RS01 A3 Unit 2 – Matters of Life and Death

Matters of Life and Death
assisted suicide
immortality of the
the removal of a
foetus from the
womb before it can
providing a
seriously ill person
with the means to
commit suicide
the painless killing
of someone dying
from a painful
the idea that the
soul lives on after
the death of the
when someone
about to die has an
out of body
Muslims believe the body and
soul are separated at death.
They get reunited at judgement
and those whose good deeds
outnumber their bad go to
Those who bad deeds outweigh
their good go to hell until they
are purified.
They believe this because:
 On the cross Jesus said, ‘Today
you will be with me in paradise’
 The creeds speak of the
Communion of Saints, suggesting
they are in the afterlife.
Why do they believe this?
 Three key beliefs to be a Muslim
are Allah, Muhammad and
Akhirah (afterlife).
 Qur’an talks of the afterlife (and
the Qur’an was given directly to
Muhammad by Allah).
 Every prophet sent by Allah
(including Muhammad) spoke of
the afterlife.
Some people believe in life after death, even though they are not religious.
They may believe this because of:
Nothing happens
No evidence of an afterlife.
Mediums trick people / can be faked.
If the body dies and decays how can it be raised?
People have invented the idea to make themselves feel better about
In a scientific age we should let go of these outdated ideas.
quality of life
sanctity of life
unexplained things
which are thought
to have spiritual
causes eg ghosts,
the idea that life
must have some
benefits for it to be
worth living
the belief that, after
death, souls are
reborn in a new
the belief that, after
death, the body
stays in the grave
until the end of the
world when it is
the belief that life is
holy and belongs to
ending life
painlessly when
someone in great
pain asks for death
Pro-choice – belief that abortion should remain legal.
Pro-life – Campaigns to reduce or end abortion.
The UK Law - Legal up to 24 weeks if:
– Mother’s life is at risk
– Risk to physical/mental health of mother (social clause)
– Severe handicap
– Could affect other children in the family
Legal after 24 weeks if:
– Mother’s life is at risk
– Severe handicap
Ghosts – spirits live on after the body dies
Mediums – communicating with dead spirits
Reincarnation – After death the soul is reborn into another body
NDE’s – Experiences recalled by some people who have died and then be
resuscitated. Common elements are out of body experience a tunnel and
Some people do not believe in Life after death, and think there is nothing
when we die. They think this because:
What is it? What are the issues?
They believe this because:
 Jesus’ tomb was empty
 The creeds (key teachings)
emphasise a physical
Immortality of the soul – the soul
passes on to the afterlife as soon as
the body dies.
Christian View
Resurrection of the body – body
remains in the grave until the end of
time when it is raised up for
Muslim View
Non-religious view
Muslim View (One View)
Christian View (Two Views)
What happens when you die?
ending someone’s
life painlessly when
they are unable to
ask, but you have
good reason for
thinking they would
want you to do so
Roman Catholic and Evangelical Protestants = Abortion is always
Sanctity of life
God created life, only he can take it
Life begins at conception
6th commandment – do not kill
Other Protestants eg. Church of England = Abortion is wrong but
sometimes it may be the lesser of two evils.
Jesus said love your neighbour
Christian duty to remove suffering
May believe life begins at another point
Traditional view – Abortion is permitted before ensoulment.
Ensoulment (when soul enters the body) is 120 days
‘Whosoever has killed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all
mankind.’ Qur’an 5
Can happen after ensoulment if the mother’s life is at risk because:
– Foetus wouldn’t exist without her
– Her life is established
– She is part of a family
More relaxed view Also allowed if severe deformity, incest, unplanned,
Euthanasia – painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease.
– Voluntary – consent is provided
– Non-voluntary - consent cannot be provided (coma, child,
not in right state of mind)
Active - they die from additional intervention (eg lethal
Passive – they die from their condition, usually when
treatment is withdrawn.
Christians oppose Euthanasia because:
Life is sacred (a gift from God) and should be preserved.
Gen 1 - made in the image of God
6th Commandment – do not kill
God decides when we die
Christians believe all life is worth living, regardless of ‘quality’.
However, unnecessary and burdensome treatments can be
Muslims oppose Euthanasia because:
Qur’an teaches ‘When their time comes they cannot delay it for a
single hour nor can they bring it forward by a single hour.’
Life is sacred and given by Allah
Allah decides when someone dies
It is seen as suicide, which is not permitted
Suffering is a test
The idea of a life not worth living does not exist in Islam.
It is pleasing to Allah to care for the old and sick.