Innovation for Inclusive Development (IID) Policy Seminars MPhil in Inclusive Innovation OUR JOURNEY. We are on journey towards transformative innovation & change: KNOW our people & systems Learning with and from the people and systems we serve REIMAGINE systems & solutions we will question what is and reimagine what can be DEMONSTRATE & TEST solutions get behind models and solutions that can transform our world & IGNITE & ADVANCE change(makers) inspire and support change(makers) across Africa 2 EDUCATION HEALTH SCALING FINANCE BERTHA INITIATIVES 3 MPhil Clusters Healthcare Education Finance SME Environment Community MPhil learning approach MPhil Modules 1. Design Thinking for Inclusive Innovation 2. Values-Based Leadership in Business Model Innovation 3. Entrepreneuring in Emerging Markets Defining Innovation One of the most overused, vague terms of our time? Since Joseph Schumpeter, more than 50 definitions and definitional debates in academic literature Two key features of most innovations: 1. Something new (original, fresh, improved) 2. That creates value (of some kind, for someone/thing) The WHAT of innovation (products, processes etc) The WHY of innovation (the purpose … solving problems and/or realising new possibilities…?) Incremental vs disruptive innovation Prof Gerard George – on inclusive Innovation 1. Defined as an innovation that benefits ‘the disenfranchised’ 2. Is a process as well as a performance outcome 3. Points to inequalities that might arise in the development and commercialisation of innovation 4. Acknowledges the inequalities that might occur as a result of value creation and capture Some important notes: • Includes all forms of innovation: products, services, processes, institutions, business models, supply chains etc • Distinguish between process and outcomes – both are important (even if outcomes are not fully realised) Definitions we have an affinity for on the MPhil Inclusive Innovation: the development and implementation of new ideas which aspire to create opportunities that enhance social and economic well-being George et al, 2011 Social Innovation: A novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just, than existing solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals. Westley & Antadze, 2010 Related Concepts MPhil Timeline 19 April 21 July Ethical Clearance 30 Aug Literature Review Feb 2016 Proposal Hand-In Final Hand-In Module 3 August 17 – 24 • Elevator Presentation (5 mins) • Research Proposal (15-20 pages) • Learning Portfolio Module 2 May 18 – 25 • Elevator Presentation (5 mins) • Literature Review (20 pages) • Supervisor MoU • Learning Portfolio Module 1 March 2 – 9 • Elevator Presentation (5 mins) • Conceptual Proposal (8-10 pages) • Ethical Clearance • Learning Portfolio Deliverables Nov 30 – December 5 • Prototype • Presentation (30 mins) • Dissertation (80-100 pages) (900 hours) (180 hours) (180 hours) Pilot & Fieldwork • Prototype • Strategy • Implementation and field notes (360 hours) (180 hours) Identify supervisor • GSB Faculty • MPhil Supervisor List • UCT Faculty Meeting 1: Discussion of options & literature Meeting 2: Discussion of research plan Meeting 3: Draft proposal feedback Meeting 4: Fieldwork preparation Meeting 5: Fieldwork discussion & analysis Meeting 6: Draft dissertation feedback Appendix UCT GSB Entrepreneurial Support Ecosystem Policy & Advocacy Support Government interface Best practice research Education Partners Stanford MIT Babson Professional Support Partners Accounting Legal Specialists Culture Support Inspiration Website & videos of success and failure Educational Support Core GSB Educational Programme Online & website Financial Support Partners Specialist funders VC/PE, banks, angels etc Business Plan Approval process & incubator Mentor Support Online & in person GSB Entrepreneurs Academy Marketing Competitions Conferences Seminars Interviews Networking Support Online connected community