NCSU FB MarketPlace

Scientific/Lab Supplies
• Air Gas - National Welders State Contract
• Applied Biosystems University specific
pricing agreement
• Eton Bioscience University specific pricing
• Fisher Scientific State Contract
• MSWC State Contract
• Sigma-Aldrich University specific pricing
• VWR International State Contract
FedEx Education &
Institutional Contract
Campus Services
• Wolf Copy
• Copy Center
• Campus Travel Management
How to Register for the MarketPlace
Request a MaketPlace Shopper role from
All Categories: your SAR administrator. Complete the 'My
Profile' page in MarketPlace (see below).
Request a MaketPlace Shopper &
MarketPlace Shipping role from your SAR
Shipping: administrator. Complete FedEx shipping
section on the 'My Profile' page in
MarketPlace (see below).
SAR Administrator
Teresa Sauls
Accessing Marketplace
Enter through “MYPACK PORTAL”
on NCSU Homepage
Select “Main Menu”
Select “Financial Systems”
Select “MarketPlace” from Drop-Down menu.
Select “Create Order”
from MarketPlace Drop-Down Menu
MarketPlace Vendors
Selection of a vendor on the previous page will
access that vendor’s “storefront”.
After selecting the items to be ordered,
click on “Checkout”.
The order request is now directed back to NCSU
Financial Systems so that accounting information
may be entered.
“Requisition Name” should be your initials and a
number in sequence (Start with 001).
Select the arrow on the left hand side to access
the box where project i.d.s and distributions can
be entered.
Project i.d. is typed into “SpeedType Key” if
known. Include phase code if there is one.
Hit “Enter”.
If Project i.d. and/or phase code are unknown,
select the magnifying glass to search for it.
To share costs between two or more projects,
select the + sign at the far right side of the row.
An identical row will then appear where the
accounting information
and percentages may be entered.
Costs shared between two accounts.
WARNING---Do not split between a grant (“5”
account) and other accounts.
Neither approver will take action on the order and
it will “sit” indefinitely.
When satisfied with the entry,
select “Save and Submit” to place the order.
Record “Requisition I.D.” number on the log.
Order request has now been sent to the approvers
for review.
Not until you receive an email with
this subject line:
MarketPlace Order For "CHE-1273"
Has Been Approved
“Manage Orders” option allows for the review of the status of
all orders that have been requested, from initial request
through invoicing.
Not so fast!!!
You still must “receive” your items
in the system once they are
shipped to you…..
Once an item is delivered, return to “Receive
Items” from the MarketPlace Drop-Down menu.
“Receive Items”
Check the box/es of those items which have arrived
and then click “Receive Selected” at bottom of page.
Choose the date from the calendar beside the
“Received Date” box.
After entering date, select “Save Receipt”.
If there are more items to be received, select “Return
to Receiving”. Otherwise, “Sign Out” of MyPack