The ten Commandments: An Islamic Perspective

The Ten Commandments:
An Islamic Perspective
Mahmoud Haddara
570 Prophet
Muhammad is born
595 Prophet Marries
610 First revelation
622 Hijrah to Medina
632 Death of Prophet
The Book
First revelation
Period of revelation
“Whoever does good whether male or
female and is a believer, We will most
certainly make him lead a happy life and
We will most certainly give them their
reward according to the best of their
Ten Commandments
“Say, Come I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: that
you don’t associate anything with Him; and show kindness to
your parents; and do not slay your children for fear of poverty We provide for you and for them – and do not come near
indecencies- those which are apparent as well as those which
are concealed-; and do not kill the soul which Allah has
forbidden except for the requirements of justice – this He has
enjoined you that you may understand -; And do not approach
the property of the orphan except in the best manner until
he/she attains his/her maturity; and give full measure and
weight with justice – We do not impose on any soul a duty
except to the extent of its ability-; and when you speak, then be
just though it be against a relative; and fulfill Allah’s covenant;
this He has enjoined you with that you may be mindful.[6:151152]
Ten Commandments
Don’t associate anything with Him
Show kindness to your parents
Do not slay your children for fear of poverty
Do not approach indecencies
Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except
for the requirements of justice
Do not approach the property of the orphan except
in the best manner
Give full measure and weight with justice
Be just though it be against a relative
Fulfill God’s covenant
Remain united on the Path of God and do not stray
from it
Don’t associate anything with
 Apparent
 Hidden
“Certainly Allah does not
forgive that anything
should be associated
with Him, and forgives
anything else for
whomsoever He
Show kindness to your parents
The meaning of
Do not slay your children for
fear of poverty
Family planning
Do not approach indecencies
 Apparent
 Hidden
Do not kill the soul which
Allah has forbidden except for
the requirement of justice
“Whosoever slays a
soul, unless it be
for murder or for
mischief in the
land, it is as
though he slew all
mankind” [5:32]
Do not approach the property
of the orphan except in the
best manner
“those who
consume the
property of the
unjustly, surely
they only
consume fire
into their
bellies,” [4:10]
Give full measure weight with
“Give a full measure
and do not be one of
those who diminish
And weigh things
with the right
balance” [26:181182]
Be just though it be against a
“O you who believe! Be maintainers of
justice, bearers of witness for Allah’s
sake, though it may be against your
own selves, or your parents or a near
relative; if he be rich or poor, Allah is
nearer to them both in compassion”
Fulfill Allah’s covenant
“And Fulfill the
promise” [17:34]
Remain United on the Path of
Importance of the
continuous individual
struggle for goodness