Galvanic Current - Cosmetic Therapy Training Center

Galvanic Current
Vickie Mickey, CT,CLHRP
What is Galvanic Current?
• Galvanic (electrolysis) is a modality of
permanent hair removal using direct current
with the positive and negative poles that
causes the production of caustic lye in the hair
follicle, which in turn causes the hair’s
• 19th century women inserted unsterile needles
into the hair follicle to remove, tweezed the
hair, in order to produce inflammation that
they believed would seal the hair follicle
• Sulphuric acid applied to the skin and
hypodermic injections of carbolic acid were
attempted to removal hair
• Twisting of a bulb needle in to the follicle was
another attempt to remove hair
• 1875 Dr. Charles Michel introduced galvanic
current into a ingrown eyelash
• From this day forward electrolysis (including
thermolysis and blend modalities) has been
the only permanent hair
• Galvanic current is basically a chemical
How Galvanic Electrolysis Works
• Galvanic current is DC, that is current that
moves in only one direct
• DC in a saline solution causes the separation
and rearranges of chemical components
• Water (H20) and sodium chloride (NaCL)
become sodium hydroxide or lye
• The galvanic machine is turned on, the AC is
turned into DC with the rectifier when the
needle is introduced into the hair follicle
Effects of Galvanic Lye on Tissue
• Skin is not affected in the same way as the
experiment we have just completed
• The tissue is only affected where the where
there is moisture
• The moisture gradient is best in the lower
portion of the hair follicle where the blood
supply is connected to the follicle
• Additionally, the sebaceous gland protects the
upper portion of the hair follicle with sebum
Needle Depth & Current Intensity
• The reading on the millammeter will vary
according to the depth of insertion into the
• Deeper insertions permit higher intensity of
galvanic current
• With the information – what would be the best
type of hair to treat with galvanic current
• During multiple needles treatments all needle
must be the same length and inserted into the
deepest point of the follicle to be effective
Components of the Galvanic Epilator
• Rheostat – controls current levels
• Milliamperemeter – indicates current level in
• Power source – AC
• 2 electrodes – needle holder is the negative
pole and the ground is the positive pole
How it works
• When the needle is inserted into the tissue
negative pole produces alkali, sodium
• The positive pole produces an acid –
hydrochloric acid
• Student should not be concerned about
reversing poles with modern equipment, it
will not permit tattooing
Concentrated Effects
• Needle diameter is of importance to the
reduction of hair growth
• Use a needle that is the same size as the hair
to be removed during the treatment, it
reduces pain and affords proper flow of
current a the tip
• Select a needle that will reach the depth of
the follicle
Procedure for Setting Up Equipment
• Place clean sterile needle in sanitized needle
holder – do not touch needles while inserting
in machine
• Area of tissue to be treated should be
disinfected with alcohol
• Select a needle of proper length and needle
size – usually you will use .004 - .006
• Set galvanic rheostat control to zero
Procedures for Setting Up Equipment
• Step on galvanic footswitch, advance rheostat
until current read 2/10 0f a millampere
• Continue the current until testing of hair with
tweezers releases hair from follicle
• Remove needle from follicle as you have
reached your desired destruction of follicle
Procedures for Setting Up Equipment
• Examine the root of the epilated hair
• Do you need to adjust depth of insertion?
• Reinsert the needle into a like type of hair, if the
patient found the first application tolerable,
advance the current to 3/10, reduces time of
treatment per hair
• Current X Time = lye production
• Further steps may permit increasing current in
increments – the more current the patient can
tolerate the faster the hair can removed
• To destroy tissue and achieve proper
treatment, naturally pain will occur
• No pain indicates – no issue destruction
• Find a working point that is tolerable to the
• Constantly communicate with patient in
regards to comfort level
Interpreting the Epilated Hair
• The first hair may not be perfect – one with
bulb and root sheath intact
• Remember this is only your first attempt!
• You must find your working point or setting
Types of Hairs
• Every hair is in a different growth stage
• Hairs can only be treated in anagen
• Hair that is epilated properly the hair will side
out of the follicle without resistance