Room 12 Newsletter January 2014

Happy New Year All!
Mathematics & Numeracy Update
We worked hard to cover some
tricky Mathematics concepts last
term, we covered:
-Decimals (how a decimal is
constructed, place value, addition
and subtraction).
-Fraction (how a fraction is
constructed, equivalence and making
the link between decimals and
-Time, taught through a Christmas
This term we will be working on 3D
Shape, Measure, Angles, Bearings
and simple equations.
On a Tuesday pupils will be issued
with a homework tasks which links
back to concepts taught in terms
one and two. The purpose of this is
to make sure they do not forget
prior concepts. On a Thursday maths
homework will link with the concept
being taught in class.
Room 12 Newsletter
January 2014
As you will have seen, the pupils
have been issued with a specific
homework grid which details a
weekly outline for homework and
when it should be returned. I have
explained to the pupils that
homework will follow this format
for most of the term however
additional tasks will be issued, the
grid states the ‘core’ homework
Pupils will be issued with a
homework project in Term 3, they
will be expected to undertake
research and will be responsible
for completing their project at
home. They will be given advice
and support however they are
ultimately responsible. The focus
of the project will be ‘Child Labour
in China’ however you will receive
more information on this nearer
the time.
As always pupils are expected to
take full responsibility for keeping
their homework diaries up to date
and ensuring they have taken the
correct materials home with them.
Literacy Update
On the first week back pupils were
informally assessed for spelling,
the purpose of this was to help me
decide starting points for individual
pupil spelling programmes. Each
pupil has been given a Common
Word List, each week they will have
words to practice in school and at
home. They should practice these in
an active way, a list of activity
suggestions will be sent home this
week. Please feel free to engage
with your child as they practice
their spelling. I cannot stress
enough how important it is that
pupils practice their spelling on a
regular basis, I have asked pupils
to practice their words at least
three times a week.
Most of our Literacy and writing
this term will be taught through
our China topic.
There is a focus this term on
independent personal reading.
Pupils will be invited to select a
novel over the next week, this will
be their ‘home reading book.’ At
the end of February they will be
asked write a synopsis and book
review. They will then deliver a talk
to the class on their novel. I would
appreciate your support with this.
Four Capacity Awards!
Every month four pupils receive an award, the
rewards are issued based on the criteria for
Curriculum for Excellence Four Capacities.
Congratulations to the award winners for
Successful Learner: Josh Naylor
Effective Contributor: Kirsten Elliot
Confident Individual: Cameron Smyth
Responsible Citizen: Sophie Balneaves & Eve
Whiteside (joint award as both have
undertaken a role of responsibility recently).
Well Done Everyone!! You are superstars!
PE Kit Reminder
PE is on a Friday, can you please make sure
that your child brings kit to school? They
should bring kit which is suitable for indoor
and outdoor PE kit (indoor class shoes should
not be used for PE). As we move into the
winter months can you please ensure your
child has kit suitable for the outdoors?
Topic Update
Term 2: P6
P6 enjoyed working with Room 9 on a
Technology and art topic. They researched
the famous Scottish artist, ‘Charles Rennie
Mackintosh and looked at his influence on
architcture. The pupils decorated bird boxes
using Charles Rennie Mackkintosh as an
influence. The bird boxes were then
constructed, the P6 pupils were very proud
of their work in Term 2! Well done P6.
Term 2: P7
P7 got their teeth into the nitty gritty
subject of sectarianism in Term 2. They
examined the issue, the history of
sectarianism and the effect it has on
individuals, families and communities.
A real bonus of the project was the
opportunity for our Glenlee pupils to work
collaboratively, and make new friends with,
the P7 pupils of St Cuthberts.
The pupils are now flying the flag of
tolerance into a new generation!
Topic for Term 3
In term 3 the P6 & P7 pupils will be working
on the topic of China. Their will be lots of
opportunities for individual and collaborative
study into Ancient and modern China. As an
added bonus we hope to be working with two
teachers from China……exciting! Keep your
fingers crossed!
I would like to take this
as an opportunity to
remind all parents to
have a look at targets
sheets. If a pupil
receives a sanction they
are responsible for
writing, in their own
words, why they
received the sanction
and who issued it.
I fully appreciated all
of your support in
Terms 1 & 2 with
Assertive Discipline,
working together as a
team really benefits
the children.
I hope that all pupils
will be in attendance
for our first DVD and
popcorn afternoon of of
2014 on Friday 7th