WHAT’S THE VALUE? An economic impact study with social considerations Lindsay Kent, Julia Oak, Rebecca Waldrop Origins of the Study Sociology Senior Seminar– sociological consulting for a local non-profit organization Data collected for grant applications Anchor institution in Geneva Centrally located, provides key services for the community Smith Opera House – Located in Downtown Geneva Details of the Study Surveys administered at 13 events hosted by the Smith: January-March Hard-copy version Personally administered at research site Electronic version URL provided in event pamphlets Research Instrument Adapted from Americans for the Arts Conducted in 2012 182 study regions, representing all 50 states Findings: The non-profit arts and culture industry is an economic driver in communities: Generation of $135.2 billion of economic activity Supported 4.1 million full-time jobs in 2012 Promotes tourism Sample Survey Questions Determining the Economic Impact Multiplier = 1.5 For every $1 spent, an additional $0.50 is spent in the economy The multiplier is applied to the estimated total spending by attendees of Smith events Findings Average Spending Per Person (N=384) Estimated Total Spending for Population (N=4201) $11.71 $49,196.00 Refreshments $2.95 $12,410.00 Food/Drink $8.27 $34,852.00 Souvenirs/Clothing $1.36 $5,696.00 Childcare $0.29 $1,204.00 Overnight $3.37 $14,170.00 Other $0.25 $1,038.00 $28.20 $118,566.00 Admission SUM: Findings Continued $118,566.00 X Multiplier of 1.5 = $177,849.00 of economic activity generated by the Smith in 2 months Comparison to National Data Admissions Refreshment and/or Snacks Meals Souvenirs and Clothing Transportation Child Care Overnight Lodging Other Average per person Region A (<50,000 ppl) NA* $3.74 $10.92 $5.73 $2.81 $0.43 $7.51 $1.32 $32.48 The Smith $11.71 $2.95 $8.27 $1.36 NA** $0.29 $3.37 $0.25 $28.20 *Admissions not included in national study **Local Transportation included in Other for the Smith study Attendance by Zip Code Social Considerations 2013 Total Events in Geneva: 265 Hosted by the Smith: 162 Hosted by other Organizations: 103 Social Considerations Completed HS 10% Level of Education Post-grad or higher 36% Completed 4 year degree 25% Completed 2 year degree 16% Current College Student 13% Social Considerations Household Income Smith Sample Less than $40,000 17.2% $40,000-$59,999 14.9% $60,000-$79,999 17.5% $80,000-$99,999 15.1% $100,000 or more 27.1% N/A 7.8% Median Income- City of Geneva: $37,438 Implications of Social Considerations Hosts the majority of events in Geneva What population is the Smith serving? Compared to their mission An anchor institution, but for who? Thank you! Special thanks to: Pat McGuire, Retired Professor of Economics (HWS) Kelly Bradley, Executive Director of the Smith Center for the Performing Arts Roy Fearon, Hobart ‘14, GIS Teaching Assistant Volunteers at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts Bibliography McGuire & Dimetrov (Summer 2008). Working Papers, “Economic Impact with the IMPLAN model.” Hobart & William Smith Colleges http://visitfingerlakes.com/media/uploads/attractions/artstheater/theater/the-smith/smith_detail__612x388.jpg Smith Opera House. (n.d.). in Geneva, NY. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/858 http://www.hws.edu/dailyUpdate/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=11304 History of the Smith Opera House. (n.d.).The History of the Smith . Retrieved February 16, 2014, from http://thesmith.org/smith-operahouse/history http://depositphotos.com/6647996/stock-illustration-Success-moneydirection-sign.html Bibliography for Pictures: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ypWzdJv2Yaw/T85rdF3DpI/AAAAAAAAAh8/5TAKzxq-P4w/s1600/8081134619-009.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Smith_Oper a_House.jpg http://www.terragalleria.com/images/us-sw/usnv9138.jpeg http://www.bubblews.com/assets/images/news/1301101599_137391 0340.jpg http://www.fingerlakes1.com/temporary/geneva040808.jpg http://www.dow http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=money+sign&FORM=HDRS C2#view=detail&id=A4DE6E2A013E900212AFB6411132A4698687A778 &selectedIndex=59ntowngeneva.org/maps http://visitfingerlakes.com/media/uploads/scenicsmoodshots/historic/smith_opera_house__612x388.jpg http://www.genevaonthelake.com/images/SmithOperaHouse.jpg http://www.weos.org/saysyou/smithcenterforthearts.jpg http://www.downtowngeneva.org/images/historic/pc64.jpg