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Addressing Open Access
in Your Grant Application
April 9, 2014
Presented by: Janet Friskney, Research Officer
OA & Funding Agencies
Stepping-stone approach to OA from Tri-Council
2009-11: SSHRC’s Knowledge Mobilization
Strategy 2009-11
OA model encouraged in Aid to Journals (2011)
“KM” component, with OA references, introduced into
grants under SSHRC’s new architecture (2011)
Research Data Archiving Policy introduced (?)
January 1, 2013: CIHR adopts an OA policy
October 2013: Draft Tri-Council OA policy issued
for consultation – encompasses CIHR, SSHRC,
Tri-Agency Rationale
“As publicly funded organizations, the Agencies have a
fundamental interest in promoting the availability of findings
that result from the research they fund, including research
publications, to the widest possible audience, and at the earliest
possible opportunity.”
“Open access enables researchers to make their research results
freely available to the domestic and international research
community and to the public at large thereby enhancing the use,
application and impact of research results.”
Draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy
OA & Text of the Application
• Methods and Outputs/Knowledge
Mobilization will be affected by OA
 Publishing Research Data?
o Nitty gritty detail about how you’re going to
compile, analyse and publish the data
o In what digital form will you capture your data?
How will you develop it? What kind of software is
best? Will original programming be necessary?
How will you ensure long-term maintenance?
o Should there be a formal collaboration with an
information specialist from the library, or
elsewhere on campus, for this application?
OA & Text of the Application
• Methods and Outputs/Knowledge
Mobilization will be affected by OA
 Publications?
o Have you selected a journal or a book publisher
that offers open access? Be explicit if you have.
o Have you investigated the institutional repository
or other options at your institution?
o Have you considered including copies of your
publications on an OA website you control?
o Have you established the costs related to OA
publishing in the selected publishing vehicles?
OA & Budgeting
• Open Access Requires Funding
 What are the costs associated with making
the research data Open Access? (personnel,
software, maintenance)
 What page charges / subvention monies are
required to publish in the selected OA
 Are these eligible costs in the budget of the
funding agency? Are there upper limits on
certain budget lines?
OA & Potential Hurdles
Applicant confuses publishing research data
with a research project
Agency sets upper limit on expenses that
might be linked to OA aspects (eg. SSHRC
Tools Policy), but you need more funding
Grant runs out before you’ve reached the
publication stage, but OA costs still to come
More publications eventuate than anticipated
/ allowed by the grant budget
No funds to maintain the open access
database after the conclusion of the grant
OA & Potential Hurdles
• Preferred publisher not open access
• Preferred publisher has “moving wall”
open access that’s longer than the agency
• Preferred publisher won’t agree to use of
institutional repository even for prepublication version
• Commercialization agreements with
private companies may need to address
OA policies of funder