AIRPORT SECURITY MANAGEMENT TRAINING COURSE National Defense College of the Philippines Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City GROUP 3 1 LORETA C. TOLENTINO Police Chief Inspector PNP-ASG 2 BENLINER L. CAPILI Police Senior Inspector PNP-ASG 3 GHAZALI MAMACOTAO Police Senior Inspector PNP-ASG 4 EDUARDO AGUELLES Airport Police Lieutenant MIAA-APD 5 ARNOLD V. NAPALANG Airport Security Inspector MIAA-ASIO 6 JOSEN ROBLES Airport Security Inspector MIAA-ASIO 7 DANILO R. INALVEZ Airport Security Inspector MIAA-ASIO TERMINAL ACCESS CONTROL GENERAL OVERVIEW I. II. III. Introduction Legal : Source of Regulation to Access Control Presentation of Action Plan Part 1 - Overview of Current Terminal Access Control Part 2 - Findings/Vulnerabilities Part 3 - Recommendation I. INTRODUCTION Our Cluster’s presentation cover the implemented system on TERMINAL ACCESS CONTROL. Scope of the task includes the control on Passenger, Airport Worker/Staff, Authorized Personnel, and Vehicles at the designated CONTROLLED entry and exit points that are dependent on the policies set forth by the MIA Authority as stipulated in the NCASP and MIAAASP. II. LEGAL SOURCE OF REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO ACCESS CONTROL ANNEX 17 4.7.1 Each Contracting State shall ensure that the restricted areas are established at each airport serving international civil aviation and that procedures and identification systems are implemented in respect of persons and vehicles 4.7.2 Each Contracting State shall ensure that appropriate security controls, including background checks on persons other than passengers granted unescorted access to security restricted areas of the airport, are implemented. 4.7.3 Each Contracting State shall require that measures are implemented to ensure adequate supervision over the movement of persons and vehicles to and from the aircraft in order to prevent unauthorized access to aircraft. PASSENGER ENTRANCE GATE INITIAL PASSENGER SCREENING FINAL PASSENGER SCREENING (Concourse Screening) ARRIVAL SCREENING CHECKPOINT PASSENGER HAND CARRY BAG CHECK III. ACTION PLAN PART 1 TERMINAL ACCESS CONTROL Passenger Airport Worker/Staffs Authorized Personnel Vehicles Facilities / Equipments Initial control on passenger, personnel & vehicles at designated CONTROLLED entry and exit points are mainly dependent on the following: Travel Document ID & Access Passes Aircraft Movement Area Decals Currently, for persons there are four (4) types of ID and Access Passes issued by the airport authority: PERSONNEL IDENTIFICATION CARD Annual ID Seasonal ID Monthly Pass TRANSFERABLE CARD OB Cards On Duty Cards STICK-ON ACCESS PASS Daily Visitors Pass Daily On Duty Pass VIP PASS Special Events (F-4) Dignitaries Lounge Ramp Tarmac Annual/Departure VIP Room VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS Access Passes for it’s passengers AMA Drivers Permit AMA Decal Internal terminal control depends according to layout/design in regard to: FACILITIES EQUIPMENTS normally building Terminal doorways, locks and keys are under the control and responsibility of the Airport Operations Department in coordination with Airport Security. Terminal Access Control Equipment are consist of the following Walk Thru Metal Detector X-Ray Machine Hand-Held Metal Detector CCTV III. Part 2 FINDINGS/VULNERABILITIES With the present access control system, we can still identify vulnerabilities as follow: 1. On ID’s/Access Passes A. System/Procedures/Policy/ Coordination inadequacies 1) 2) 3) Phone-in request Disregard of pecking order Issuance of annual/seasonal/ID to nonorganic personnel B. Insufficient coordination, communication and smooth working relationship with other agencies/concessionaires regarding policies on ID/Access control and issuance being effected. C. Disturbing deviation on airport security procedures 2. Equipment/Facilities Inadequacies Outmoded Maintenance Problem Insufficient coordination, communication and smooth working relationship with other agencies/concessionaires regarding lock & keys of terminals. 3. Human Resources Inadequacies Lack of adequately trained enforcement personnel on access gates and screening checkpoint. III. RECOMMENDATIONS A. SHORT TERM SHORT TERM Review& revision of SOP’s Re-evaluation of performance of personnel Training Basic Training Re-Current Training TRAINING REQUIREMENTS SECURITY PERSONNEL Basic AVSEC Course (Mandatory Training ) Recurrency Training (Refreshers every two(2) years) Basic AVSEC Screener Training ( Specialty Training) NON-SECURITY PERSONNEL AVSEC Awareness Seminar Bomb Identification & Detection Bomb Threat Response Procedure Team Approach Concept in AVSEC B. MID TERM MID TERM Inventory on items Training Basic Training Re-Current Training C. LONG TERM LONG TERM Installation of Automated Door Acquisition of New Security Equipments Walk-Thru Metal Detectors X-Ray Machines Handheld Metal Detectors CCTV Handheld Radios Selection E. FUNDING / FINANCES Funding of the aviation security shall be appropriated out of the collections of Aviation Security Fee as authorized by Letter of Instruction No. 414-A as amended: The fees collected will be kept in a separate account in the name of NCASC and shall be spent for the following purposes: 1. 2. 3. To provide infrastructure for OTS & other offices & agencies performing aviation security functions; Purchase of modern aviation security equipment; and Other projects and activities directly related to aviation security. THANK YOU