Personality Type Strengths - Ramp

The Power of Personality
11th Do What You Are #2
• 3 Politicians
– Powerful Personalities
• Learning More About Your Personality Type
• Personality Type Strengths
• Update Your Postsecondary Plan
3 Politicians: Powerful Personalities
• Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
– All of them have been very successful
• In different aspects of their life
– They possess many of the strengths
• One of them is a powerful personality
– However, their personalities are quite different
• But very effective in their own way
Ronald Reagan: Strengths
Optimistic and Cheerful
Balanced being compromising and uncompromising well
Articulate: The Great Communicator
– Could break down complex issues into clear messages
Hillary Clinton: Strengths
• Articulate
– Very different speaking style than President Reagan but
still communicates very well
• Determined
• Strong work ethic
• Pragmatic and Organized
Barack Obama: Strengths
• Analytical
– Is able consider many viewpoints and synthesize the
key information
• Passionate
• Honest and Shows Integrity
• Persistent
Group Activity: Common Traits
• What common and positive personality traits do
these three politicians share?
– Pick three prominent traits
Personality Type Video
• Watch the How to Understand Someone video
– Pay special attention to
• Examining personality types help us understand
ourselves and others better
• Personality type descriptions
What was your Myers-Briggs type?
Does each letter describe you well?
• Introvert vs. Extrovert
– Prefers inner vs. outer world
• Sensor vs. Intuitive
– Takes information in key constructs vs. interpreting and adding
meaning to information
• Thinker vs. Feeler
– Makes logical and consistent decision vs. makes decisions based
on relationships and circumstances
• Judger vs. Perceiver
– Likes things decided vs. leaving things open-ended
Personality Type: Strengths #1
Personality Type: Strengths #1
Personality Type: Strengths #1
Personality Type: Strengths
• Read the description of your Myers-Briggs code on
the Personality Type Strengths document
• Write answers to the following questions
– What are your top 5 strengths for your personality type?
– How do those strengths help you?
Pair and Share: Stories
• Tell your partner a one-minute story about one
of the two topics below
– My favorite classes and why
– My favorite things to do after school and why
Pair and Share: Personality Traits
• Tell your partner your 4 letter Myers-Briggs code
• Your partner will review the list of strengths for
your personality type
– And guess which strengths they think most pertain to
you and why
– Disclose the five strengths you picked
• Reverse the roles with your partner
College Success Tips Video
• Watch the Bronx Princess: Sharing College
Success Tips video
– Pay special attention to
• How her personality helps her be successful in college
College Success Tips
• Culture Shock
– Take advantage of the opportunity to make friends with
people from your own and different cultures
– Choose friends who are positive influences
• Working with Professors
– They may be intimidating but are very willing to help
• Balance Your Time
– Between studying and positive social activities
– Follow schedule: Have a set daily time for fun and studying
• Keep Your Family in the Loop
– They can be a good support
College: Personal/Social Issues
• Personal/Social issues in college cause many students
to not do well academically
• Most problematic issues reported by college students
– Not studying enough: Have difficulty handling the
responsibility of the increased free time
– Partying too much: Do not pick positive friends, abuse drugs
and alcohol, get into trouble because of underage drinking,
do not balance studying and having fun well
– Falling behind and then getting stressed out
College Success and
The Power of Personality
• However, many students do a great job in college
– Do well academically and enjoy free time
• Your personality strengths can be a powerful tool in
helping you reach your postsecondary aspirations
• List how you think your personality strengths will help
you be a successful college student
Update Postsecondary Plan
Update Your Postsecondary Plan
• Strengths Section
– List personality strengths that will be a powerful
tools to help you reach your Postsecondary
• What personality
strengths that will be
powerful tools to help
you reach your