RD04 MPhil/PhD by Thesis Application Decision Proforma 1. Applicant Applicant’s Surname: Forename(s): 2. College Arts Business Health and Social Care Education Engineering and Technology Law, Humanities and Social Sciences Life and Natural Sciences Research Centre applicant to be attached to:……………………………………………………….. 3. Decision Has the applicant been interviewed? Unconditional offer YES NO Conditional offer (subject to the following): 1. 2. Please supply a brief rationale if the offer is being made outside of the normal entry requirements: Reject (please detail reasons below) 1. 2. Rejection of Application The candidate’s application has been considered and rejected 4. Signature: Date: ………………………… PRINT NAME (Chair of CRC) Mode of study This candidate has been accepted by the College to undertake: 1. Degree: MPhil Traditional PhD 1 Integrated PhD 2. Proposed practice/theory component weighting for the final viva voce examination if applicable (please refer to regulations for guidance): Specify practice element ……………………………… 3. Mode of Study: Full-time Practice % Theory % Part-time Distance Learning If DL confirm initial telephone interview has taken place (and attach completed telephone interview checklist) 5. University Funded Research Studentship/Teaching Assistantship/Postgraduate Assistantship 1. If a funded University studentship is being awarded, please indicate which type: PG Research Assistantship 2. Provisional start date of funding: / 3. Value of bursary per annum £ 6. The Supervisory Team PG Teaching Assistantship PG Research Studentship Provisional end date of funding: / / / Please ensure a recent Research Degree CV for each supervisor is lodged with the RO or is attached. Director of Studies (PRINT NAME): No of completions: PhD MPhil No of times as viva voce examiner: PhD MPhil If applicant overseas, has UKBA Tier 4 workshop been completed Yes N/A Second Supervisor (PRINT NAME) No of completions: PhD MPhil No of times as viva voce examiner: PhD MPhil If applicant overseas has UKBA Tier 4 workshop been completed Yes N/A *Third Supervisor/ Advisor (PRINT NAME): (*please indicate as appropriate) No of completions: PhD MPhil No of times as viva voce examiner: PhD MPhil If applicant overseas, has UKBA Tier 4 workshop been completed Yes Additional Costs involved for External Supervision £ Supervisory mentor (PRINT NAME): Date Mentor Status Approved Approved by College of No of PhD completions 2 N/A 7. Transfer in Name of institution transferring from: Months of study completed to date: …………… Months of study remaining (minimum 12FT, 24PT): .………….. RD05 to be completed YES / NO RD07 to be completed YES / NO If yes, date by which RD07 should be complete………………… (recommended within 2 months of enrolment) If an RD07 is not to be completed, please provide brief justification 8. Proposed start at the University Proposed start date: / Time: ………………………………. / Please indicate who the student should report to at that time Room No: 9. Site/Campus Special arrangements or facilities Does the student have a disability which has necessitated or might necessitate special arrangements/facilities and/or a Study Support Plan? Yes No If yes, please attach details. 10. School Level Facilities to be provided for the Student The student will be situated in room: Kedleston Road Markeaton Street Brittannia Mill Buxton The student will have the following basic provisions (tick as appropriate): Own PC Access to phone Own desk & chair Access to fax Hot-desk facilities Photocopy cards Stationery Other (please specify) 3 11. Bench fees to be charged to the student by the College Please include in this section any additional costs to be charged to the student over & above the standard tuition fee Description £ ANYTHING DETAILED ABOVE WILL BE CHARGED TO THE STUDENT 12. Research Project – Planned Area of Research (at least five sentences) for ATAS certificate (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY) 13. Research Project - Subject Area Definition (Please complete this section using the attached appendices) Student’s HESA/JACs Subject code ……………… DoS Unit of Assessment (UoA) code ………………. 14. Agreement of Provision and Support (a) Supervisory Team I agree to supervise and support the student Signature (Director of Studies): Date: PRINT NAME: Signature (Second Supervisor): Date: PRINT NAME Signature (Third Supervisor): Date: PRINT NAME I agree to mentor the above supervisory package Signature (Mentor): Date: PRINT NAME 4 (b) Chair CRC’s Agreement I have read the above statement of provision and support and can confirm that the listed support will be in place on arrival of the student. Signature (Chair CRC): Date: PRINT NAME (c) Dean of College’s Agreement I have read the above statement and approve the resource implications (in terms of staff time, facilities, provision equipment) of this programme of research with the Chair CRC. Signature (Dean of College): Date: PRINT NAME 5 Student’s HESA/JACs Subject Group A Medicine and Dentistry A100 Pre-clinical Medicine A200 Pre-clinical Dentistry A300 Clinical Medicine A400 Clinical Dentistry A900 Others in Medicine and Dentistry G Mathematical Sciences G100 Mathematics G200 Operational Research G300 Statistics G600 Software Engineering G700 Artificial Intelligence B Subjects allied to Medicine B100 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology B200 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy B300 Complementary Medicine B400 Nutrition B500 Ophthalmics B600 Aural and Oral Sciences B700 Nursing B800 Medical Technology B900 Others in Subjects allied to Medicine H Engineering H100 General Engineering H200 Civil Engineering H300 Mechanical Engineering H400 Aerospace Engineering H500 Naval Architecture H600 Electronic and Electrical Engineering H700 Production and Manufacturing Engineering H800 Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering H900 Others in Engineering C Biological Sciences C100 Biology C200 Botany C300 Zoology C400 Genetics C500 Microbiology C600 Sport & Exercise Science C700 Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry C800 Psychology C900 Others in Biological Sciences I Computer Sciences I100 Computer Science I200 Information Systems I900 Others in Mathematical and Computing Sciences D Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture and related subjects D100 Pre-clinical Veterinary Medicine D200 Clinical Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry D300 Animal Science D400 Agriculture D500 Forestry D600 Food and Beverage studies D700 Agricultural Sciences D900 Others in Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture and related subjects J Technologies J100 Minerals Technology J200 Metallurgy J300 Ceramics and Glasses J400 Polymers and Textiles J500 Materials Technology not otherwise specified J600 Maritime Technology J700 Industrial Biotechnology J900 Others in Technology F Physical Sciences F100 Chemistry F200 Materials Science F300 Physics F400 Forensic and Archaeological Science F500 Astronomy F600 Geology F700 Ocean Sciences F800 Physical Geographical Sciences F900 Others in Physical Sciences K Architecture, Building and Planning K100 Architecture K200 Building K300 Landscape Design K400 Planning (Urban, Rural and Regional) K900 Others in Architecture, Building and Planning G 6 L Social studies L100 Economics L200 Politics L300 Sociology L400 Social Policy L500 Social Work L600 Anthropology L700 Human and Social Geography L900 Others in Social studies M Law M100 Law by area M200 Law by Topic M900 Other in Law N Business and Administrative studies N100 Business studies N200 Management studies N300 Finance N400 Accounting N500 Marketing N600 Human Resource Management N700 Office skills N800 Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, Tourism & Transport N900 Others in Business and Administrative studies P Mass Communications and Documentation P100 Information Services P200 Publicity studies P300 Media studies P400 Publishing P500 Journalism P900 Others in Mass Communications and Documentation Q Linguistics, Classics and related subjects Q100 Linguistics Q200 Comparative Literary studies Q300 English studies Q400 Ancient Language studies Q500 Celtic studies Q600 Latin studies Q700 Classical Greek studies Q800 Classical studies Q900 Others in Linguistics, Classics and related subjects 7 R European Languages, Literature and related subjects R100 French studies R200 German studies R300 Italian studies R400 Spanish studies R500 Portuguese studies R600 Scandinavian studies R700 Russian and East European studies R900 Others in European Languages, Literature and related subjects T Eastern, Asiatic, African, American and Australasian Lang, Literature and related subjects T100 Chinese studies T200 Japanese studies T300 South Asian studies T400 Other Asian studies T500 African studies T600 Modern Middle Eastern studies T700 American studies T800 Australasian studies T900 Others in Eastern, Asiatic, African, American & Australasian Lang., Lit., & related subjects V Historical and Philosophical studies V100 History by period V200 History by area V300 History by topic V400 Archaeology V500 Philosophy V600 Theology and Religious studies V900 Others in Historical and Philosophical studies W Creative Arts and Design W100 Fine Art W200 Design studies W300 Music W400 Drama W500 Dance W600 Cinematics and Photography W700 Crafts W800 Imaginative Writing W900 Others in Creative Arts and Design X Education X100 Training Teachers X200 Research and Study Skills in Education X300 Academic studies in Education X900 Others in Education Director of Study’s UoA code UoA REF 2014 UoA REF 2014 Descriptor 2 Public Health, Health Services & Primary Care 3 Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing & Pharmacy 4 Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience 5 Biological Sciences 7 Earth Systems & Environmental Sciences 10 Mathematical Sciences 11 Computer Science & Informatics 12 Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical & Manufacturing Engineering 13 Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Metallurgy & Materials 15 General Engineering 16 Architecture, Built Environment & Planning 17 Geography, Environmental Studies & Archaeology 19 Business & Management Studies 20 Law 21 Politics & International Studies 22 Social Work & Social Policy 23 Sociology 25 Education 26 Sport & Exercise Sciences, Leisure & Tourism 29 English Language & Literature 30 History 33 Theology & Religious Studies 34 Art & Design: History, Practice & Theory 36 Communication, Cultural & Media Studies, Library and Information Management Jan 2015 8