• Access to a FOREX Coach to clarify understanding
• 11 Course topics, develop winning Trading Strategies.
• Each session increases confidence and build more profitable
trading patterns
• Assist you to improve more rapidly and efficiently.
• Creates dynamic, topic driven, study environment participants
advance at own pace, while benefiting from group.
• Implement advanced trading content to facilitate a deeper
understanding of the concepts being taught.
Benefits of Group Coaching
• Pre- Selected Topics –Students typically need help
with are covered in greater detail.
• Coaching Assignments - Provides accountability
and clearer understanding.
• Enhanced Learning - Student interaction with
coach/participants via private web chat room
sessions. Feedback is KEY!
• Mentoring - keeps you progressing on the right
track, and increases your insight faster than you
would do on your own.
Benefits of Group Coaching
• Access to Advanced Trading Content - not
available in our trading courses. More detailed
than the video courses can be.
• Fresh Resource Material - (Never seen by our
students before)
 Actual screen shots of live trades
 Written plans and video formats
 Live webinars and recordings for review
• Low Cost Alternative - to individual coaching.
• Alternative Inner Circle Access – Prepares you to
contribute inside this Elite Group.
• Lifetime Access to Sessions - Members can repeat
group sessions for life.
Session Topics
Session 1: CDC Setup / Understanding CDC***
Session 2: Alerts NA EB TA
Session 3: Zone Trade Strategy***
Session 4: Leg 2 Strategy***
Session 5: Trading Multiple Time Frames/ 5 Alarm
Session 6: Mega Trade / Watch List Creation
Session 7: Sweeping the Trend
Session 8: Exit Strategies
Session 9: Candy Bar
Session 10: Money / Risk Management
* Prerequisite courses required for the SNIPER STRATEGY
Session 1 –
Convergence Divergence Congruence
Learn to know when a trend is coming to an end.
Recognize the difference between a Conv. or Div.
setup versus a Camelback set up.
Time an entry using the CDC set up.
This is the main tools in recognizing trend strength
as well as the foundation for the SNIPER.
Session 1 –
What CDC Will Do For You
• A guide telling when a trend is slowing or is
coming to an end.
• Helps you to be in tune with the market and set-up
potential for a counter trend trade.
• “Gain earlier entries to get more pips per trade,
and get the most out of what the market will give”
• Trade momentum and price action at the same
Session 2 –
Using The Norwood, Trend, and Early
Bird Alerts to Profit Big Time
• Save time and energy with these tools.
• Understand how they are used.
• Learn how the Alerts bring trade
opportunities to you.
• STOP spending hours in front of the computer
searching charts for trades second guessing
Session 2 - Benefits of Using ALERTS
• Less time in front of the computer.
• Alerts find “high probability set-ups” so
you can focus on trade management.
• Allows you to do other things.
• Makes it possible to work full time,
or live life YOUR WAY and still trade.
Session 3 –
Zone Trade for Consistency
The Zone trade will INCREASE YOUR
CONFIDENCE to choose high probability
• Reduces the emotion in trading.
• Improves consistency in trading
Session 3 –
The ZONE TRADE Keeps You Safe
• Learn to always trade in the direction of
the trend.
• It is an easy and low stress trading
• Very simple strategy to learn.
• Develops patience and discipline
Session 4 –
Leg 2 Strategy
• When Leg 1 ends and Leg 2 confirms, get
ready to haul the pips home in a truck.
• Leg 2 generally produces more pips with
one of the best risk / reward ratios in our
•Learn how to spot it to increase your odds
of winning more trades.
Session 4 - Benefits of Spotting Leg 2
• Spot these market cycles with confirmation
and you will greatly increase your accuracy
and confidence.
• Make more pips per trade remember you
are in a “high probability” portion of trend.
• Effortless trading.
• …tune in with what the market will give.
Session 5 –
Three Time Frames and 5Alarm
+ defined entries + multiple time
+ confirming direction = successful trades
5 Alarm Setups
Session 5 - Advantages of Multiple
Time Frames and 5 Alarm Trades
Multiple time frames will help you to:
• Identify the True Trends
• Confirm and time the best entry/exits
• Keeps you out of poor performing trades
• Keeps false entry signals to a minimum or
cuts loses
• Gives you a more mechanical trading
Session 6 –
Mega Trades/ Watch Lists/ Simulated Trading
• Simulated Trading keeps you sharp to changes
in market conditions.
• Creating a Watch List gives you a clear
perspective of the market.
• Mega Trading (large Pip Count trading) is only
one benefit of Watch listing the market.
Session 6 –
Value of Mega Trades And Watch Lists
• Spotting Mega Trades signals will give you
earlier entry signals,
• Once a Mega trade is entered, that pair is
Watch Listed for potential add-on entries.
• This is key to increasing trend profits.
Session 6 –
Value of Mega Trades And Watch Lists
• Watch Lists help to keep your attention on
the currencies that are setting up to
• Watch Lists can be used on any time
frame, giving you unlimited opportunities
for indentifying high probability trades.
• Trade Simulation can help you spot these
very high probability trades and help you
develop strategies for “large” profit
Session 7 –
Trend Sweeping Using Add-ons and Alerts
• When you take a Mega Trade entry and
Sweep the trend, your Profits will soar!
• Spotting additional entry signals within the
trend is the skill taught in this course.
• These strategies and the Alerts make this
trading easy, FUN, and profitable!
Session 7 - More Pips By Sweeping A Trend
• “Capable Trader” level. You will learn to increase
your pip count by double, triple, or more in a single
simple trend.
• Maximize the return on your trading account and
your time. Fewer hours spent trading for more pips
• Increase profits per hour of trade time.
• Expert Level traders have mastered this skill.
***So must you if you are going to trade full time.
Session 8 –
Exit Strategies/Manual Trailing Stop
Trading Experts agree that your exits and trade management
strategies are more important to your success as a trader,
than having a perfect entry.
• Many trading systems don’t have exact exit signals.
• In our course we will teach you every proven
combination you can use to increase your trading
profits. There are many trade exit strategies to choose
Session 8 - Benefits of Good Exits
• Learning where to exit is more important than
entering a trade.
• Your MONEY is either won or lost by your exit.
• Learn to use:
• Our Trading Tools and Strategies
• Using time frames for timing perfect exits
• Indicator setups
• Exit strategies are how you become masterful in
the art and science of trading !!!!!!!!
Session 9 –
Candy Bar
The Candy Bar trade is the sweetest spot to
enter a trade.
This setup is where we look at “price bar action”
for entries.
• It is one of the safest trades you can take with
the highest reward, because it is a “high
probability” trend reversal price bar pattern.
Session 9 –
Benefits of the Candy Bar - Sweet Trade
• A Candy Bar trade is one of the safest,
and risk free trades you can take due
to its’ consistency over and over again.
• You can take them on many different
time frames, when ever you spot
them, to maximize account growth.
• This makes them an ideal add-on trade
for sweeping the trend.
Session 10 –
Money Management/ Risk Management/ Trading
Plans & Journaling
• Proper trade management will help your account grow.
*This includes both winning and loosing trades.
• Improper trade management is what the loosing 95% of
retail traders have mastered.
• You will either live by or die by your Rules, and your Trade
Management philosophy.
Session 10 - Risk Management
One Aspect of All Successful Traders
• Risk Management are those things you do prior
to entering the trade to make it profitable.
• Proper Risk Management is what allows you to
keep what you earn and become a profitable
Session 10 - Risk Management
One Aspect of All Successful Traders
• Keys aspects of Risk Management include:
Stop Loss and Profit Taking Strategy
Contract Size
Exact Rules You follow (every time – no exceptions)
Trading Plan
A Knowledge of Your Trade History or Stats
A complete system that you have confidence in
Session 11 Sniper/Striker Course
• The Sniper/Striker Zone Strategies provides the
earliest entry, highest probability and best risk /
reward ratio in our current strategies list.
 The following courses are prerequisites that you must
have before being eligible to participate in the SNIPER
Strategy Course.
1. Understanding Convergence/ Divergence/
Congruence Setup and Importance of CDC
2. Zone Trade Strategy
3. Leg 2 Strategy
Session 11 Benefits of the Sniper/Striker Course
• Time entries more accurately at the lowest risk
level, and earliest points.
• Both entries and exits are governed by the Early
Bird signal. THIS IS A HUGE TIME SAVER. As well
as maximizing your profitability.
• Uses all the aspects of the Nth Degree Plus System
with precision in the market.
• Manage trades with the complete trend in mind
Inner Circle Activity
Inner Circle Activity
[11:40:20 AM] Robert/Lisa: It is only through great leadership that we learn. With everyone's input it is the way to truly
succeed. Also your wisdom and the understanding of how things work is what we all look forward to being...
How Group Coaching Works…
• The group will meet for the appointed meeting, each session,
to cover the materials, ask questions, and receive assignments.
How Group Coaching Works…
• The group will meet for the appointed meeting, each session,
to cover the materials, ask questions, and receive assignments.
• Assignments will be posted and follow up will be handled in a
private chat room designed for each sessions’ topic.
How Group Coaching Works…
• The group will meet for the appointed meeting, each session,
to cover the materials, ask questions, and receive assignments.
• Assignments will be posted and follow up will be handled in a
private chat room designed for each sessions’ topic.
• Experiential learning is the key component in the group
coaching environment. You will interact with fellow students, as
well as your coach, to help facilitate mastery of the concepts
being taught.
How Group Coaching Works…
• The group will meet for the appointed meeting, each session,
to cover the materials, ask questions, and receive assignments.
• Assignments will be posted and follow up will be handled in a
private chat room designed for each sessions’ topic.
• Experiential learning is the key component in the group
coaching environment. You will interact with fellow students, as
well as your coach, to help facilitate mastery of the concepts
being taught.
• Trading with the group, and keeping the trading course specific
details in mind, will help guide students to find success and
mastery of the trading strategies.
How Group Coaching Works…
• The group will meet for the appointed meeting, each session,
to cover the materials, ask questions, and receive assignments.
• Assignments will be posted and follow up will be handled in a
private chat room designed for each sessions’ topic.
• Experiential learning is the key component in the group
coaching environment. You will interact with fellow students, as
well as your coach, to help facilitate mastery of the concepts
being taught.
• Trading with the group, and keeping the trading course specific
details in mind, will help guide students to find success and
mastery of the trading strategies.
• The overall objective of each session is to assist the student to
increase her / his confidence and develop a more profitable
trading pattern.
Pay as you go Per Session - {Select Any Topic(s) of Your Choice}
Understanding CDC $125 ***
Using The Alerts to Maximize Profits $125
Zone Trading Strategy $125 ***
Leg 2 Strategy $125 ***
Trading Multiple Time Frames / 5 Alarm - $125
Mega Trade / Watch List Creation $125
Sweeping The Trend $125
Exit Strategies $125
Candy Bar Trade $125
Money and Risk Management $125
Your Total Package Price =
*** Means This Course is Required to Obtain the Sniper/Striker Strategies
One Time Pay for All 11 Sessions Option
• Total Package Price for 11 Courses =
Sniper / Striker Strategies Only
• 3 Preliminary Courses Purchased in Bundle = $330
• Sniper / Striker Strategy Course
= $300
• Total Sniper Striker Package (4 Courses) = $630
FIRST COURSE STARTS DECEMBER 12th, 2012 Don’t Get Left Behind!!!!
To Get Started Right Now:
Logon to forexprofitclassroom.org with your
username and password.
On the Home Page, Click the Coaching Button,
and Click on the link for Group Coaching.
Select your session or group of sessions and fill
out the order form.
Make sure to click on “Continue Shopping” button
in accordance with the instructions on the order
form site before opening another course order
Check Your Options and Get Questions
Contact Our Student Advisor for Counsel On
How to Get Started
Call (888)320-9353 ext. 802