History of Inventions

History of Inventions
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Warm Up: Which Came First?
Read about the two inventions below and click after
the question mark to type your answer. Which came
Then go to next slide.
 Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola was originally
formulated as a medicinal tonic;
it included caffeine, coca leaf,
and a secret ingredient (probably
nutmeg). A few years after its
invention, the formula was sold
and the new owner began
offering it as a bulk syrup, to be
combined with gas—the
bubbles—and sold at soda
fountains. Untold billions of
Cokes have been consumed
since then.
 Subway
After the horse-drawn streetcar,
the railroad, and the elevated
railroad, the logical place for mass
transit to go was underground.
The first subway was built in
London; within a few decades,
every truly big city had one.
Answer: The subway. The first subway
line opened in London on January 10,
1863. The cars were pulled by steam
engines that produced noxious gases; still,
it was a great success.
Coca-Cola was created in 1886 by John
Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta.
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Which came first?
 Instant Photography
When his daughter asked why
she couldn't see a picture he
had just taken, Edwin Land
began working on an instant
photography system. His
solution, worked out over
seven years and refined for
decades, sandwiched all the
necessary chemicals into one
sheet of photo paper. The first
instant pictures were blackand-white and appeared in
about 60 seconds.
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 Instant Coffee
Instant coffee was invented
twice: first by a single chemist,
then by the giant Swiss
company Nestle. The chemist
saw that coffee vapors
condensed as a powder; this
powder could be mixed with
water to make coffee. Later,
Nestle sought to help Brazil
find a market for its surplus
coffee. The solution was
instant coffee, freeze-dried,
rather than powdered, and
made on an industrial scale.
 Answer: Instant coffee. Nestle's mass-produced
coffee first hit the market in the late 1930s and
became popular after World War II. (The first
instant "joe" was actually made around 1909.)
Modern instant photography was unveiled in
1948 by Edwin Land, founder of Polaroid.
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Your Turn
Now it’s your turn to check out some
You will use the websites found on the
upcoming slide to research and record
6 inventions.
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You will be able to type your notes on the
3 slides after the websites.
When you need to make notes, minimize
the website, click esc on the keyboard
(this will put you back on the PowerPoint
so that you may type). Then you can click
back to the website from the bottom of the
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– View Show in order to open the link.
History of Inventions’ Sites
Invention Facts
Invention Timeline
Additional Info (many links)
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Invention #1
Invention #2
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Notes slide: Click to begin typing.
Invention #3
Invention #4
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Notes slide: Click to begin typing.
Invention #5
Invention #6
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Now you will take the information you
gathered and create a timeline of your
 Click on the following links and follow the
 Work on this link cannot be saved. So you will
need to complete all the typing in one session.
 Raise your hand when you are ready to print
your timeline.
 You will need to go to Slide Show – View
Show to open the link.
 Interactive Timeline site
 Vertical Timeline site