St Olav VGS IB Diploma Request to Retake Examinations May 2015 Name: Examination session requested: Subject(s) and level(s) requested: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Administrative fees: Registration Fee Subject Fee (per subject) = NOK 1500 = NOK 700 TOTAL = NOK 2200 = NOK 2900 = NOK 3600 1 retake subject 2 retake subjects 3 retake subjects No cost for invigilators as long as May exams taken is already offered by the school that year and no special assessment arrangements are required. Where this is the case, an extra cost will be charged as relevant to the situation. Declaration: I, the undersigned ………………………………………. hereby request permission to retake the above IB Subject(s) for the next Examination Year ………………………. Where permitted, I will rejoin the relevant class(es) and follow the work set out and required by the class teacher(s). I understand that St. Olav VGS is not obliged to offer me a place in this/these class(es). Payment for the retake examination should be made payable to: St. Olav vgs. Bank account: 3201.55.34639. All payments MUST be marked with your name and the title ‘Retake IB exams May 2015’. Costs for this are outlined above in accordance with the guidelines set by the IBO for the year of the examination. Signature: …………………………………………... UTDANNINGSPROGRAM FOR STUDIESPESIALISERING OG INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE Jens Zetlitzgt. 33 TELEFON 4008 Stavanger 51 84 99 00 Date: ………………….