
State of mind
Leshya is state of mind
Story time 
• Once there were six friends, who were going on a
• Along the way, they got lost in a forest.
• After a while they were hungry and thirsty.
• They searched for the food for sometime, and finally
found a fruit tree.
• As they ran to the tree …………..
the first man said,
"Let’s cut the tree
down and get the
The second one said,
"Don’t cut the whole
tree down, cut off a
big branch instead."
The third friend said,
"Why do we need a
big branch? A small
branch has enough
The fourth one said,
"We do not need to cut
the branches, let us just
climb up and get the
bunches of the fruit."
The fifth man said,
"Why pick those many
fruit and waste them,
instead just pick the fruit
that we need to eat."
The sixth friend said
"There are plenty of
good fruit on the
ground, so let’s just eat
them first."
Our state of mind becomes our action
State of mind
Krishna (Black) Leshya
Worst 
Neel (Blue) Leshya
Kapot (Brown) Leshya
Tejo (Brown) Leshya
Padma (Yellow) Leshya
Shukla (White) Leshya
Best 
Krishna Leshya
• No compassion or mercy
• Everyone afraid of them as their anger turns
into violence
• Burn with jealousy
• Ill-will for everyone
• Filled with animosity and malice
• Don’t believe in religion
• Anyone dies in this state of mind goes to hell
Neel Leshya
Proud and Lazy
Unreliable and people avoid their company
Avoid religious discourses
Anyone dies in this state of mind is reborn as
Kapot Leshya
Sad and gloomy
Find faults in others
Showing revengeful spirit
Boast about themselves
Become excited over small matters
Lack mental balance
Anyone dies in this state of mind is reborn as
bird or animal
Tejo Leshya
Careful about their actions
Discriminate between good and evil
Know the difference between right and wrong
Help others
Religious and live harmonious life
Anyone dies in this state of mind is reborn as
Human Being
Padma Leshya
Very kind
Very helpful to others
Forgive everyone even their enemies
Observe some austerities
Vigilant at keeping vows till their last breath
Remain unaffected with Joys and sorrows
Anyone dies in this state of mind is reborn as
Celestial being
Shukla Leshya
• First Level
1. Observe Non-violence, truth, non-stealing,
celibacy and non-attachment
2. Trustworthy
3. Treat other soul as their own soul
4. No ill feelings, even for enemies
5. Remain calm even if someone abuses them
6. Anyone dies in this state of mind is reborn
as Human or Celestial being
Shukla Leshya
• Second Level
No Attachment or hatred
Treat everyone alike
Don’t become happy or sad
No ill feelings, even for enemies
State of mind is PUREST
6. Anyone dies in this PERFECTED state of
mind will be liberated from the cycle of death
and birth
• Why do we need to learn about Leshya
• Does our state of mind changes or remain same
all the time?
• Do we go through the rollercoaster of different
Leshya throughout the day?
• How can I apply this information in my day to day
• What are the names of Good Leshyas?
• What are the names of Bad Leshyas?
• What effort can I make to stay in good Leshya?
• Illustrate and Write a story that describes at
least three different state of mind
• Bring color pencil, markers and black ball
point pen with you for project
Story Time 
• Page number from 302 book
Project Time
• Lets build our own Leshya - chutes and ladder
• Play Leshya - Chutes and Ladders with your