M E ________________________________________________________________________

N-0657 OSLO
EMAIL: marius.emberland@jus.uio.no
TEL: + 47 22 85 94 20 (OFFICE)
1/4/2005 – present
University of Oslo, Faculty of Law
Oslo, Norway
Associate professor
1/9/2003 – 31/3/2005
University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
Oslo, Norway
Legal adviser; heading the Centre’s activities as a National institution for human
11/1999 – present
University of Bergen, Faculty of Law
Bergen, Norway
External examiner for various exams; various lecturing assignments in
international law
3/1998 – 8/2000
University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
Oslo, Norway
Researcher and acting program coordinator of the research program ‘Human
Rights in Norway’ 3/1998—8/19998 and 9/1999—8/2000.
5/1997 – present
University of Oslo, Faculty of Law
Oslo, Norway
Various lecture, supervision and examination assignments
8/1993 – 6/1994
University of Oslo, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
Senior research assistant at the Dept of Petroleum Law 9/1993—8/1994
1992 – 1997
Held various law clerk jobs in major business law firms in Oslo during
summer and Christmas vacations in order to finance education
9/2000 – 08/2004
8/1998 – 6/1999
1/1990 – 12/1996
Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
D.Phil. in law (successfully defended August 2004). Thesis title: Companies
before the European Court of Human. Supervisor: Professor Christopher
McCrudden, Lincoln College
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA, United States
LL.M. June 1999. Specialisation in constitutional law and international human
rights law. Supervisor: Professor Henry J. Steiner
University of Oslo, Faculty of Law
Oslo, Norway
Candidatus juris, December 1996. Specialized in company law and petroleum
contracts law
Class rank: 6th of 260 students
1/2007Member of EU initiated research network GARNET/JERP 522
(International Law, Sovereignty, and Global Governance)
Information at
1/2007Member of Management Committee EU initiated research network COST
ISO 602 International Law in Domestic Courts
Information available at
6/2004 – 12/2005
British Institute of International and Comparative Law
London, United Kingdom
9/2002 – 6/2003
9/2000 – 8/2004
1/2000 – 2/2000
Visiting fellow in Public International Law
New York University School of Law
New York, NY, United States
Emile Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Center for International
and Regional Economic Law & Justice
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Affiliate research student
Max Planck Institute of Foreign Public Law and International Law
Heidelberg, Germany
Research stay for two months for preparation of article on ECHR law
6/2007 –present
Royal Commission on Unified Anti-Discrimination Legislation in Norway
Member of 10 member commission to draft unified legislation against
discrimination; to be completed 1 July 2009
8/2006 – present
The New International Law, Oslo, 15-18.3.2007
Head, Organizing Committee, research conference on new trends in
international law. Information at
Anthology to be published by Oxford University Press 2008
7/2006 – present
Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
Acting head, research group on the Internationalization of Law
1/2007 – present
Retfærd: Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift
Editor for Norway; inter-Nordic peer review journal on jurisprudence
7/2006 – present
European Society of International Law
Rapporteur for Norway on Mapping International Law in Europe project
1/2005 – present
Oxford Reports of International Law Decisions in Domestic Courts
Norway editor
1/2004 – 6/2007
Nordic Journal of International Law
Lund, Sweden
Book review editor (jointly with Michael Bogdan and Ole Spiermann)
1/2002 – 6/2007
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter: Nordic Journal of Human
Oslo, Norway
 Editor-in-chief (as from issue No 1 2003)
 Co-editor 2002-2003
 Editor of the ECHR case law column 6/1996—6/1998
9/1998 – 1/1999
Harvard International Law Journal
Cambridge, MA, United States
Submissions editor; member of Submissions Committee
En sammenlignende oversikt over grunnlovsbeskyttelsen av menneskerettigheter i OECD-området
(oppdrag for Stortingets utredningsseksjon) (2006)
First opponent, defence of doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Law, Lund University (Radu Mares: The
Incremental Institutionalisation of Corporate Social Responsibilities. Synergies between the Practices
of Leading Multinational Enterprises and Human Rights Law/Policy) (February 2006)
Diskrimineringsvernet i norsk og internasjonal rett: Hovedlinjer og refleksjoner (oppdrag for Sosialog helsedirektoratet, 2005)
The Legal Framework of Social Reforms in the State of Qatar: Current Status (oppdrag for Hydro
Aluminium ASA, 2005)
Utredning om enkelte folkerettslige spørsmål for NOU 2005: 12 Mer effektiv bygningslovgivning II
(del-innstilling om ny plan- og bygningslov)
Menneskerettslige aspekter ved lovforslag om lik rett til skilsmisse som vilkår for familiegjenforening
(oppdrag for Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet, 2003) (The international human rights law aspects
of proposed amendments to the regulations of immigration on the basis of family reunion (declarations
in marriage contract that both sposes recognise their equal right to divorce), legal opinion submitted to
the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Regional Affairs, submitted 15 July 2003 )
”Budding Human Rights and Democracy Awareness in the Gulf: the Case of Qatar and its 2003 Draft
Constitution”, report to the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, submitted 28 April 2004
Fluent in Norwegian and English.
Read/Understand German and French.
The protection of corporations' interests by international human rights law, 2 hour lecture, Master
course series Business and Human Rights, University of Lund, 10 May 2007
Current developments in European human rights law, 3 hour lecture, summer course, Universitá degli
Studi di Parma, juni 2007
Publications in English (incl. book reviews):
1. The International Court of Justice and Companies: Is It Possible to Discern a “Structural Bias”at the
Court Regarding Private Economic Enterprise? ((2007) 9 International Community Law Review, 2007
187-209 (spesial issue on non-state actors and the ICJ on the occasion of the ICJ’s 60 th anniversary)
2. Book review of Jan Paulsson: Denial of Justice and International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press 2005) (2006) 75 Nordic Journal of International Law 339-342
3. The Human Rights of Companies: Exploring the Structure of ECHR Protection (Oxford: Oxford
University Press 2006) (revised version of doctorate dissertation)
4. The European Convention on Human Rights as Means for the Protection of Foreign Investment?
(submitted for publication; to be published in publication based on Ruhrgas Workshop 2003)
5. Companies before the Europan Court of Human Rights (D Phil dissertation, Oxford University)
6. “The Corporate Veil in the Case Law of the Human Rights Committee and the Inter-American Court
and Commission on Human Rights” (2004) 4 Nottingham Human Rights Law Review 257-275.
7. The Human Rights Catalogue of the 2003 Constitution of Qatar: A New Instrumentalism? (report and
research paper on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (on file with author)
8. “Companies’ Compensation for Non-Pecuniary Damage: Comingersoll v. Portugal before the
European Court of Human Rights and the Ambivalent Expansion of the Convention’s Scope” (2003)
74 British Yearbook of International Law 409-432.
9. “The Corporate Veil in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights” (2003) 63 Zeitschrift
für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 945—969
10. “Protection against Unwarranted Searches and Seizures of Corporate Premises under Article 8 of the
European Convention on Human Rights: the Colas Est SA v. France Approach” (2003) 25 Michigan
Journal of International Law 77-116
11. ”The Usefulness of Applying Human Rights Arguments in International Commercial Arbitration. A
Comment on Arbitration and Human Rights by Aleksandar Jaksic” (2003) 20 Journal of International
Arbitration 355—363
12. McElhinney v. Ireland, Fogarty v. United Kingdom, and Al-Adsani v. United Kingdom, before the
European Court of Human Rights (Case note) (2002) 96 American Journal of International Law 699705
13. The Corporation as '”Third Party” in ECHR Law, (2002) 13 European Business Law Review 389-409
14. Book review of Christine Gray: International Law and the Use of Force (Oxford: Oxford University
Press 2001) (2002) 65 Modern law review 629-631
15. Book review of Carolyn Evans: Freedom of Religion under the European Convention on Human
Rights (Oxford OUP 2001) (2001) 12 European Journal of International Law 799-802
Publications in Norwegian:
16. ”Diskrimineringsforbudet som konvensjonsbeskyttet menneskerettighet” (2006) 41 Jussens Venner
17. Diskrimineringsvernet i norsk og internasjonal rett: Hovedlinjer og refleksjoner (Oslo: Sosial- og
helsedirektoratet 2005) (43 pp)
18. Retorikk og realiteter. Norsk menneskerettighetsdebatt på et sidespor? (Oslo: Civita 2006) [book on
human rights rhetoric in contemporary Norwegian political debate]
19. “Internasjonale tilsynsorganers synspunkter på oppfølgningen av Norges
menneskerettighetsforpliktelser” (2004) 22 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter 206-221
20. "To måter å bringe rettigheter hjem på" (On the English and Norwegian Human Rights Acts), article in
the Scandinavian law journal (2002) 25 Retfærd 3-22
21. "EMK artikkel 7 i lys av nyere EMD-praksis", (Case comment related to case law under ECHR Article
7), (2001) 1 Tidsskrift for Strafferett 55-67
22. "Den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjon og norske maktstrukturer" ("The European
Convention on Human Rights and power structures in Norway"), in Østerud and Tranøy (eds.): Mot et
globalisert Norge (Towards a Globalized Norway), Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Forlag 2001 pp 103—
130 (in the Government Initiated Power Structure Commission's book series)
23. “Om “law and literature”-bevegelsen og dens overførbarhet til norske forhold” (‘On the law and
literature movement and its transferability to Norwegian legal thought’), (1999) 26 Kritisk Juss 251268
24. “Det eksterritorielle vern i EMK artikkel 3 – en oppdatering” (‘Extra-territorial protection of ECHR
Article 3 – an update’), (1999) Jussens Venner 31-47
25. “Den europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjon artikkel 3. Elementer til forståelse av bestemmelsen”
(‘Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Elements for understanding the provision’),
Norwegian Institute of Human Rights Working Paper no. 9 1998
26. “Behovet for revisjon av individvernet. Kjuus-kjennelsen som utgangspunkt for fornyet diskusjon”
(‘The need for revision of the Norwegian Bill of Rights based on a Norwegian Supreme Court decision
on the freedom of speech and racial remarks’), (1999) 26 Kritisk Juss 173-186
27. “I grunnlovskonservatismens favntak” (Embraced by constitutional conservatism. On the deficiencies
of the Norwegian Bill of Rights of 1814), (1997) 15 Mennesker & Rettigheter issue no 3-4 308-317
28. “Tungløftbransjens kjerneproblem: Hvilke virkemidler har operatøren til rådighet mot entreprenørens
forsinkelse” (‘The core problem of ‘heavy lift’ contracts. What sanctions are at the oil company’s
disposal against delays by the ‘heavy lift’ contractor?); MarIus no. 227 (Scandinavian Institute of
Maritime Law Working Paper Series), (student thesis)
Book reviews and other publication in Norwegian:
29. Bokanmeldelse av Jørgen Aall: Rettstat og menneskerettigheter (Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2004) (2006)
44 Lov og Rett [kommer]
30. “Menneskerettigheter, makt og demokrati”, review essay based on two recent books on human rights,
democracy and law (Ida Elisabeth Koch et al eds: Menneskerettigheder og magtfordeling.
Domstolskontrol med politiske prioriteringer (Århus 2004); Morten Kinander (red.): Makt og rett. Om
Makt- og demokratiutredningens konklusjoner om rettsliggjøring av politikken og demokratiets
forvitring (Oslo 2005) (2005) 23 Nordisk Tidsskrift for menneskerettigheter: Nordic Journal of Human
Rights 193-196
31. Bokanmeldelse av A. W. Brian Simpson: Human Rights and the End of Empire. Britain and the
Genesis of the European Convention (Oxford Oxford University Press 2001) (2002) 20 Mennesker &
Rettigheter 111—113
32. "Om juristers evner – en sluttkommentar" (2001) 40 Lov og Rett 512
33. ”Grunnrettigheter”.(bokessay) (2001) 19 Mennesker og rettigheter issue no 1
34. ”Om juristers evner – en kommentar” (2001) 40 Lov og Rett 184-186
35. Bokanmeldelse av Ole Spiermann: Moderne folkeret – efter det 20. Århundrede (København Jurist- og
Økonomforbundets Forlag 1999) (2000) 18 Mennesker & Rettigheter 358—360
36. In-depth analysis of a Norwegian supreme court judgment in the daily Norwegian newspaper
Dagbladet, 20 September 2000
37. In-depth analysis of a Norwegian supreme court judgment in the weekly Nowegian newspaper,
Morgenbladet 21 July 2000
38. "En menneskerettslig bjørnetjeneste?" (In-depth analysis of the impact of the European Court of
Human Rights' judgment in the case of Selmouni v. France), Morgenbladet, 21 January 2000
39. Book review of Mötes- och demonstrationsfriheten, by Thomas Bull, Iustus, Uppsala 1997 (doctoral
dissertation on the status of the freedom of peaceful assembly in Swedish constitutional law), (1999)
26 Kritisk Juss 381-386
40. Book review of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Origins, Drafting, and Intent, by
Johannes Morsink, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1999, in (1999) 18 Mennesker &
Rettigheter issue no. 4 382-384
41. Book review of Krenkelser og klager, by Arnfinn Bårdsen, Scandinavian University Press, Bergen
1999 (doctoral dissertation on the admissibility requirements in ECHR Articles 25-27), (1999) 26
Kritisk Juss isssue 177-190
42. Book review of Mänskliga rättigheter i europeisk praxis. En kommentar till Europakonventionen om
de mänskliga rättigheterna, by Hans Danelius, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 1998 (standard Swedish
ECHR law commentary), (1999) 39 Lov og Rett issue no. 1
43. Book review of Grundloven og menneskerettigheder, by Kjærum, Slavensky and Vedsted-Hansen
(eds.): Jurist- og økonomforbundets forlag, Copenhagen, 1997 (compilation of articles on human rights
and constitutional law from the Danish Center for Human Rights) (1998) 25 Kritisk Juss issue no. 4
44. Book review of Refugee Protection: A European Challenge, by Vigdis Vevstad, TANO Aschehoug,
Oslo 1998, (1998) 25 Kritisk Juss issue no. 4
45. Book review of Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, by van Dijk and
van Hoof, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague/Boston 1998, (1998) 16 Mennesker & Rettigheter
issue no. 4
46. Book review of Stat, politikk og folkestyre. Festskrift til Per Stavang, (State, policy and democracy. A
tribute to professor Per Stavang), by Doublet, Krüger and Strandbakken (eds.), Bergen 1998 (Mélanges
Professor Per Stavang, University of Bergen), (1998) 16 Mennesker & Rettigheter issue no 3 302-304
47. Book review of Norsk statsforfatningsrett (Norwegian constitutional law), by Per Helset and Bjørn
Stordrange, Oslo 1998, in (1998) 25 Kritisk Juss 192-195
48. “Menneskerettighetsjuss i Norge” (‘Human rights law in Norway’), in-depth analysis on the need of
an act of incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the main liberal Norwegian
daily newspaper, Dagbladet, 26 January 1998
49. Article on free speech in new media in international human rights law and Norwegian constitutional
law in a Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication Verdenserklæringen 50 år (The
Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 50 years) on
the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
50. “Menneskerettighetsloven – styrking eller status quo?’”(‘The Human Rights Implementation Act –
strengthening or status quo?’). In-depth analysis on the new law on implementation of international
human rights conventions in Norwegian statutory law in the major Norwegian daily newspaper,
Aftenposten, 26 October 1998
51. Særtrykket 1997 (Offprint 1997), Co-editor of the offprint of the European Court of Human Rights law
column in Nordic Journal of Human Rights, a biannual collection of Norwegian summaries of
European Court of Human Rights case law for law students and practitioners
1. What counts as relevant discrimination grounds in human rights treaties’ non-discrimination
provisions: Using the ethos and telos of a treaty as determinants for legitimate purposive interpretation,
presentation of paper at The New International Law conference, Oslo, 17 March 2007
2. The International Court of Justice and Companies, presentation of paper at workshop (Non-State
Actors and International Law theme issue workshop on the ICJ and non-state actors), Queen Mary
College, University of London, London 19 May 2006
3. International human rights as expressions of an objective value system? Lecture for PhD programme,
University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, Oslo 30 March 2006
4. Prohibition of Discrimination in the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 14 and Protocol
12), lecture at The Regional Human Rights Seminar for Lawyers in Transition Countries of South East
Europe, hosted by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Belgrade 22 April 2004
5. Human rights for the business sector, lecture for Norwegian Lawyers’ Association’s Training Program,
31 March 2004
6. Fundamental human rights protection in Norwegian constitutional law and ECHR law, lecture series
for second year law students Faculty of Law, University of Oslo (six hours per term) from 2000 to
Human rights norms of public international law, international mechanisms and national
implementation, lecture as part of the national human rights course for students of educational studies,
Oslo, 21 November 2003.
The Corporate Veil in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, presentation, weekly
lunch seminar series, Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo, 24 September
The Corporate Veil in the Jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee and the Inter-American
Court and Commission of Human Rights, paper presentation, Annual Human Rights Associations
Conference, University of Essex, 22 September 2003,
The protection of private property in the European Convention on Human Rights, training course
lecture, Regjeringsadvokatembetet (Office of the Norwegian Government’s Legal Counsel), 3
September 2003
The Status of Companies and Shareholders in the Case Law of the Inter-American Commission and
Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee, presentation of paper at the Jean Monnet
Center for International and Regional Law and Justice, New York University School of Law,
November 2002
Exam preparations lectures in public international law for final year students (10 hours per term),
University of Bergen, Faculty of Law, 2001-2002
ECHR and penal law. Lecture at the Norwegian Lawyers' Association's training course for lawyers,
Oslo fall term 2001
Presentation of paper ("Corporations as third parties in ECHR law") at Post Graduate Research
Conference "Human Rights in Europe" 13—15 July 2001, University of Durham, European Law
Institute, United Kingdom
On the human rights law situation in Norway. Lecture for a Bosnian parliamentary group on an official
visit to Norway, held at University of Oslo, Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, 26 May 1998
On the implementation of human rights law in Norway. Lecture for the Zambian chairman of the
Commission of Investigation and delegation on official visit to Norway, held at University of Oslo,
Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, 21 April 1998
Human rights in war and peace. Lecture for Red Cross personnel at United World College, Fjaler,
Norway, 9 January 1998