
Express Checkout
January 2013
550 15th Street, Suite 21
San Francisco, CA 94103
Three ways to increase revenue
EngageUI Express Checkout technology will help your
online business increase revenues in three ways:
1. Provides for faster checkout with fewer fields to fill out,
which reduces abandonment rate.
2. Improves the data quality of the shopper’s contact
information. This makes it easier to detect duplicate orders,
reduces your shipping costs, improves your ability to contact
the customer and increases customer satisfaction.
3. Provides you with valuable customer data and analytics that
can be used to contact and convert shoppers in the future.
Express Checkout with Consumer Lookup
Add items to cart
Begin Checkout
Fill out forms
Database of
~200 million
Increasing Conversion - How it Works
• We target the 30% of engaged shoppers who proceed to checkout but
fail to enter their credit card information. By simplifying the purchasing
process Express Checkout maintains the momentum of these ‘on
the fence’ buyers. Note: Approximately 50% (depending on biz) of those who add
products to your shopping cart, use it as a holding bin and never proceed to checkout.
These ‘lost non-buyers’ are NOT our target.
• Express Checkout asks for only minimal information and auto-fills the
rest. Less form fields to fill out improves the user experience and
will increase the overall order volume by 5-10%.
• E-mail address is collected upfront from a larger percentage of
‘abandoners’ increasing re-conversion email campaign effectiveness.
How we simplify the shopping experience
When a customer goes to check-out, a consumer friendly box
prompts the user to input email, phone and zip code
EngageUI runs the input information
against databases of nearly 200
Million US consumers and auto-fills
the necessary forms
Reduce Shopper Data Entry to as few as 6 Fields
The customer simply verifies and/or updates EngageUI’s auto-fill
information, and enters a credit card to complete the order
Auto form filling will also make it
easier for customers to purchase
via mobile shopping applications
Validate shipping address, email and phone
The DPV address check eliminates 99% of shipping
problems and CASS address standardization allows
you to detect multiple orders to the same shipping
address even if it was originally entered slightly
differently by the shopper.
123 North main street #456
Salt Lake, UT 84054
The shipping
address is verified
in real time against
US Post Office DPV of 165
million actual delivery
addresses and reformatted
per USPS CASS rules.
E-mail address is
validated against the
recipient’s mail server.
This is done in the background
while the shopper is completing
the forms. Shopper is prompted
to correct if needed.
123 N Main St Apt 456
Salt Lake City, UT 84054-9714
Phone number is
validated against
telco-grade database
to assure both area code and
1000-number block prefix are
not unassigned/reserved,
prompting to correct if needed.
Field-level Engagement Analytics
You get reports that identify conversion rates at each step of the checkout process,
how much time is spent filling out each field, fields that are frequently having to be
re-filled and exactly on which field shoppers stop filling out the form!
Express Checkout Benefits
Additional conversions mean additional profits
Easier check-out as the world moves to mobile applications
Detailed reporting on abandonment including which step and field
Automatic A/B testing to determine effectiveness
Regardless of initial order outcome, email addresses are collected for
re-conversion campaigns
• 99% of North American consumers will have city and state/province
filled in from the provided zip/postal code
• Reduced costs from improved data quality
• No programming, no IT, 15 minutes to implement
• No changes to your existing checkout forms are required
• You only pay EngageUI if your gained net profit is greater
than our fees.
For More Information – Alex Hisen – VP Product - (866) 579-2010 – alex@EngageUI.com