of Nahouri (Burkina Faso, sylver medal, 1987); Officer, Order of merit (Chad, 1995) ; Commander, Ordre de la valeur (Cameroon, 2003);Order of the Double White Cross (Slovakia, 2006); Knight Romanian National Order "Serviciul Credincios" (Romania, 2009). Doctor honoris causa (University Eståcio de Så, Rio de Janeiro, 1998; Miskolc University 2000); Rusian Foreign Trade Academy (Moscow, 2002) and Law Faculty of the University (2011). (Hungary, of Athens Member of the Institute of International Public Law and International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki (Greece, 2001);Renå Maheu Prize for the International Civil Service, Special award (1995);Medal of the Faculty of Law of Granada (Spain, 1992)et de l'Universidad del Rosario (Bogota, 2004). Lemonon prize of the Institute of France (Moral the United Nations Charter (with J.P. Cot - 1986). and Political Sciences Academy) for the book on